
单词回顾 | 他们都是如何用“abound”造句的?

2017-05-15 Justin 孟庆伟英文写作

学会“abound”这个词,就可以愉快告别“there are a lot...”和“be full of”了。


1. Phenomena of students cheating in exams in today's universities abound, but I am bound to stick to my principles.


2. By watching the hit India movie, I realize that sexual discrimination also abound in our society.


By watching the hit Indian movie Dangal, I realized that sexual discrimination also abounds in our society. 

3. Colorful bikes that users can rent on demand with a smartphone app and then park wherever they choose abound on the city streets around the country.


Colorful bikes, which users can rent on demand with a smartphone app and then park wherever they choose, abound on the city streets around the country.

4. Rumors abound as to the reasons for President Trump fired former FBI director Comey.


1) Rumors abound as to the reasons President Trump fired former FBI director Comey.

2) Rumors abound as to why President Trump fired former FBI director Comey. 

5. Since South Korea has planned to build missile-against system, which could protect the area from missile attack, protests from China abound.


Since South Korea has planned to build a missile defense system, which could protect the area from missile attack but pose security threats to China, protests from China abound.

6. The articles on Mother's Day abound in my Wechat Moment today.

点评:很应景,“abound”确实可以有“刷屏”的意思。Good job!

7. Although English-learning materials abound, chances are slim that English can be mastered without perservance and hard work.

点评:很棒的句子。“chances are slim that”是很好用的句型,值得学会。“英语学习资料”可以说“learning materials for English”或“materials for English learning”.

8. Frauds by mobile messages abound in our country. / In Shenzhen migrant workers abound. / Nowadays government corruption abounds in China.


9. Bangbang brigade abounded during the 1970s in Chongqing.

点评:作者是重庆人?这句中写的是重庆的棒棒军,我是读何伟的《江城》才知道这个群体的。建议“bangbang brigade”加引号,因为英文中本身没有这个表达。

10. Metropolises such as Beijing and Shanghai abound with job opportunities.

点评:“abound with”就相当于“be full of”. 不管是在口语还是写作中,这个表达都比“There are many...”和“be full of”更优。

到现在已经练习了四个精选词(vary, count, remain 和 abound), 有没有觉得自己的表达能力突然间提升了一截?




单词回顾 | 他们都是如何用“vary”造句的?

单词回顾 | 他们都是如何用“count”造句的?

单词回顾 | 他们都是如何用“remain”造句的?

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