

2017-10-23 Justin 孟庆伟英文写作

今天突然收到一封邮件,发件人是 Google Maps, 邮件主题是“Your review is making a difference”. 


Google Maps 邮件截图

这两个点赞把这条评论顶到了 Most Helpful Reviews 的前几条。但我忍不住叹息:两年多过去了,还有人从加拿大驻纽约领事馆条目下的 150+ 条评论中发现了我的评论,看到有共鸣还给我点赞,这说明领事馆的服务体验根本没有提升啊。

加拿大驻纽约领事馆在 Google Maps 上的评分截图


I filed my visitor visa online application nearly FOUR months (113 days) ago and was confirmed right away the application was complete. I haven't heard anything from them since. The average processing time for this type of visa at this consulate is 42 days. They never replied to my case-specific enquiry and my complaint also went unnoticed. There is utterly no way of getting in touch with them. This is the most dysfunctional consulate I have ever dealt with. It is in fact even worse than immigration services in some war-torn countries. It's not worth the try.

I am no longer interested in visiting a country that is so irresponsive to visitors/guests and so inept in handling regular services. I could keep trying, but I won't. I feel extremely uncomfortable sending them my passport, even if my case does finally get processed, for you never know how long it takes for the passport to be mailed back, which may affect my international travel plans. 

For people who are considering applying to Canadian visitor visas, here are some tips.

1) If you are planning sight-seeing in Canada,  look for alternatives--for instance, the US has plenty to offer as far as sight-seeing goes. Or if you have immigration plans (not to Canada) in the future, you may first become a resident or citizen of a country that Canada doesn't require visas. 

2) If you have to go to Canada, let's say, attending weddings or seeing friends, be patient, I mean really patient, and be psychologically prepared

3) Plan far far ahead, say six months at least. 

4) Don't take the average processing time seriously (as my case testifies). 

5) Try not to fly airlines that have stopovers in Canada, as they require a transit visa, whose processing may take just as long as a visitor visa. 

Finally, good luck! 




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题图:Maple leaf, www.macleans.ca







