

常华Andy Andy730 2024-03-16


1. The Data Value Chain

  • DATA: Led by Data Office

  • INFORMATION: Led by Data Office

  • INSIGHT: Led by Data Office & Business

  • VALUE: Led by Business

2. The Targets of a Data Office

High-Quality Data as the Single Source of Truth:

  • Its structure and content reflect the company's business model and reality

  • It is used across multiple systems, multiple applications, and multiple processes

  • It covers the entire business (all functions and countries)

  • It is unambiguous and without duplicates

  • It is well-maintained through a mandatory governance model

Proper Handling of Data:

  • Setup of a governance framework to maintain both data structure and content

  • Ongoing change management and data quality management

  • Proper translation of business logic into a comprehensible data structure

  • Its formalization (glossary, attributes, relations), to avoid ambiguity

  • Shaping the solution environment to maintain, hold and provide data (business ownership)

3. A Data Vision for the CDO

DATA: reliable, undisputed, easy to access

  • Everybody benefits from crystal clear data, centrally governed

  • People can focus on using data, without having to think about origin or correctness

  • Not everybody may understand it all - but everybody knows how important it is

  • Everybody is conscious about data quality

  • There is board trust in the quality of our company's data

  • Data is treated as an asset, with the same diligence as any other asset

4. The SCPDS Change Process

(SCPDS: Strategy-Capabilities-Processes-Data-Solutions)

Business Model and Strategy

  • What should our customers, suppliers, team members, shareholders expect? 

  • -Cost or quality leadership?

  • -Individual solutions or commodities

  • -Technology-driven or people-driven

  • -Etc.

Required Capabilities

  • Which services do we need to offer? (Define target product portfolio!)

  • What is legally accepted or required (compliance)

  • Which capabilities do we want to have?

  • Consider indirect capabilities such as ability to change quickly

  • Define Quality metrics

Business Process and Logic (Business Process Owners)

  • Which processes need to be followed?

  • -Human-triggered processes (e.g., steps to open an account)

  • -Data processes (e.g., invoice creation)

  • -Hybrid processes (e.g., credit checks)

  • Set non-functional requirements

  • Describe processes in an IT-agnostic way!

Data Rules, Standards and Definitions (Business Data Owners)

  • Which data-related activities happen during a process, and when?

  • How do data elements relate to each other?

  • Who owns which data, who can change it?

  • Which data terms are used?(glossary)

  • Data record operation which defined interfaces:

  • -Read/search

  • -Create

  • -Update/expire

  • -Validate

IT Solutions (Business Application Owners)

  • Technical Design, also considering technical requirements:

  • -Data entry and retrieval screens

  • -Physical data model

  • -Data transmission and storage

  • -Middleware

  • -Architecture

  • -Maintainability etc.

  • for databases, shared services and other data applications

5. Growing the Three Dimensions of Data

Future Opportunities

  • Latest Data Science

  • Robotics Process Automation

  • New business models

Solid Foundation

  • Single source of truth

  • Cross-functional work

  • Company-wide standardization

Improving Current

  • Increasing awareness

  • Monitoring and improving data quality

  • Driving compliance

  • Avoiding errors

6. The Data Governance Pyramid

Review and Decision Process

  1. Data Community: Subject matter experts work together, exchange knowledge, make proposals

  2. Data Collaboration group on 3rd hierarchy level, to develop concepts, review, propose, decide

  3. Executive Data Decision body 2nd hierarchy level; cross-functional!

  4. Management Board as final escalation body, as well as for strategic Board-level decisions




