
ReviveR 再生 | MVRDV新展即将开幕,关注儿童友好视角下的“城市更新”

12月6日,MVRDV新展将在改造的深圳妇儿大厦开幕。展览名为 《ReviveR 再生》,妇儿大厦的建筑作为核心元素之一,与 26 个MVRDV的代表项目共同呈现。策展理念强调了好玩、社交、有趣的环境对所有年龄段的人的重要性,以及重复利用废旧的建筑和材料以减少碳排放的必要性。

OnDecember 6th, a new exhibition of MVRDV’s work will open in the recentlytransformed Shenzhen Children & Women Building. Named ReviveR, the exhibitionwill feature the host building as one of its core elements, positionedalongside another 26 key MVRDV projects that share thematic connections. Thecuratorial concept emphasises the importance of playful, social, funenvironments for people of all ages and the need to reuse outdated buildingsand materials to reduce carbon emissions.

图片 Image: © 夏至

深圳妇儿大厦以色彩缤纷的立面系统为这座始建于二十世纪九十年代的建筑赋予了新的生命,体现了循环经济下的建筑转型。《ReviveR 再生》展览将改造后的妇儿大厦定位为一种宣言:“如果对所有现有建筑追求类似的有趣、社会性和可持续的改造,我们的城市会是什么样子?

Withits colourful, chunky window frames helping to give new life to a flawedstructure from the 1990s, the Shenzhen Children & Women Building exemplifiesa circular-economy approach to architecture. The ReviveR exhibitionpositions the renovated building as a kind of manifesto, asking “what would ourcities look like if we pursued similarly playful, social, and sustainabletransformations of all existing buildings?”

图片 Image: © 夏至

策展通过三个视角对这句宣言进行延伸:有些项目改造了现有建筑和环境,例如地拉那金字塔和双子塔住宅;有些项目则体现 MVRDV 大胆、童心的设计语言,例如慕尼黑的12号工厂和垂直村落;以及MVRDV在亚洲地区的项目,例如天津滨海图书馆和上海的兰桂骐农业科技研发总部。展览的中心是七个“核心项目”,代表了所有三个类别,包括深圳妇儿大厦、台南河乐广场、首尔路7017高架桥改造、深圳南头if工厂、上海宝格丽中国旗舰店、杭州未来艺术科技中心和上海西岸梦中心改造。

Thecurated designs explore this idea through three lenses: there are projects thattransform existing buildings, such as the Pyramid of Tirana and Frøsilo;projects that exemplify MVRDV’s bold and playful style such as WERK12 and theVertical Village; and projects in the Southeast Asia region, such as theTianjin Library and LAD HQ. At the centre of the exhibition are seven “coreprojects” that are representative of all three categories simultaneously,including the Shenzhen Children & Women Building itself alongside TainanSpring, Seoullo 7017, the Idea Factory, Bulgari Shanghai, the Hangzhou OilRefinery Factory Park, and the West Bund Dream Centre.

图片 Image: © 夏至



Takinginspiration from theShenzhen Children & Women Building itself, theexhibition will be colourful, family-friendly, and sustainable. Circularity isa recurring theme, with its design making use of materials that can be reusedelsewhere after the exhibition. In addition to the presented projects, theexhibition will include a number of interactive elements, such as opportunitiesfor drawing and building with blocks, that make the experience fun andeducational for the children that make up one of the building’s core visitingdemographics.

图片 Image: © 夏至

深圳妇儿大厦已于2023年7月竣工,是深圳市城市更新的示范项目。MVRDV在改造过程中保留了原有结构24,000 立方米的混凝土,从而大幅减少了碳排放。外立面增加的铝制框架系统提高了建筑的能源性能,五彩斑斓的颜色传达了建筑为妇女和儿童福利提供支持的主要功能。深圳妇儿大厦改造项目被国家发展和改革委员会评选为24个盘活存量资产典型案例之一,促进了深圳城市更新的进程。

Completedin September, the Shenzhen Children & Women Building is an emblematicproject for the city of Shenzhen. The decision to renovate the structure,rather than demolish and replace it, allowed MVRDV to save 24,000 cubic metresof concrete from the original structure, resulting in a dramatic saving incarbon emissions. A grid of aluminium frames on the exterior have increased theenergy performance of the façade, while the bright new colour palettecommunicates the building’s main purpose of providing facilities for thewelfare of women and children. Selected as one of 24 model examples ofrevitalisation by China’s National Development and Reform Commission, thebuilding sets a precedent in a city that will soon see a huge wave of similarbuildings reach the end of their initial lifespan.

《ReviveR 再生》将于12月6日在妇儿大厦五层报告厅开幕,并于12月7日正式向公众开放。展览持续至2024年2月28日。MVRDV创始合伙人Jacob van Rijs将于展览开幕现场发表演讲并参加圆桌讨论 ; 近期将发布关于展览和观展的更多信息,敬请关注。

ReviveR will open in the 5th-floor auditorium of the Shenzhen Children & Women Building on December 6th, remaining on view until February 28th, 2024. MVRDVfounding partner Jacob van Rijs will give a lecture and participate in aroundtable discussion to mark the opening day; details on how to attend will bereleased soon.

MVRDV建筑规划事务所由Winy Maas、Jacob van Rijs和Nathalie de Vries创立于荷兰鹿特丹,致力于为当代的建筑和都市问题提供解决方案。MVRDV的创作基于深度研究与高度协作,各领域的专家、客户及利益相关方从项目初期一直参与设计的全过程。直率而真诚的建筑、都市规划、研究和装置作品堪称典范,让城市和景观朝向更美好的未来发展。 
MVRDV的早期项目,如荷兰公共广播公司VPRO的总部,以及荷兰阿姆斯特丹的WoZoCo老年公寓,都获得了广泛的国际赞誉。MVRDV250余位建筑师、设计师和城市规划师在多学科交叉的设计过程中,始终坚持严格的技术标准和创新性研究。MVRDV采用BIM技术,公司内拥有正式的BREEAM和LEED顾问。MVRDV与荷兰代尔夫特理工大学合作运营独立智库和研究机构The Why Factory,通过展望未来都市,为建筑及都市主义提供发展议程。

MVRDV was set up in 1993 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands by Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries. MVRDV engages globally in providing solutions to contemporary architectural and urban issues. A research-based and highly collaborative design method engages experts from all fields, clients and stakeholders in the creative process. The results are exemplary and outspoken buildings, urban plans, studies and objects, which enable our cities and landscapes to develop towards a better future.

Early projects by the office, such as the headquarters for the Dutch Public Broadcaster VPRO and WoZoCo housing for the elderly in Amsterdam lead to international acclaim. 250 architects, designers and other staff develop projects in a multi-disciplinary, collaborative design process which involves rigorous technical and creative investigation. MVRDV works with BIM and has official in-house BREEAM and LEED assessors. Together with Delft University of Technology, MVRDV runs The Why Factory, an independent think tank and research institute providing an agenda for architecture and urbanism by envisioning the city of the future.







深圳妇儿大厦 — 5层报告厅




早鸟票 ¥28


单人票价 ¥38

双人票 ¥48

家庭票 ¥68(不多于2大2小)

* 1米2以下儿童免票,需由监护人陪同入场












