
讲座预告 | 语言、心智及世界中的时间和事件

认知语义学 认知语义学 2022-06-09

Innovation in Linguistics by Cognitive Semantics





925 7763 0150 (密码:123456)




857 5034 1648 (密码:219811)




Dr. Chris Sinha is Honorary Professor at the School of Politics, Philosophy, Language Communication Studies, University of East Anglia and Visiting Professor at Southwest University, Chongqing. He gained his BA in Developmental Psychology at the University of Sussex and his doctorate (cum laude) at the University of Utrecht. Chris has taught in Departments of Education, Psychology, and Language and Communication, in Brazil, China, Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark, India, and Sweden, including three positions at Faculty full professor rank. He held the position of Head of the Department of Psychology at the University of Portsmouth, 2002-2005. He is an experienced lecturer at international conferences and workshops (including 44 keynote and plenary lectures at international conferences), and he has taught at many graduate and research schools. He is Past President of the UK Cognitive Linguistics Association and of the International Cognitive Linguistics Association; Founding General Editor (2009-2016) of the journal Language and Cognition; and a current member of four international journal editorial boards and four book series editorial boards. He was organizer in 2004 of the First International Conference on Language Culture and Mind, and then again the 7th edition in 2016, and continues as a member of the scientific committee of this biannual conference which will take place again in 2022.

Chris Sinha’s central research interest is in the relations between language, cognition and culture, and a main aim of his research is to integrate cognitive with socio-cultural approaches to language, communication and human development. He is experienced in field experimental and observational methods. He has authored 3 monographs and 150+ articles, and edited 4 volumes, in disciplines including anthropology, linguistics, education, evolutionary biology, connection science, as well as developmental and cultural psychology. He was Principal Investigator of the project ‘Cognition, Culture and Typology in Language Acquisition and Evolution’, funded under the European Science Foundation EUROCORES research programme Origin of Man, Language and Languages (2002-2005); and University of Portsmouth Partner Leader for the project ‘Stages in the Development and Evolution of Sign Use’ (SEDSU), funded by the European Union under the 6th Framework PATHFINDER initiative What it Means to Be Human (2005-2008). He was research leader of a project 2015-2019 at Hunan University researching and documenting minority languages and cultures of Hunan Province.

Personal information:


Dr. Vera da Silva Sinha (PhD in Linguistics, University of East Anglia) is a British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford. She is Editor of the International Journal of Language and Culture (John Benjamins).

Vera da Silva Sinha has been working for many years with indigenous communities of Brazilian Amazonia. Her research is strongly interdisciplinary, drawing on anthropology, linguistics and psychology. In the last 10 years, she has led and worked on a number of different projects with four Tupian communities (in Rondônia and the Xingu), and a Panoan community in Acre. She has published numerous articles on time concepts in Amazonian language and cultures. Her first book (in Portuguese) was based on her undergraduate research with the Uru-eu-wau-wau and Amondawa communities in Rondônia, focusing on narratives of loss and gain in cultural identity during and after contact. Her Master’s dissertation in Anthropology was an ethnographic study of the introduction of indigenous education in the Amondawa community. Her PhD was an in-depth study of cultural and linguistic conceptualisations of event-based time in the Huni Kuĩ (also known as Kashinawa, Upper Purus River, Acre), Awetý and Kamaiurá (Xingu) communities. Her current research focuses on the relationship between time and number in human cognition in three indigenous minority language communities of Brazil.

Personal information:



This lecture addresses the long-standing problem of the nature of time in life, mind, language and world, a problem often viewed as intractable. Our approach is interdisciplinary, drawing on natural, life, social and cognitive sciences. We situate our research findings on concepts of time in indigenous societies of Amazonia in this broad interdisciplinary framework. We offer an account of event-based time, contrasting this with metric time, and we highlight the evidence that our research has unearthed that attests against the claimed universality of a “mental timeline” and of space-time metaphor. We present an evidence-based argument for the semantic and ontological primacy of events in the human conceptualization of the cognitive and semantic domain denoted in some languages by the word ‘time’ and its cognates.

About Cognitive Semantics


期刊 | COSE 2021全年目录

讲座回顾 | 国际期刊《认知语义学》作者系列讲座(一)

讲座回顾 | 国际期刊《认知语义学》作者系列讲座(三)

刊讯 | Cognitive Semantics征稿启事

编辑 、排版 I 王赫琛

审校 I 刘娜


