
【直播】【ACS Energy and Fuels Division】Applications of nc-AFM...

KouShare 蔻享学术 2023-08-02


本次报告由ACS Chemistry for Life、ENFL ACS Division of Energy & Fuels主办,于2021年7月30日20:00开始,授权蔻享学术进行网络直播。

Applications of nc-AFM in Petroleum Characterization:  Opportunities & Challenges


Dr. Yunlong Zhang


2021年7月30日 20:00

Despite tremendous research, molecular characterization of petroleum remains a significant scientific challenge because petroleum is an exceptionally complex molecular mixture. In this talk, some recent advances in the application of non-contact atomic force microscopy (nc-AFM) to petroleum research will be presented. The complexity of petroleum presents a number of experimental and computational challenges to overcome to achieve the full potential of this new technique. Studies on categorizing structures as either alternant or nonalternant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), recognizing empirical structural patterns, quantifying the local aromaticity and bond orders, and computing the electronic structures will be discussed. The effect of sample preparation for AFM analysis, and the influence of petroleum structural parameters on imaging results, such as molecular weight, thermal cracking of weak linkages, nonplanar geometries or conformations, the presence of heteroatoms, and trace amounts of free radicals have been studied. The recent results from imaging of molecules in M-50 petroleum pitch will be highlighted. The numerous observed methyls on M-50 pitch led to the design of dimethylpyrene to confirm the role of methyls in promoting molecular weight growth of aromatic hydrocarbons, and revealed new insights into the polymerization mechanism. The knowledge of definitive petroleum structures could enable new reaction pathways and new uses for petroleum molecules in applications such as carbon materials.


图 | Yunlong Zhang
Dr. Yunlong Zhang joined ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company as a staff scientist in 2014 after completing a postdoctoral fellowship at MIT and a PhD degree in physical organic chemistry from The Ohio State University. His interests include hydrocarbon chemistry, structure and reactivity of heavy oils, asphaltenes and carbon materials, with a focus on fundamental understanding of reaction mechanisms and structures at the molecular level. Recently, he has been applying non-contact atomic force microscopy (nc-AFM) to characterize heavy petroleum molecules and providing many new insights into petroleum molecules. His research has led to about 50 peer-reviewed articles and over 30 presentations, in addition to many patents, technical reports and company presentations. He has been serving on ACS EFNL committee and the Editorial Advisory Board of Energy&Fuels, organized many virtual special issues and symposia, and the international conference PetroPhase 2021. The awards he received include the 2019 R.A. Glenn Award from ACS ENFL, 2020 R&D Excellence Award from ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co., and the Top 25 Most Cited Paper (2014-2017) Award from Energy&Fuels.




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