

常华Andy Andy730 2024-03-16



Sept. 7, 1998


(1) Regular independently-conducted customer surveys.

(2) Direct customer feedback and satisfactory handling of customer problems.

(3) Financial performance (particularly revenue growth and ROE).

(4) Share price.

(5) Market share (particularly as it relates to competitors).

(6) Financial & mass media reports.


I. Satisfying Customer Needs

What does the customer need? The following is a list that should cover the vast majority of needs, but each customer's priority is often different:

(1) Technology that allows the customer to out compete, or at least be competitive with, this competitors.

(2) Flexibility in TSMC's ability to respond to demand.

(3) Low price.

(4) Short cycle time from tapeout to finished production wafers.

(5) Quality & reliability.

(6) Design services to help customer to outcompete, or at least be competitive with, his competitors.

(7) Seamless communications with TSMC.

(8) Turn-key services.

(9) Protection of customer's proprietary information.

(10) Instant efforts and solution of any problems that may crop up.

(11) Partnership attitude and behaviors on TSMC's part.

TSMC's strategy is to be clearly superior to competitors in all above except (3), in order to earn a premium on (3).

A few more words about our pricing strategy:

(1) Out pricing strategy is to obtain a premium, but not to lose the business.

(2) To execute this strategy successfully, it's essential to have an excellent relationship with the customer. The benchmark of that relationship is to have the "first and last look" with the customer.

(3) We can be flexible in pricing with on-time-only "buffer" deals, but to be loyal to other customers, when a on-time "buffer" deal is offered to one customer, similar deals should be offered to his direct competitors in the same field.

II. Organizing To Be a Marketing & Service-Centered Company

(1) We must solidify an organizational culture in which every employee is a sales person for the company. He (she) of course is a professional engineer, account, supervisor, etc., but he (she) is at the same time a sales person for the company.

(2) Upper-level managers (j.g. 38 and higher) must be good businessmen in addition to being good salesmen and good professionals. If they are not, they should train themselves or be trained to be.

(4) A world-class corporate marketing department must be established. The responsibilities of this department are broader than conventional and a listed as follows:

(a) Determine technology road-map -- jointly with R&D.

(b) Recommend new services or technologies to be provided.

(c) Search for new customers -- jointly with Sales.

(d) TSMC's marketing strategies in different applications (graphics, chip-sets, etc.), different fields (P.C., cellular phone, etc.), different geographical areas, and customers (in the same field or application).

(e) Market & competitive information.

(f) Tactical pricing moves.

(g) TSMC brand recognition.

(h) In general, be the "chief-of-staff" to top management in sales & marketing.

VII. Desired Quantitative Results. -- These should be viewed as results of the successful execution of this strategy, rather than goals unto themselves:

(1) Sustainable return on equity (ROE) of higher than 20%.

(2) Being the largest silicon foundry in the world, with a revenue lead over the next largest foundry of at least 2 to 1.

(3) Revenue of US$10B before the year 2010.

张忠谋 Morris Chang






