
Big Data Management (Presentation)

常华Andy Andy730 2024-03-16

The Three Temporal Dimensions of Data Analytics

The Past

Retrospective View

– What happened?

– Why did it happen?

– Uses historical data

– Delivers static dashboards

The Present

Real-time View

– What is happening now?

– Uses real-time data

– Actionable dashboards

– Alerts

– Reminders

The Future

Prospective View

– What will happen next?

– How can I intervene?

– Uses historical and real time data

– Predictive dashboards

– Knowledge-based dashboards

Business Intelligence vs. Data Analytics

Business Intelligence

  • Information from processing raw data

  • Structured data

  • Simple descriptive statistics

  • Tabular, cleansed & complete data

  • Normalized data

  • Data snapshots, static queries

  • Dashboards snapshots & reports

Advanced Data Analytics

  • Discovery, insight, patterns, learning from data

  • Unstructured & structured data

  • NLP, classifiers, machine learning, pattern recognition, predictive modeling, optimization, model-based

  • Dirty data, missing & noisy data, non-normalized data

  • Non-normalized data, many types of data elements

  • Streaming data, continuous updates of data & models, feedback & auto-learning

  • Visualization, knowledge discovery

DAMA International DMBOK2

1. Data architecture management

2. Data development

3. Database operations management

4. Data security management

5. Reference and master data management

6. Data warehousing and business intelligence management

7. Document and content management

8. Metadata management

9. Data quality management

The DMM Model

Level 1


– Ad hoc, inconsistent, unstable, disorganized, not repeatable

– Any success achieved through individual effort

Level 2


– Planned and managed

– Sufficient resources assigned, training provided, responsibilities allocated

– Limited performance evaluation and checking of adherence to standards

Level 3


– Standardized set of process descriptions and procedures used for creating individual processes

– Activities are defined and documented in detail: roles, responsibilities, measures, process inputs, outputs, entry and exit criteria

– Proactive process measurement and management

– Process interrelationships defined

Level 4

Quantitatively Managed

– Quantitative objectives are defined for quality and process performance

– Performance and quality practices are defined and measured throughout the life of the process

– Process-specific measures are defined

– Performance is controlled and predictable



– Emphasis on continuous improvement is based on understanding of organization business objectives and performance needs

– Performance objectives are continually updated to align and reflect changing business objectives and organizational performance

– Focus is on overall organizational performance

– Defined feedback loop between measurement and process change

Source: Peter Ghavami, Big Data Management: Data Governance Principles for Big Data Analytics


