
单词回顾 | 他们都是如何用“last”和“trouble”造句的?

2017-05-18 Justin 孟庆伟英文写作



写句子之余,我也学到了很多。韩国银行2008年的一项调查表明,日本百年老店有超过2.1万家,千年老店也有近十家。句子里的这家名为 Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan 的日本温泉酒店有超过1300年的历史,先后由52代后人经营管理。希望这个例子能把“last”这个词的意思刻在读者的印象中。


1. Human beings are mortal, but the spiritual heritages they create never vanish. Instead, they last.


2. This country's sustainable development can hardly last under the present inappropriate exploitation system, even though it's natural resources abound.

点评:这句中用了“abound”和“last”两个“每日一词计划”中的单词。建议删掉“sustainable”,换成“unsustainable”修饰后面的“exploitation system”。微调如下:

This country's development can hardly last under the present unsustainable exploitation system, even though its natural resources abound.

3. Literary works abound throughout the Chinese history, but only classics last.

点评:Flawless. Classic. 

4. Only the paranoids last, be it persons or corporations.

点评:这句的灵感应该来自英特尔前 CEO Andy Grove 的管理畅销书 Only the Paranoid Survive. 可以顺便体会“last”和“survive”在这个语境中的语义重合度。

5. One’s youth will last as long as he keeps curious about the unknown.

点评:喜欢这个对青年的定义。写作时有时候需要给关键词或概念下定义,这句话就是个很好的例子。下定义的句式可以很灵活,可以在平时的阅读中注意积累。Stay young. Stay hungry. Stay foolish. 


1. China has been troubled by the worsening air quality recent years. Although the authorities claim the causes of smog are complicated and vary greatly from place to place, slings and arrows towards its tardy reaction abound. It seems that problem will long remain.

点评:这句话用到了“每日一词计划”中的多个单词:trouble, vary, abound, remain. Great job!  

“slings and arrows”这个表 49 30227 49 14940 0 0 1719 0 0:00:17 0:00:08 0:00:09 3177达用得非常生动、贴切,也体现了作者的语言积累和驾驭能力。注意“recent years”前面缺了介词“in”. 

2. Thousands of Chinese college students are troubled by 'mute English' after studying it for many years.


3. Opinions vary from person to person. In my view, if you chose to have an easy job in your youth and be satisfied with it, you would be troubled by lacking of adequate skills in your middle age, especially in modern society, where robots would eventually replace many kinds of repetitive work.


Opinions vary from person to person. In my view, if you choose to have an easy job in your youth and be satisfied with it, you would be troubled by lacking/lack of adequate skills in your middle age, especially in modern society, where robots would eventually replace many kinds of repetitive work.

4. A large number of girls are troubled by their weight, although in boys' view they are slim enough.


5. Sony has been troubled by its plummeting revenues, hoping a restructuring will help.

点评:很棒的句子,用到了“trouble”和刚刚学过的“help”. “plummet”和“restructuring”也用的很好。一个句子可以看得出作者的学习意识和能力。Keep it up!





单词回顾 | 他们都是如何用“help”造句的?

单词回顾 | 他们都是如何用“abound”造句的?

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