
​泰和泰研析 | 浅析关贸总协定关于出口禁令的适用困境——以WTO为视角

李文萱、李亚伦 泰和泰深圳办公室 2024-01-09





It is alleged that the pandemic has made one thing clear: the prohibition under Article XI:1 GATT is overly broad, and the exceptions under Article XI:2(a) overly narrow. This essay will discuss the topic in two parts. Firstly, it will examine how Article XI of the GATT is reflected in international trade regime in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Secondly, it will try to explain how the scale is balanced between securing the international trade with supply chain intact in the face of national interests as well as the well-being of their citizens. By analyzing these two factors above, we shall see the reason that the provisions are drafted over-broadly in general and over-narrowly in exemptions.


Introduction: problem prima facie



To think of how the World Trade Organization (WTO) came into being, the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade 1947 (GATT) was merely an endeavor to keep tariffs low after WWII among very few countries. Countries would want to earn money from other parts of the world by selling their products, per se, exports, yet on the other hand put tariffs on foreign products to protect domestic markets. The bloodshed of two world wars in the dawn of 20th century made people to realize that they do not want to solve the dilemma by wars in which no one wins. So the WTO sets out the rules for its parties in international trade. Inspections of the very nature of the WTO comes with the conclusions that exports are good for companies who are making money overseas and imports are bad for it hurts domestic producers.

And now we have COVID-19 which is far from over yet. The world has never seen such pandemic as coronavirus hit the globe. Countries call upon measures under Article XI and Article XX(b) of the GATT to restrict exports of medical-related products as well as food due to national crisis. There is no more status quo. The well-established global supply chain is endangered. 



Theory: a structural realism approach


Nothing demonstrates more clearly the political concessions than the GATT 1947 conducted after World War II. While making its contribution to lower tariffs and drop down trade barriers, it have been a main – sometimes the main – vehicle of international political instrument. Being a structural realist, I believe WTO is also a reflection of international politics where there is no higher authority to turn to when an individual is in trouble, so the best way to protect oneself is to be as powerful as possible. This is exactly what happened when Covid-19 happened. Setting aside conspiracies, think tanks of Governments reacted just in the way that structural realist would predict. Furthermore, what a structural realist does is basically to create answers in large problems. In this case, I would proceed with the approach that countries under Article XI:2 of GATT have every reason to protect themselves with exportation curbs and try to produce enough of the essential products to survive the pandemic. The major problem here to be solved is how to balance the scale between securing the international trade with supply chain intact and the protection of national interests as well as the well-being of their citizens.



Facts on export restrictions since the pandemic


Overview of export restrictions-

新冠疫情爆发后,2020年1月起,世贸组织陆续收到了各国对出口限制的报告。WTO的数据显示,最初几个月近90个国家都针对新冠疫情出台了出口限制措施。从2020年1月至7月,这些国家实施了总计197项针对重要物资的出口禁令或限制令。[1] 时至今日(截止2022年10月),仍有近56个国家或地区限制了医疗物资的出口,65个国家或地区限制了食品的出口。整体来看,各个国家的出口禁令虽然对限制的范围有所区别,但基本可以划分为医疗物资与食品这两类。以世界上的主要经济体美欧中三家为例,美欧各有5项食品出口限制令,中国有3项;而医疗物资出口限制令方面,美国有21项,欧洲有25项,中国则有2项(数据采集截至2022年9月22日)。有分析称,全面了解所有的禁令/限制令可能不太现实,包括中国在内的一些WTO成员并未将采取的出口限制及数量通知给秘书处,也有部分文章称,中国正在有选择的逐步放开个人防护设备的出口限制,但其目的似乎是基于政治的考量。



数据来源:Global Trade Alert, 有关举措统计 2020年1月1日至 2022年9月22日


Let us first take a look at what countries responded in terms of export curbs since 2020. Early in first few months, nearly 90 countries had introduced export restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the WTO. Since January 2020, countries have taken more than 197 actions banning or limiting the export of certain products. By October 2022, there are currently 56 countries/regions who have restrictive exportation policies implementing regarding medical goods and 65 countries/regions regarding food sectors.  The product covered by exportation curbs vary but it generally falls into two categories: medical goods and foodstuffs. Take major regions as examples and we can see that currently (data collected by 2022/09/22) EU has 25 export restrictions in medical sector and 5 in food sector. USA has 21 export restrictions in medical sector and 5 in food sector. China has 2 export restrictions in medical sector and 3 in food sector respectively. Getting a full picture of all the bans is hard as some analysts have argued that many WTO members like China have not yet notified the Secretariat of all the export restrictions and quantitative restrictions and that China is selectively releasing personal protective equipment for export, with destinations seemingly chosen according to political calculations.

After hours of data-searching, we can agree on one thing that it is true to say Article XI:(1) is worded broadly and includes not only export bans, quotas and export licenses but also ‘other measures’. Any moves regarding trade policies that implemented after the virus broke out can fall into the scope of the first provision. However, to find those ‘measures’ to be in violations is not a simple task.


