
【学术视频】第八届国际磁科学会议 | 捷克科学院物理研究所Vitalii Zablotskii教授

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



图 | Vitalii Zablotskii
题   目:Biological effects of high-gradient magnetic fields报告人:Vitalii Zablotskii单   位:Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences时   间:2019-10-12地   点:中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院



As the fields of nanomedicine, magnetotherapy and magnetogenetics intensively grow, knowledge of the interactions between magnetic fields and living cells is of increasing importance. The exact mechanisms of the interaction between magnetic fields and cells still elude our complete understanding. However, some of the fundamental mechanisms were recently identified for different types of cells exposed to a high-gradient magnetic field (HGMF). 

In this report we aim at highlighting recent advances made in identifying fundamental mechanisms by which magnetic gradient forces act on cell fate specification and cell differentiation.

Fig. 1 Cells in a non-uniform magnetic field. 

Let us imagine cells that are in a high-gradient magnetic field, which changes in the both magnitude and direction (Fig. 1). Through what mechanisms do the cells sense a non-uniform magnetic field and how such a field changes the cell fate? We show that magnetic forces generated by high-gradient magnetic fields (▽B>10 kT/m) can be comparable to intracellular forces and therefore may be capable of altering the functionality of an individual cell and tissues in unprecedented ways.

We identify the cellular effectors of such fields and propose novel routes in cell biology predicting new biological effects such as magnetically induced differentiation of stem cells, magnetically assisted cell division or prevention of cells from dividing, magnetically induced cytoskeleton remodeling, magnetic control of the membrane potential and cell-to-cell communication as well as magnetic control of intracellular ROS levels.

We also provide a review of the currently available magnetic systems capable of generating magnetic fields with spatial gradients of up to 10 MT/m. On the basis of experimental facts and theoretical modeling we reveal timescales of cellular responses to high-gradient magnetic fields and suggest an explicit dependence of the cell response time on the magnitude of the magnetic field gradient. 


Vitalii Zablotskii is a senior researcher at the Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, working in magnetism and biophysics. His main research activities focus on the study of magnetic field effects on living organisms, targeted magnetic drug and cell delivery as well as magnetic nanostructures and magnetic phase transitions.



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