

常华Andy Andy730 2024-03-16





  • 保护自然人、法人和非法人组织与数据有关的权益

  • 规范数据处理活动

  • 促进数据依法有序自由流动

  • 保障数据安全

  • 加快数据要素市场培育和数字经济发展

<Data Strategy of the Federal German Government>


  • Seizing opportunities: using, sharing and making data accessible

  • 抓住机会:使用、共享和使数据易于访问

  • Promoting sustainable growth and prosperity through data use

  • 通过数据使用促进可持续增长和繁荣

  • Responsibility: using opportunities, countering risks

  • 责任:利用机遇,应对风险

  • Creating trust in data use

  • 建立对数据使用的信任

  • Areas of action of the Data Strategy of the Federal German Government:

  • 德国联邦政府数据战略的关键行动:

  • Firstly, we will improve data provision and secure data access at infrastructural level.
  • 首先,我们将改善数据供给,并在基础设施层面确保数据访问的安全。

  • Secondly, we will promote responsible data use and tap potential for innovation.
  • 其次,我们将促进负责任的数据使用,挖掘创新潜力。

  • Thirdly, we want to improve → data skills and establish a new data culture in Germany.
  • 第三,我们希望提高数据技能,在德国建立新的数据文化。

  • Fourthly, we will make the Federal Government a world leader of the new data culture so that it can fulfil its special role in this field.
  • 第四,我们将使联邦政府成为新数据文化的世界领导者,以便它能够在这一领域发挥其特殊作用。

<Federal Data Strategy Framework>




  • The mission of the Federal Data Strategy is to leverage the full value of federal data for mission, service, and the public good by guiding the Federal Government in practicing ethical governance, conscious design, and a learning culture.

  • 联邦数据战略的使命是通过指导联邦政府实践伦理治理、主导规划设计、和学习文化,充分利用联邦数据的价值,以实现使命任务、服务和社会公益。



  • The Federal Data Strategy Principles serve as motivational guidelines. They underlie a comprehensive strategy that encompasses federal and federally-sponsored program, statistical, and mission-support data.

  • 联邦数据战略原则作为激励性准则,包括联邦发起的和联邦赞助的计划、统计性的和任务支持数据在内的全面战略的基础。

Ethical Governance


  • 1.Uphold Ethics: Monitor and assess the implications of federal data practices for the public. Design checks and balances to protect and serve the public good.

  • 1. 坚持伦理:监测和评估联邦数据实践对公众的影响。设置制约与平衡措施,以保护和服务于公众利益。

  • 2.Exercise Responsibility: Practice effective data stewardship and governance. Employ sound data security practices, protect individual privacy, maintain promised confidentiality, and ensure appropriate access and use.

  • 2. 行使责任:实行有效的数据管理和治理。采用健全的数据安全做法,保护个人隐私,维护承诺的保密性,并确保合理的访问和使用。

  • 3.Promote Transparency: Articulate the purposes and uses of federal data to engender public trust. Comprehensively document processes and products to inform data providers and users.

  • 3. 促进透明度:阐明联邦数据的目的和用途,以产生公众信任。全面记录流程和产品,告知数据提供商和用户。

Conscious Design


  • 4.Ensure Relevance: Protect the quality and integrity of the data. Validate that data are appropriate, accurate, objective, accessible, useful, understandable, and timely.

  • 4. 确保相关性:保护数据的质量和完整性。验证数据是否适当、准确、客观、可访问、有用、可理解和及时。

  • 5.Harness Existing Data: Identify data needs to inform priority research and policy questions; reuse data if possible and acquire additional data if needed.

  • 5. 利用现有数据:确定数据需求为重要研究和政策问题提供信息;尽可能重用数据,或在必要时提取额外数据。

  • 6.Anticipate Future Uses: Create data thoughtfully, considering fitness for use by others; plan for reuse and build in interoperability from the start.

  • 6.预见未来用途:仔细论证创建的数据,充分考虑其他使用场景:从开始就计划到数据重用和在互操作性中构建数据。

  • 7.Demonstrate Responsiveness: Improve data collection, analysis, and dissemination with ongoing input from users and stakeholders. The feedback process is cyclical; establish a baseline, gain support, collaborate, and refine continuously.

  • 7. 示范响应度:利用用户和利益相关者的持续反馈,改进数据的收集、分析和传播。反馈过程是周期性的;建立基线,并争取支持、协作和不断改进。

Learning Culture


  • 8.Invest in Learning: Promote a culture of continuous and collaborative learning with and about data through ongoing investment in data infrastructure and human resources.

  • 8. 投资学习:通过持续投资于数据基础设施和人力资源,促进与数据持续协作的学习文化。

  • 9.Develop Data Leaders: Cultivate data leadership at all levels of the federal workforce by investing in training and development about the value of data for mission, service, and the public good.

  • 9. 发展数据领导者:通过投资培训和发展有关数据对使命任务、服务和社会公益的价值的培训和开发,培养联邦各级员工的数据领导力。

  • 10.Practice Accountability: Assign responsibility, audit data practices, document and learn from results, and make needed changes.

  • 10.实行问责制:制定责任、数据审计规则、记录和从结果中吸取教训,并做出必要的改变。