Consistency with the provisions of GATT


参考哥伦比亚纺织品一案[2] ,评审团报告中提到认定哥伦比亚违反了关贸总协定第十一条第一款的理由。申请国巴拿马认为,哥伦比亚限制了纺织品和鞋类的竞争机会,且所采取的措施成本高昂、花费巨大并人为的创造了不确定性。因此,他将进口所需缴纳的保证金定义为是对进口的一种“限制”,有违关贸总协定第十一条第一款[3]。评审团通过大量的分析论证认为,本案中构成违反条款的三要素分别是:

















Curious as it was, almost all the major jurisdictions put on export restriction in some way. No one seemed to be afraid of the ‘Sword of Damocles’. To fully understand, I first need to draw a picture of the elements of what comprises a violation of Article XI.

With reference to the report of panel in the case of Colombia —Textiles, here is how the Dispute Settlement Body thinks on this matter.

In Panama’s argument, they concluded that Colombia limits competitive opportunities for textiles and footwear by imposing a requirement that has a significant cost, is burdensome and creates uncertainty. Accordingly, Panama claims that posting a specific bond is a "restriction" on importation inconsistent with Article XI:1 of the GATT.

In the analysis of the panel, the panel examined the measure’s (1) cost and burdensomeness, (2) the uncertainty which it creates in the import/export process, and (3) the arbitrariness of its coverage. However, the panel thinks that what Panama have demonstrated fail to prove the specific bond had a ‘limiting effect’ on imports.

Using these criteria, what happens if a measure is rendered to be a restrictive one? Note that the Article XI:(2) has set the exemption of the whole contexts. An export restriction falls outside the scope of the general prohibition if it is (1) ‘temporarily applied’, (2) to prevent or relieve ‘critical shortages’, of (3) foodstuffs or other ‘essential’ products.(735) China- Raw material is the one case I can refer to that violations were found under Article XI and the main reason for that is that China had been put a restriction on a raw material used to be produce steel for more than ten years. The panel concluded that the measure was not temporary in nature which was in violation of the provision. Though it is parsimonious to declare a decade is nothing of a temporary period of time, where is the time limit for Covid-relating ‘measures’?

Furthermore, in what state is something considered to be in critical shortage? And what is essential products? Facemasks and other PPE may be one of this category. But what about the material used in making it which may also be used in a range of other products. All of those essential factors are missing in the wording of the context which only makes it harder to see through the shadow of doubts whether a measure is one to survive desperate times or one in disguise which is a QR prohibited under Article XI(1). In this sense, it is true that the ‘carve-out’ is drafted overly-narrow which lacks proper horizons and up for interpretations.  




Solutions: Endeavors to secure the international trade regime



It is fair to say that Covid-19 is a litmus test for the system. As far as I am concerned, it did not tell the world to refrain from keeping oneself safe and put world trade at first. The true lesson learned is to be honest of what kind of mess one is currently in and here is why.

Loads of scholars, economist and lawyers have spoken about the transparency in trade policies. To put it simple, for example, Arcadia is the main producer of a medical good, say respirator. And Utopia is the main provider of an essential material. When the virus breaks out, Utopia has to think about making respirators on its own for Utopia would fear that Arcadia could ban the exportation on it after they ship all the material to Arcadia. Vice versa, Arcadia would say: I’d better stop the exportation since Utopia could stop exporting the material, and hang on to what they already have. In the pattern, the world trading system would be in chaos in no time.

All of those above are avoidable if we establish a conversation system in times of global crisis. In today’s world, every big countries are holding the life line of at least one supply chain. Other than winning about the consistency and making conspiracies against each other like an immature child, Nations should make a clear representation on what they are currently facing and what they need and what they have to offer. By transparency, the world stands a better chance in grief crisis. 




To sum up what I have mentioned above, it is true that the prohibition under Article XI:1 GATT is overly broad, and the exceptions under Article XI:2(a) overly narrow. And the pandemic has been demonstrating it clearly. But in the perspective of GATT 1947, we should not think on this problem too hard for back in the days the contracting parties of it had literally just survived a war to understand what the word ‘critical shortage’ means. The provisions of GATT remain largely unchanged for a reason. The best way to secure the international trade regime is transparency on every trade policy. Yet it is easier said than done.

参考文献 Reference

[1]Casey, Christopher A.;Cimino-Isaacs, Cathleen D. ‘Export Restrictions in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic’(2020) CRS < Export Restrictions in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic (congress.gov)> Accessed 06 November



[4]Report of the panel, COLOMBIA – MEASURES RELATING TO THE IMPORTATION OF TEXTILES, APPAREL AND FOOTWEAR(WT/DS461/RW)5 October 2018, paras 7.237 – 7.238

[4]Joost Pauwelyn, ‘Export Restrictions in Times of Pandemic: Options and Limits Under International Trade Agreements’ [2020] Journal of World Trade 727

[6]Report of the Panels, China – Raw Materials, paras 7.351–7.352.

[7]See WTO, ‘TRANSPARENCY – WHY IT MATTERS AT TIMES OF CRISIS’, (7 April 2020) (“Transparency disciplines are designed to ensure that traders can quickly and easily obtain useful information about importation and other requirements for goods. Allowing members and stakeholders to have quick access to product requirements and certification procedures is crucial in emergency situations: this can avoid delays/rejections and help essential medical goods to reach those who need them when they need them. Such notifications are included in WTO searchable databases covering a vast array of trade-policy measures, such as the TFA Database or ePing.”)



李文萱 律



李亚伦 律师




