
论文选刊|A Constructional-Cognitive Analysis of Chinese Directionals

认知语义学 认知语义学 2022-06-09

01 文献引用

Ronald Fong. 2015. A constructional-cognitive analysis of Chinese directionals. Cognitive Semantics, 1(1): 104-130.


02 本文作者简介

Ronald Fong 

(Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macau)

Ronald Fong is an Assistant Professor of English Linguistics at the University of Macau. Ronald was educated in Macau, the UK and Hong Kong. He obtained his MPhil from Glasgow University, Scotland, specializing in Modern English Language, before he received training in generative and functional linguistics from other universities. Ronald is interested in a wide range of topics in linguistics from syntax to sociolinguistics, which is reflected in his publications. He specializes in the interface between syntax and semantics, particularly in the constructionist models. His publications include academic journal articles, editing a book on discourse and grammar to which Halliday and Fries contributed, and a recent monograph on the Chinese resultative construction. He is also interested in popularizing linguistics and this has resulted in several articles of the subject in newspapers and journals.

Personal website: https://fah.um.edu.mo/ronald-fong/   

03 本文预览


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讲座预告 | 语言学和文学批评中的反讽

刊讯 | Cognitive Semantics征稿启事

期刊 | COSE 2021全年目录

论文选刊 | One of a Kind: On the Utility of Specific Classifiers

论文选刊 | Effect before cause: How content affects form



Cognitive Semantics



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