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腾讯会议 ID :866 383 327



The Problem Awareness,Research Focus Shift and 

the Related Disciplinary lessues in Linguistic

This talk analyzes three issues in driving linguistics development, namely social linguistics, linguistic discipline and discipline construction. The solution of social linguistics gives rise to linguistic discipline, which is foundational to the linguistic edifice. This lecture involves sub-discipline setting, research method and approach, theoretical hypothesis, academic paradigm and academic history inside the discipline. The issue of discipline construction relates directly to the sound development of linguistic discipline. The issue of national consciousness and value of research raised by the lecture is also worthy of attention.



国务院特殊津贴专家,全国“五一劳动奖章”获得者,北京语言大学教授,博士生导师,中国辞书学会会长,中国语言学会语言政策与规划专业委员会会长,中国中文信息学会副理事长,《语言战略研究》主编,《语言规划学研究》主编,北京市特聘教授,内蒙古东北亚语言资源中心学术委员会主任,马来西亚华语规范理事会学术顾问。曾任国家语委副主任、教育部语言文字信息管理司司长、教育部语言文字应用研究所所长、华中师范大学副校长、国际中国语言学会(2016—2017)会长、《语言文字应用》主编、中国社会科学院研究生院语用系主任、北京语言大学语言资源高精尖创新中心主任。主要研究领域为理论语言学、语法学、心理语言学和语言规划学。出版《儿童语言的发展》《汉语量范畴研究》《语法研究录》《中国语言规划论》《中国语言规划续论》《中国语言规划三论》《 Language Planning in China》《语言学习与教育(修订本)》《李宇明语言传播与规划文集》《人生初年——一名中国女孩的语言日志》(上、中、下)等著作40余部,发表论文580余篇,被译为蒙、藏、维、日、法、英、俄、阿拉伯、韩等多种文字。主编《全球华语词典》(获“第四届中国出版政府奖图书提名奖”)、《全球华语大辞典》。与李嵬联合主编的《The Language Situation in China(Volume1—5)》由德国DE GRUYTER出版社与中国商务印书馆联合出版,并有日文、韩文译本。主持和参与国家社科基金重大(重点)项目多项。

Li Yuming, is a doctoral supervisor, professor at Beijing Language and Culture University, a specialist receiving a prestigious state allowance, Wuyi Labor Medalist, and he is chairman of the Lexicographical Society of China, chairman of Language Policy and Planning Committee of Chinese Linguistics Society, deputy director of Chinese Information Processing Society of China, editor of Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning and Journal of Language Policy and Language Planning, Distinguished Professor of Beijing Municipal Government, director of academic committee of Inner-Mongolia North East Asia Language Resource Center and academic counsellor of Chinese Language Standardisation Council of Malaysia. He was deputy director of State Language Commission, director of Language, Character and Information Department of the Ministry of Education, director of the Institute of Applied Linguistics of the Ministry of Education, vice president of Central China Normal University, chairman of IACL (2016-2017) , editor of Applied Linguistics, dean of Pragmatics Department of Graduate School of CASS and director of Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Language Resources of Beijing Language and Culture University. His research area is mainly in theoretical linguistics, syntactics, psycholinguistics and language planning. More than 40 monographs have been published, such as Language Development of Children, Quantity Category of Chinese Language, Syntactics Studies, On Language Planning in China, Renewal on Language Planning in China, Language Learning and Education, Li Yuming’s Language Communication and Planning, and A Chinese Girl’s Language Diary, etc. 580 papers have been published and translated into Mongol, Tibetan, Uighur language, Japanese, French, English and Russian, etc. He also edited Quanqiu Huayu Cidian (Global Chinese Lexicon) and Quanqiu Huayu Dacidian (Great Global Chinese Lexicon). The Language Situation in China(Volume1—5)co-edited with Li Wei has been co-published by DE GRUYTER in Germany and The Commercial Press as well as Japanese and Korean versions. He has also participated in a variety of key projects of National Social Science Fund of China.

