
一张纸:美国关键基础设施保护政策 Critical Infrastructure Protection Policies

常华Andy Andy730 2024-03-16

美国针对关键基础设施的保护始于1996年,但真正重视起来是在 2001 年 "911"事件发生之后,迅速加大了力度,确保从联邦政府、州、地方政府和企业等组织能全方位落实关键基础设施保护。


Jul 15, 1996

  • Executive Order 13010

  • Critical Infrastructure Protection

  • Clinton, Bill

  • President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection

May 22, 1998


  • Critical Infrastructure Protection

  • Bill Clinton

  • National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC)

Oct 16, 2001

  • Executive Order 13231

  • Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Information Age

  • Bush, George W. 

  • President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board (PCIPB)

Feb 06, 2003

  • National Strategy for the Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Key Assets

  • United States. White House Office

  • Identifying and assuring the protection of those infrastructures and assets; Providing timely warning; Assuring the protection of other infrastructures and assets that may become terrorist targets

May 13, 2002

  • Banking and Finance Sector: The National Strategy for Critical Infrastructure Assurance, Version 1.0

  • United States. Department of Homeland Security

Dec 17, 2003

  • Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7

  • Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization, and Protection

  • George W. Bush

  • identify and prioritize United States critical infrastructure and key resources and to protect them from terrorist attacks

Feb 12, 2013

  • Presidential Policy Directive 21

  • Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience

  • Obama, Barack

  • strengthen the security and resilience of its critical infrastructure against both physical and cyber threats

Feb 19, 2013

  • Executive Order 13636

  • Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity

  • Obama, Barack

  • Cybersecurity Information Sharing; Privacy and Civil Liberties Protections; Baseline Framework to Reduce Cyber Risk to Critical Infrastructure

Apr 16, 2018

  • Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, Version 1.1

  • National Institute of Standards and Technology

  • a common organizing structure for multiple approaches to cybersecurity by assembling standards, guidelines, and practices that are working effectively today

May 11, 2017

  • Executive Order 13800

  • Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure

  • Trump, Donald

  • Cybersecurity of Federal Networks; Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure; Cybersecurity for the Nation


