
FishTalk飞仕创坛|221114 女性创业者之夜

点击订阅👉 飞仕伯乐Fishburners 2024-04-15



纵观整个创投圈 ,女性创业者不再是小众,她们的力量正在崛起。
11月14日的 Friday Pitch Night,女性创业者涌入 Fishburners 的共享办公空间,参加了一场女性专属的“融资之夜”活动。本次路演共有7家创业公司,其中国内入孵项目「Vidya Academy」以线上共享的方式参与此次路演。她们将向潜在投资者、感兴趣的学习者或有意向的合作者展示商业计划书。

此次路演之前,参与的创业公司花了1个月时间参加飞仕伯乐与微软孵化器的女性创业营项目,将自身的商业模式和融资展示打磨得更完善。微软孵化器代表Sinead女士表示,“我们只是想帮助女性创业者降低创业的门槛,让女性能够更好地参与到创业。” 此次共有7位来自不同行业的女性创业者,让我们来一同观看她们的精彩路演内容。


Vidya Academy|心理健康方向

Vidya app 为从事瑜伽和冥想等健康和幸福活动的用户提供了方便的解决方案,Vidya app 配有 Vidya 团队设计的个性化课程。 团队由来自墨西哥的 XIMENA创办成立, 创始人拥有软件工程学士学位,她在该领域工作了 10 年。XIMENA 也是一名认证瑜伽教师(2014 年以来),在中国、泰国、西班牙和墨西哥参加过几个瑜伽节、训练、静修和瑜伽工作室。
The Vidya app provides a convenient solution for users engaged in health and well-being activities such as yoga and meditation. The Vidya app comes with personalized courses designed by Vidya team. The team is led by XIMENA, Mexico. who holds a bachelor's degree in software engineering and has worked in the field for 10 years. She has participated in several yoga festivals, trainings, retreats and workshops in China and Mexico. retreats and yoga studios in China, Thailand, Spain and Mexico.


1)One Another | 志愿者公益平台方向

One Another是一个为公益组织、志愿者及其支持者而构建的在线公益资源对接平台。它在全球范围内遴选经实践检验有效并有意愿规模化地解决社会问题的优质公益产品,为他们提供资源链接、能力建设、资金支持、合作渠道及网络搭建、经验总结和传播等方面的支持。

One another is a web platform built for do good organisations, volunteers and their supporters. For organisations it handles events and volunteer management, including payment and automated awareness campaigns.

2) The Care Co | SaaS 婴幼儿教育方向

The Care Co专注于为5-12岁儿童及其家长提供一个专业全面的心理健康知识普及、心理健康辅导、家庭教育指导和亲子关系维护等综合性的一站式心理健康服务的SaaS平台。其内容涵盖智商、情绪情感、人格&性格、人际沟通、学习习惯、职业兴趣发展、家庭氛围,能够帮助家长更加客观公正地了解孩子。

The care co teaches Kids aged 5-12 mental health and wellbeing skills they can action on their own.Because learning and practicing mental health habits are not a part of the core Australian curriculum and were drastically failing our kids by not equipping them with this critical life skill.

3)Seniors Channel | 文娱方向

Seniors Channel 是一个为65岁以上老年人策划的点播娱乐平台。Seniors Channel 的使命是帮助和支持老年人提高其生活质量和身心健康,并为老年用户群体其提供数字化的解决方案。
The SeniorsChannel is an on-demand entertainment platform curated for adults 65+. The mission is to support and enhance the quality of life, health. and wellbeing of seniors across Australia and New Zealand.

4)WYDA | 应用神经科学方向


Wyda is an immersive business simulation game, purpose-built to provide a wider perspective and build business savvy. It’s virtual, fun and engaging and designed to produce more confident, well-rounded business professionals. Wyda reimagines business acumen and makes learning it accessible to everyone.

5)Bodhi Holistic Hub | 心理健康方向

在现代崇尚自然健康的时代,补充和替代医学的普及每年都在迅速增加。大多数人不确定哪种替代疗法适合自己,Bodhi Holistic Hub 是一个为患者提供学习和寻找最佳治疗方法的交流社区,帮助患者寻找最佳的替代疗法以及制定整个周期的健康计划。
With the current challenges society is facing on a global scale, more and more people are beginning to experiment and be curious about this space. Bodhi Holistic Hub will be a space for people to learn and find the best treatments and local practitioners who can support, nurture and guide them on their unique path.

6)The melo|AI开放平台方向

The Melo App is image recognition software that enables an interactive experience from physical assets by transmitting in real time an augmented video over a two dimensional your new product or service with style.videos, games, links, advertising, entertainment on top of real world items when viewed through the lens of your smart phone or tablet device.
以上为本次Friday Pitch Night的7个路演项目。此外,在全球74个经济体中,有1.63亿女性创业,1.1亿女性经营已有企业。她们形成了柔性的群体影响力,推动经济、文化和政治的共同进步。
FEMPOWERED FOUNDERS 为 Fishburners & Google for Startups 联合打造的女性创业加速计划,如有需要,请联系我们。


FishTalk飞仕创坛|221101 Workshop 早期创业应该关心的5个基础问题


FishTalk飞仕创坛|220824 悉尼Web3峰会项目路演


