
会议征稿 | 科幻:行动 + 抵抗(伦敦科幻研究协会2021年会)

老吕 科幻研究在伦敦 2021-06-28


1. 会议时间:2020年9月9日-11日;

2. 会议地点:线上;

3. 主旨演讲:Prof Grace Dillon & Prof. Radha D’Souza

4. 摘要截止:2021年6月30日;

5. 征稿要求:300词摘要+50词个人简介,请发送至 lsfrcmail@gmail.com


Artwork by Thomas Johnson.

Conference Call for Papers

SF: Activism + Resistance

London Science Fiction Research Community (LSFRC)

In an age when Me Too, Black Lives Matter, Decolonise the Curriculum, Refugees Welcome, and movements for global solidarity with oppressed populations have become part of mainstream discourse, it is vital to re-examine the relationship between activism, resistance and the mass imagination vis-a-vis science fiction. As a genre dedicated to imagining alternatives, science fiction is an inherently radical space which allows for diverse explorations of dissent. It is, also, a space that has been rightfully critiqued for its historic inequities favouring white cishet men (as recently addressed by Jeanette Ng during the 2019 Hugo Awards among others). There needs to be reckoning with how precarious bodies engage in activism and resistance in the context of their material realities and restrictions. Therefore, we must deny universalising a single experience as “radical enough” and instead acknowledge how communities in the margins – queer, trans, disabled, neurodivergent, BIPOC, immigrants and refugees, religious minorities, indigenous populations, casualised workers, the homeless and unemployed – have specific ways of subverting and undermining the system, as well as specific stakes and reasons to do so. It is imperative to not only revisit how science fiction has been a space for activism and resistance, but also resist and challenge the genre’s shortcomings.

For our 2021 conference, the LSFRC welcomes submissions that explore the theme of “Activism and Resistance.” We recognise the urgency of this theme and the broad ways in which it can be interpreted and applied. We welcome contributions that explore SF as the site of activism and resistance, critical reflections of activism and resistance against SF’s tradition so far, and broader contributions on the topics of activism and resistance. We are especially keen to welcome practitioners, activists, change-makers and dissidents who are working to create a more equitable world. We do not adhere to strict reading of the term SF; instead, we encourage a widening of the genre to highlight and uplift different voices and perspectives. We invite proposals for papers, panels, workshops, protest and disruption sessions, performances, installations, and creative responses to the theme, and we would like to actively encourage alternative and innovative forms of presentation and engagement.

We are aware that academic conferences often have barriers to access and if you have any specific concerns, please do reach out, especially as the online format carries its own challenges (and benefits). We hope we can alleviate some of these concerns with the reassurance that paying for registration is completely optional. 

Please email proposals (300 words + 50 word author bios) and/or enquiries to lsfrcmail@gmail.com by 30th June. For this conference, we are organising a track on gaming, SF and activism + resistance. If you would like to be considered for this track, please indicate this in your proposal. 

Possible topics include:

  • Depictions and history of protest in SF

  • Anti-capitalism, anti-authoritarianism, anti-imperialism and decolonisation, and other anti-establishment politics in SF

  • Utopia, dystopia, ustopia

  • Politics of the margins in SF – queerness, disability, race and ethnicity, nationality, religious minorities and caste, immigrants and refugees

  • Reproductive justice in SF

  • Depictions of class, class warfare and social reproduction

  • Climate justice in SF

  • Futurisms from specific race and ethnic perspectives – Afrofuturism, Indigenous futurisms, Asian and South Asian futurisms

  • Reform, rebellion and revolution in SF

  • Cyberpunk, steampunk, dieselpunk, silkpunk, Afropunk, solarpunk, acid communism as forms of dissent

  • Specific SF response to contemporary activist movements – Trans Justice, Me Too, Black Lives Matter, Refugees Welcome, and others

  • Critiques of established/Western SF

  • Challenges to the canon

  • Limits of accessibility in SF

  • Limits and critiques of genre writing

  • Lack of diversity versus tokenism in SF

  • Value of #OwnVoices

  • Toxic fandom and gatekeeping


11. 格拉斯哥大学:格拉斯哥国际奇幻论坛 GIFCon 2021

10. 奥克塔维娅·巴特勒(Octavia E. Butler)研究会2021年度会议

9. 伦敦科幻研究协会:超越边界:帝国、身体与科幻文学

8. 伦敦科幻研究协会 : 进行中的项目 (Work in Progress)

7. 利兹大学:当代中国类型文学及海外接受

6. 伦敦大学伯贝克学院:生产性未来:科幻小说中的政治经济

5. 兰卡斯特大学:幻想与身体 (Embodying Fantastika)

4. 伦敦大学亚非学院(SOAS):非洲与亚洲的未来意象

3. 牛津大学:科幻中的种族、性别与科技(最终章)

2. 牛津大学:科幻中的种族、性别与科技(二)

1. 牛津大学:科幻中的种族、性别与科技(一)

