
论文选刊 | Unraveling Irony

认知语义学 认知语义学 2022-06-09

01 文献引用

Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, & Inés Lozano-Palacio. 2019. Unraveling Irony: from Linguistics to Literary Criticism and Back. Cognitive Semantics, 5(1): 147-173.


02 本文作者简介

Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez & 

Inés Lozano-Palacio

Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez is Full Professor of Linguistics at the University of La Rioja. He works in cognitive linguistics, inferential pragmatics, functional grammar, construction grammar, and discourse analysis. He has been the head of five national research projects and has supervised twelve doctoral dissertations on these topics. He is the co-founder of the international research group Lexicom (www.lexicom.es) and, together with professor Ricardo Mairal (National Distance Education University, Madrid), the father of the Lexical Constructional Model.

He has written close to 140 articles and book chapters most of them published in such journals as Journal of Pragmatics, Language and Communication, Language Sciences, Cognitive Semantics, Language and Cognition, Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, Folia Linguistica, Metaphor and Symbol, Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics, and in book series such as Human Cognitive Processing, Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics (John Benjamins), Applications of Cognitive Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics Research, Mouton Series in Pragmatics (Mouton de Gruyter), Functional Linguistics (Equinox), Łódź Studies in Language (Peter Lang). He has edited or co-edited several books, among them, Cognitive Linguistics: Internal Dynamics and Interdisciplinary Interaction (2005, Mouton), Cognitive Linguistics: Current Applications and Future Perspectives (2006, Mouton), Defining Metonymy in Cognitive Linguistics: Towards a Consensus View (2011, John Benjamins), Theory and Practice in Functional-Cognitive Space (2014, John Benjamins), The Functional Perspective on Language and Discourse: Applications and Implications (2014, John Benjamins). He has authored or coauthored several books on metonymy and linguistic theory, the most recent one being: Cognitive Modeling. A Linguistic Perspective (2014, John Benjamins).

Personal website: 


Inés Lozano-Palacio is fascinated by the intricacies of the cognitive processes that guide our use of everyday and literary language, and how these can be used for language teaching. Her current research explores figurative language in general and irony in particular.

Personal website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ines-Lozano-Palacio   

03 本文预览


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