

服务创新的 上海张江创新学院 2024-06-27

Zhangjiang Industry Innovation Alliance


Zhangjiang Industry Innovation Alliance, an alliance and practical platform jointly built by Shanghai Zhangjiang (Group) Co., Ltd. and more than 70 colleges and universities, financial and investment institutions, companies from various industries and sci-tech service-oriented institutions, is committed to linking high-quality industry-university-research resources at home and abroad, investing and incubating new sci-tech achievements, and transferring and transforming sci-tech achievements.  


Zhangjiang Industry Innovation Alliance held an unveiling ceremony on October 28, 2022

愿 景 目 标 Vision & Goals


Based on the abundant resources of sci-tech innovation ecological elements of Zhangjiang Science City, an area in Pudong New Area, Shanghai, Zhangjiang Industry Innovation Alliance (hereinafter referred to the Alliance) aims to create a source of industrial innovation covering a wide area, make use of the international advantages of Zhangjiang, pool outstanding talents at home and abroad, and promote the cross-border circulation and transformation of sci-tech achievements.

With a focus on the foundation of industries in Zhangjiang, the Alliance empowers the transfer and transformation of sci-tech achievements from 0 to 1 with innovation factors in Zhangjiang, and continuously introduces "living water from the source" for the sci-tech innovation ecology and injects "fresh blood" for industrial innovation and development


The Alliance strives to grow into a characteristic leader in building an innovation ecosystem and industrial empowerment system in Zhangjiang Science City in three to five years, and become an influential "platform fulcrum" and "ecological node" of sci-tech innovation

功 能 定 位 Functions & Roles






The Alliance is a functional platform relying on the national strategic scientific and technological strength to enhance the vitality of the innovation ecology, targeting at playing the following roles, or "Five Cs" for short: 

Connection - a powerful connector of innovative resources

Concept-proofing - an efficient validator of innovative concepts

Commercialization - a transformation broker for innovative achievements

Co-education - an arena for training innovative talents

Consultation - a high-end consultant for the innovation ecosystem

产 品 体 系 Product System


With a focus on industrial heavyweights, colleges and universities, and innovation at the source, the Alliance actively links the advantageous resources of innovation, industry, capital and service, and creates a series of products around the source transformation of original innovation, such as "Achievement Show" - Roadshow for Sci-tech Achievements from Universities, "Alumni Sect" - University Alumni Brand Activities, "Education Sect" - Technology / Business Training Courses, and "Angel Fund" - Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation Fund.  

共 建 单 位 Partners


Joining hands with more than 70 universities and research institutes, over 100 venture capital institutions, over 10 intellectual property and technology transfer service-oriented institutions, over 40 university alumni associations and sci-tech innovation non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and more than 100 top enterprises from various industries, Zhangjiang Industry Innovation Alliance builds a systematic and functional platform from the supply of technological achievements, investment in innovative projects, demand of enterprises from various industries, transformation and incubation services.   

活 动 空 间 Venues


Roadshow hall and meeting rooms





Please scan the QR code and follow our WeChat accountAddress: No.69 Zhangjiang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China

