
【下午3点】《分子光电科学》系列讲座 | 魏茨曼科学研究院Ayelet Vilan博士

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



主题:Energy Alignment at the Molecule-Electrode Interface: an Electrochemical-Potential/Hardness View

主讲人:Ayelet Vilan

单位:Department of Chemical & Biological Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

时间:2020年6月15日 15:00


Although the importance of energy-alignment at hetero-interface is undeniable, the mechanism dictating it is still debatable. Confusion is even larger for molecular monolayers, because molecules are mostly insulators with no energy-levels in the vicinity of the Fermi-level. This rules out molecular ionization as a means to establish electronic equilibrium. Still, there is a growing evidence for energy alignment between adsorbed molecules and the Fermi-level of their supporting substrate. This can be understood as an equilibrium between the Fermi level of the contact(s) and the chemical potential of the electrons in the molecule, established via polarization of the bound electrons in the immediate vicinity of the interface. The extent of this polarization relates to the notion of ‘chemical hardness’ and is relevant for both chemical binding and physical contact. This concept is demonstrated for several examples of molecular monolayers on Si and on Au.Interface polarization has a key role in energy alignment at any interface, though it is specifically critical for cases where doping is limited, such as organic electronics and 2D materials.


Ayelet Vilan received her Ph. D. in the Materials and Interfaces department of the Weizmann Institute of Science, studying dipolar monolayers at the Au/GaAs surface. She did post-doctoral studies at PhilipsResearch (Eindhoven) after which she returned to the Weizmann institute in 2005. In 2013 she was a visiting scientist in Texas A&M. Her major research interest is the development of empirical tools for interpretation and quantification of charge transport across molecular junctions, in either single molecule or monolayer configurations.

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