
史上最佳营销策略: 史蒂夫 · 乔布斯讲解 Think Different(中英文)

常华Andy Andy730 2024-03-16

Best Marketing Strategy Ever: Steve Jobs Presents "Think Different"



这是一个乔布斯演讲的短视频。应该拍摄于1997年8月3日,也就是在同年9月28日推出“Think Different”系列广告之前。





我们昨晚 3 点起床, 完成这个广告。我等下给大家讲一下。看看你们怎么看。

我已经回来大约 8 到 10 周了,我们一直在非常努力地工作。我们试图做的不是真的做作的东西。我们正在努力重新做回伟大的产品、伟大的营销和伟大的分销的根本。


我认为苹果有很多伟大的东西, 但在某些方面,已经偏离了,没有把基本的东西做好。因此,我们从产品线开始。我们看了几年的产品路线图。我们说很多这些都没道理。而且东西太多了,不够聚焦!因此,我们实际上从产品路线图中删除了 70% 的东西。我搞不懂该死的产品线!几周后,我不得不说,这个型号是什么?这个合适吗?我开始和顾客交谈,他们也搞不懂。你会看到产品线变得简单得多。你会看到产品线变得更好。还有一些新的东西出来。会非常好!



同样,我认为没有这样做,因为我们在分销方面没有跟上创新。我给你举个例子。我敢肯定,这是今天上午谈论,但在我们的制造供应商那里我们有差不多2、3个月的库存,和分销渠道也有同量库存。因此,我们必须提前 4、5、6 个月进行预测客户的需求。但是,我们不够聪明。我想我开始做足够多的事了。因此,我们要做的是变得非常简单,并开始从这些渠道清理库存。客户告诉我们他们想要什么,我们可以反应超快,你会看到我们做很多事情。今天只是我们将要和你一起做的很多事情中的第一个。





这样做的方法不是谈论营销术语。这不是要谈论IT术语。不是说为什么我们比 Windows 强。乳品行业20年来一直试图说服你牛奶对你有好处。这是个谎言, 但他们还是做了。原来销售情况是这样的(下降曲线)。然后, 他们尝试推广牛奶, 销售成这样了(上升曲线), 他们甚至没有谈论产品的指标, 而专注于产品缺乏的。

最好的例子,宇宙中最伟大的营销之一,是耐克。记住,耐克卖一种消费商品。他们卖鞋,然而,当你想到耐克,你感觉到的东西不同于卖鞋的公司。如你所知,在他们的广告中,他们从未谈论过产品。他们从来没有告诉你他们的 Air Sole 为什么比锐步的 Air Sole 更好。耐克在广告中做什么? 他们推崇伟大的运动员, 他们尊重伟大的运动员。这就是他们的意义。你永远不知道苹果在广告上花了一大笔钱!

所以当我回来,苹果刚刚解雇了他们的广告商。我们从现在到今后 4 年正在与 23 家机构进行评比, 从中挑选一个。我们雇佣了 Chiat\Day。几年前,我有幸与这家机构合作,我们创作了一些屡获殊荣的作品,包括广告专业人士在 1984 年评选的最佳广告。

我们大约 8 周前就开始工作了。我们问的问题是,我们的客户想知道谁是苹果,我们的立场是什么?我们这个世界立足。我们关心的不是为人们完成工作而制作“盒子”。虽然这方面我们做得不错,在某些情况下,我们做得比几乎任何人都好。





因此,我们想找到一种方法来传达这一点。我们所拥有的是我非常感动的东西。它向那些改变世界的人致敬。他们中的一些人还活着,有些人不在了。但那些不在的人, 你知道, 如果他们曾使用计算机, 这将是一个 Mac 。这场营销活动的主题是“Think Different”,是向那些不同思想的人致敬,向推动这个世界前进的人致敬。这就是我们所关心的,它触动了这家公司的灵魂。


我知道有些人会批评我们不涉及所有事情, 为什么我们有更好的加插即用计算机。但是我们必须让人们知道苹果是谁,为什么它在这个世界上仍然至关重要。我认为这将做得很好。这个星期天,我们以一种相当诗意的方式开启这场营销活动。迪斯尼的精彩世界节目正在美国广播公司重新开始播放,他们在这个星期天晚上播放的一个节目,我相信是在7点钟,是《玩具总动员》的网络首映式。我们将分为60秒段播放两次,一次在第一小时,另一次在第二小时。

然后,我们将投放一些报纸广告在 The Times, the Mercury, the Examiner, USA Today 杂志,真正展示宣传内容。然后,在 2 周内,我们将有一些惊人的印刷广告。这个广告将在十月份的大部分时间里在电视上播放。几周后, 我们突破一些惊人的印刷广告, 主要是在杂志的封面上, 里面有人。我们有一些不可思议的广告牌,在大约五六个大城市画一些巨大的墙壁上。

