
【推荐】Infonomics 信息经济学(8页)

常华Andy Andy730 2024-03-16

本书可以评价为 4.5 分(满分5分)。中文版本翻译也相当专业,看中文版亦可。只是为了尽可能保持作者原意,下面的内容保持英文版。仅选取书中提到的模型,可参考性极高。

Introducing Infonomics: Treating information as an actual asset

  • MANAGING INFORMATION: Applying asset management principles and practices to information

  • MEASURING INFORMATION: Gauging and improving information's economic characteristics

  • MONETIZING INFORMATION: Generating economic benefits from available information assets

Methods to Monetizing Information

  • Establish an information strategy or information product function

  • Inventory your available information assets

  • Draw inspiration from and adapt how others have monetized data

  • Identify ways to generate direct and indirect economic benefits from each information asset

  • Test monetization ideas for feasibility

  • Prepare data and establish market

  • Gauge success and alter strategy/tactics as necessary

Some Thoughts on the Unique Economics of Information

  • The principle of supply and demand operates differently with information than with other assets.

  • The forces of information pricing and elasticity affect everything from data markets to data security.

  • The marginal utility of information for both human and technology-based consumers of information should drive business and architecture decisions.

  • How the opportunity costs of certain information assets must be factored into selecting and publishing them.

  • How the information production possibility frontieraffects information-related behavior and investments.

  • The information yield curveconcept can gauge the relative affects of information asset management maturation.


  • Introduction

  • Part I Monetizing Information as an Asset

  • Chapter 1 Why Monetize Information

  • Chapter 2 Prime Ways to Monetize Information

  • Chapter 3 Methods for Monetizing Information

  • Chapter 4 Analytics: The Engine of Information Monetization

  • Part II Managing Information as an Asset

  • Chapter 5 Information Management Maturity and Principles

  • Chapter 6 Information Supply Chains and Ecosystems

  • Chapter 7 Leveraging Information Asset Management Standards and Approaches

  • Chapter 8 Applied Asset Management for Improved Information Maturity

  • Part III Measuring Information as an Asset

  • Chapter 9 Is Information an Asset?

  • Chapter 10 Who Owns the Information?

  • Chapter 11 Quantifying and Accounting for Information Assets

  • Chapter 12 Adapting Economic Principles for Information

  • Chapter 13 Infonomics Trends

  • Appendix A Information Management Maturity Challenges

  • Appendix B Sample Legal Rulings Related to Information Property Rights


