
China 13 tons helicopter AC313A in place

Laochen LaoChen云航空 2022-10-11

The AC313A has been fitted with a new type of engine, which has improved the power and reliability of its transmission system, upgraded its electromechanical, avionics, flight control and control systems, and installed onboard equipment such as health monitoring systems (HUMS) and rotor anti-icing systems, the maximum take-off weight of the external crane is 13.8 tons, the sprinkling capacity is 5 tons, and can transport 28 crew members.

This engine is the“Aneto” turboshaft engine developed and produced by French Safran Company. It is the first practical fifth generation turboshaft engine in the world, the AC313A will be fitted with three specially designed “ANETTO-1C” engines to replace the three PT6B-67A engines used by AC313, which are manufactured by Canadian Pratt & Whitney. The“Aneto-1c” engine is technically the same as the RTM322 engine, which is also the power of the 13-TON European helicopter AW-101. The engine currently has a maximum output of 1,864 kilowatts and weighs only 232 kilograms. Its power-to-weight ratio is over 8, and its fuel consumption is nearly 25 percent lower than that of RTM322. In the future, the engine will continue to increase its power to 2,237 kilowatts, power-to-weight ratio increased to 9.64! This performance also makes it a major feature of the fifth generation turboshaft engine.

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