在我给你看这些东西之前,我想让你知道,在当今这个时代,无论活着还是不在的人,你都需要得到他们的许可,要么他们活着,要么有代表,如果他们不在了,几乎所有这些人以前从未出现在广告中,直到我们问他们。几天前我得到了小野洋子的许可, 可以使用约翰。对我来说,这些生或往生的人,他们表达了对苹果有强烈共鸣,他们愿意让我们这么做,这对我来说是一次难以置信的感动的经历。我认为地球上没有另一家公司可以开展这项运动。这对我来说很特别。所以我在这里有一盘关于户外印刷品的录像带。我们可以播放它。我想让你们有这种感觉。






你不会在视频中看到它, 但这些图像只是惊人的。





你们在过去的几天几夜里非常努力地完成这个, 但这是我很久以来看到的最好的作品。我认为这是苹果做过的最好的工作。当然,广告不是万能的。我们有一些令人难以置信的令人兴奋的产品公告即将推出。很快。一些令人难以置信的令人兴奋的事情,一般来说,将发生在未来90、120天内。我真的很感激这个房间里和不在房间里的人的所有承诺。扭转这家公司局面。事实上,这家公司肯定会好转的。我想现在的问题不是, 我们能扭转苹果, 我想这就是安慰的奖励。我想我们可以让苹果再次变得伟大吗!谢谢你的时间。


Good morning. 

We're up till 3 o'clock last night, finishing this, advertising it. And I want to show you in a minute. See what you think of it. 

I've been back about 8 to 10 weeks, and we've been working really hard. What we're trying to do is not something really highfalutin. We're trying to get back to the basics of great products, great marketing, and great distribution. 


I think that Apple has pockets of greatness, but in some ways has drifted away from doing the basics really well. So we started with the product line. We looked at the product roadmap going out for a few years. And we said a lot of this doesn't make sense. And it's way too much stuff. There's not enough focus. So we actually got rid of 70% of the stuff from the product roadmap. I couldn't figure out the damn product line. After a few weeks, I got to say, what is this model? Has this fit? I started talking to customers and they couldn't figure it out either. You're going to see the product line get much simpler. You're gonna see the product line get much better. And there's some new stuff coming out. That's incredibly nice.

In addition, we've been able to focus a lot more on the 30% of the gems and add some new stuff in. But it's going to, take us in some whole new direction. So we are incredibly excited about the products. And I think we're we're really thinking differently about the kinds of products we have to build. The engineering team is incredibly excited. I came out of the meeting with people that had just gotten their projects cancelled, and they were they were 3 feet off the ground with excitement, because they finally understood where the heck we were going really excited about the strategy. 


In the same way, I think have not been, as we have not kept up with innovations in our distribution. I give you an example. I'm sure it was talked about this morning, but we've got anywhere from 2 to 3 months of inventory in our manufacturing supplier pipeline and about an equal amount in our distribution channel pipeline. So we're having to make guesses 4, 5, 6 months in advance, but what the customer wants. And we're not smart enough to do that. I think I start enough to do that. So what we're gonna do is get really simple and start taking inventory out of those pipelines. Customer tell us what they want and we can respond to it super fast and you're gonna see us to be doing a lot of things like that. Today's is just the first of many things we're gonna be doing with you. 

So going to be not only, I think, catching up to where the best of the best are in distribution, but we're gonna actually be invading and be breaking some new ground, I think, in the coming several months. And I'm pretty excited about that as well. In the distribution, manufacturing side of things. 


And that gets us to the marketing side of things. To me, marketing is about values. This is a very complicated world. It's a very noisy world, and we're not gonna get a chance to get people to remember much about us, no companies. And so we have to be really clear on what we want them to know about us. 

Now, Apple, fortunately, is one of the half a dozen best brands in the whole world. Right up there with Nike, Disney, Coca-Cola, Sony. It is one of the greats, not just in this country, but all around the globe. But even a great brand needs an investment and caring. If it's going to, retain its relevance and vitality. And the Apple brand has clearly suffered from neglect in this area in the last few years. And we need to bring it back. 

The way to do that is not to talk about speeds and feeds. It's not to talk about nips and megahertz. It's not to talk about why we're better than Windows. The dairy industry tried for 20 years to convince you that milk was good for you. It's a lie, but they tried anyway. And the sales were going like this. And then they tried got milk in, the sales of going like this, got milk doesn't even talk about the product metric that focus on the absence of the product. 

But the best example of all, and one of the greatest jobs of marketing in the universe has ever seen as Nike. Remember, Nike sells a commodity. They sell shoes, and yet, when you think of Nike, you feel something different than a shoe company. In their ads as you know, they don't ever talk about the products. They don't ever tell you about their Air Sole and why they're better than Reeboks Air Sole. What is Nike doing in the advertising they honor great athletes and they honor great athletes. That's what they are about. Apple spends a fortune on advertising. You never know it. 

So when I got here, Apple just fired their agency. We're doing a competition with 23 agencies that you know 4 years from now to pick one. We blew that up, and we we hired Chiat\Day. The agency that I was fortunate to work with years ago, we created some award-winning work, including the commercial voted the best ad ever made in 1984 by advertising professionals. 

We started working about 8 weeks ago. The question we asked was our customers want to know who is Apple and what is it that we stand for where do? We fit in this world. What we're about isn't making boxes for people to get their jobs done. Although we do that well, we do that better than almost anybody in some cases. 

But Apple about something more than that. Apple at the core, its core value is that we believe that people with passion can change the world for the better. That's what we believe. 

We've had the opportunity to work with people like that. We've had an opportunity work with people like you, with software developers, with customers who have done it in some big and some small ways. We believe that in this world, people can change it for the better. Those people that are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that actually do. 

So what we're going to do in our first brand marketing campaign in several years is to get back to that core value. 

A lot of things have changed. The market is a totally different place than it was a decade ago. And Apple is totally different, Apple's place in it is totally different. Believe me, the products in the distribution strategy and manufacturing a totally different. We understand that. But values, core values, those things shouldn't change. The things that Apple believed in at its core are the same things that Apple really stands for today. 

So we wanted to find a way to communicate this. What we have is something that I'm very moved by. It honors those people who have changed the world. Some of them are living, some of them are not. But the ones that aren't, as you'll see you know that if they ever use the compute it would have been a Mac. The theme of the campaign is Think Different, is the people honoring the people who think different and who move this world forward. It is what we are about, it touches the soul of this company. 

So I'm gonna go ahead and roll it. I hope that you feel the same way about it. So that puts us out there saying this is who we are. This is what we stand for. Do you like it? 

I know that some people will criticize us for not talking about all those things about why we have better plug and play. But we've got to let people know who Apple is and why it's still relevant in this world. And I think this will do a pretty good job. We are breaking this campaign this Sunday in a rather poetic way. The wonderful world of Disney is restarting on ABC and the first thing they're showing this Sunday night, I believe it's at 7 o'clock, is the network premiere of Toy Story. We're gonna have to 60-second spots this commercial run twice, once in the first hour and once in the second hour. 

We are then gonna break some newspaper ads in the journal The Times, the Mercury, the Examiner, USA Today, really stating the manifesto the words. And then I'm going to show you what's going to break within 2 weeks. We've got some phenomenal prints. This ad will run throughout most of October on television. We're breaking some phenomenal print in a few weeks, mostly on the back covers of magazines, someone inside. We're got some incredible billboards. We're even painting some giant walls in about five or six major cities. 

Before I show you the stuff, I want to let you know that in this day and age to use any of these people whether alive or dead, you need major permission from them, either themselves if they're alive or there are states representatives, if they're dead, almost all of these people have never appeared in an advertisement before and never would until we ask them. I got permission from Yoko Ono a few days ago to use John. It's been an incredibly moving experience for me that these people both living and dead, their states have felt so strongly about Apple that they were willing to let us do this. I don't think there is another company on earth that could have done this campaign. That to me is something very special. So I got a videotape here of some of the prints of the outdoor stuff. We could just run that. I want you to get a feel for that. 

This is an example of a print ad. You might see on the back of the magazine. 

This was an image owned by Time Warner that they've never released before. 

Martha Graham

Thomas Edison

Alfred Hitchcock

You can't see it on the video, but these images are just stunning. 

Look at this outdoor Muhammad Ali. 

All this stuff is going up in the next 2 weeks. you know that is? Rosa Parks

There'll be five buses running around five major cities like that. 

You're working pretty hard to wrap this up the last few days and nights, but it's the best work I've seen in awful long time. I think it's the best work Apples ever done. Now advertising is not everything. We've got some incredibly exciting product announcements coming up. Soon. Some incredibly exciting things, in general, are going to be happening over the next 90, 120 days. And I really deeply appreciate all of the commitment that's in this room and with the people not in this room. The turning this company around.  This company's absolutely gonna turn around as a matter of fact. I think the question now is not, can we turn around Apple, I think that's the booby prize. I think it's can we make Apple really great again. So thank you for your time.


