
双语 | 李克强总理在第22次东盟与中日韩领导人会议上的讲话

新华社 译介 2023-06-20

在第22次东盟与中日韩领导人会议上的讲话Speech at the 22nd ASEAN Plus China, Japan and ROK Summit中华人民共和国国务院总理 李克强H.E. Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China2019年11月4日,曼谷Bangkok, 4 November 2019尊敬的巴育总理,Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha,各位同事:Colleagues,很高兴出席第22次东盟与中日韩(10+3)领导人会议,我谨代表中国政府感谢东道国泰国为会议所作的精心准备和周到安排。It gives me great pleasure to attend the 22nd ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Summit. On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to express my sincere thanks to our host Thailand for its thoughtful preparations and arrangements for the Summit.10+3合作因应对亚洲金融危机而诞生,走过了不平凡的发展历程。20多年来,在各方共同努力下,10+3合作机制不断完善、合作领域不断拓展、合作层次不断提升,区域经济一体化进程稳步推进,不仅造福了地区国家和人民,也为促进亚洲乃至世界经济发展作出了积极贡献,被公认是多边合作的成功样板。这些成绩来之不易,经验弥足珍贵,值得我们倍加珍惜并发扬光大。APT cooperation, which was initiated in the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis, has traversed an extraordinary journey. In the past 20 years and more, thanks to our joint efforts, the APT framework has continued to strengthen with expanding and deepening cooperation, contributing to the steady progress of regional economic integration. Deemed a successful example of multilateral cooperation, APT cooperation has delivered benefits to the countries and peoples in the region, and boosted economic growth in Asia and beyond. These hard-won achievements deserve to be cherished, and the valuable experience gained therefrom should be carried forward.当前,国际形势正在发生深刻复杂变化。世界经济增速放缓,全球贸易和投资低迷,保护主义显著抬头,市场信心不稳,给东亚国家发展和10+3合作带来新的风险和挑战。As we meet, the world is seeing profound and complex changes. Slowing global growth, sluggish trade and investment worldwide, and notably rising protectionism are shaking market confidence and posing new risks and challenges to the development of East Asian countries and APT cooperation. 作为地区繁荣稳定的重要支撑,10+3国家有责任加强团结协作,坚定维护以联合国为核心的国际体系和以世贸组织为核心的多边贸易体制,坚定推进区域经济一体化,坚定走开放包容、合作共赢的发展之路,共同抵御风险挑战、拓展发展空间,为地区和世界经济稳定增长注入新动能。As underpinning forces for regional prosperity and stability, APT countries are duty-bound to strengthen unity and collaboration. Together, we must firmly stand for the international system with the UN at its core and the WTO-centered multilateral trading regime, vigorously advance regional economic integration, firmly pursue open and inclusive development with win-win cooperation, and tackle risks and challenges head on. This will help broaden our space of development and inject a fresh impetus into the steady growth of the regional and global economy.各位同事,Colleagues,10+3国家各具比较优势,经济互补性强,合作空间广阔。我们应进一步挖掘潜力,推动10+3合作取得更多实质性成果,继续引领东亚合作进程,实现更高质量发展。为此,我建议从以下几方面努力:Given our diversity and strong economic complementarity, there exists a broad room for cooperation among APT countries. We need to further unleash the potential to seek more substantive progress in APT cooperation, and steer East Asian cooperation toward higher-quality development. In this context, I propose that we intensify our efforts in the following areas:第一,推进更高水平的经济一体化。目前,亚洲已成为世界范围内融合发展程度较高的地区之一。2013年以来全球新签署自贸协定中,大多数协定的主体成员是亚洲国家。作为亚洲主要经济体代表,10+3国家贸易总量已超过10万亿美元,其中近一半属区内贸易。东盟经济共同体建成后,内部九成以上税目已享受零关税。First, bringing economic integration to a higher level. Asia is one of the most economically integrated regions in the world. Most of the new free trade agreements since 2013 are signed mainly by Asian countries. APT countries, representing the bulk of Asia’s economy, have a total trade volume of over US$10 trillion, almost half of which is intra-regional trade. With the ASEAN Economic Community realized, over 90 percent of tariff items in intra-ASEAN trade have been eliminated.中、日、韩均是东盟的重要贸易投资伙伴,2018年三个10+1自贸安排贸易总量近8700亿美元,三国对东盟投资总额380亿美元,分别较上年增长6.8%和10%。China, Japan and the ROK are ASEAN’s important trade and investment partners. Last year, ASEAN’s free trade arrangements with China, Japan and the ROK generated a total trade volume of close to US$870 billion, up by 6.8 percent year on year. And the three countries’ investment in ASEAN countries grew by 10 percent to reach US$38 billion.通过共同努力,区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)15个成员国已结束全部文本谈判以及实质上所有市场准入谈判,并决定于今年年底前完成少数遗留问题的磋商,在明年RCEP领导人会议上正式签署。这是世界上人口数量最多、成员结构最多元、发展潜力最大的东亚自贸区建设取得的重大突破,必将有力推动贸易和投资自由化便利化水平的提升。Thanks to the joint efforts of all parties, 15 RCEP participating countries have concluded text-based negotiations and essentially all their market access issues, and are committed to resolving the few outstanding issues by the end of this year, to make the agreement ready for signing at next year’s RCEP Summit. This is a major breakthrough in building a free trade area in East Asia that covers the largest population, the most diverse membership and boasts the greatest development potential. The conclusion of the RCEP will strongly boost trade and investment liberalization and facilitation.10+3国家作为RCEP成员的主体,既是谈判的坚定支持者,也将是直接受益者,应在推动尽快签署协议中发挥积极作用。站在RCEP谈成这个新起点上,我们更有信心加快中日韩自贸区等谈判进程,构建更加优势互补的东亚产业链和分工体系,推进更高水平的区域经济一体化进程,朝着建设东亚经济共同体的目标迈进。APT countries, accounting for a large part of the RCEP, have been strong supporters throughout the negotiations, and will be direct beneficiaries. As such, we should play a positive role in facilitating the signing of the agreement as soon as possible. The successful conclusion of the RCEP will put us at a new starting point, and make us more confident in speeding up the China-Japan-ROK FTA negotiations and building an industrial chain and specialization structure in East Asia based on our comparative advantages. These efforts will be conducive to fostering a higher level of economic integration in our region, and put us on course toward an East Asia Economic Community (EAEC).第二,支持地区互联互通建设。互联互通是东亚经济一体化的重要基础。泰国倡议本次会议发表《互联互通再联通倡议的声明》,中方积极支持,相信该倡议有助于促使地区国家形成互联互通建设合力。共建“一带一路”倡议是促进包容普惠发展的合作平台,地区国家有着参与的强烈意愿。Second, supporting regional connectivity. Connectivity is an important foundation for East Asian economic integration. China supports Thailand’s proposal of issuing the APT Leaders’ Statement on Connecting the Connectivities Initiative at this year’s Summit, as it will help forge a synergy of our efforts in boosting regional connectivity. As a cooperation platform for common and inclusive development, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has drawn a strong interest from regional countries. 昨天我同东盟国家领导人共同发表了《关于“一带一路”倡议同〈东盟互联互通总体规划2025〉对接合作的联合声明》。中方愿同各方一道,做好共建“一带一路”倡议与地区互联互通倡议深入对接,践行高标准、惠民生、可持续理念,支持开放、廉洁、绿色发展,在共建经济走廊、发展经贸产业园区、加快市场规则及标准“软联通”等方面加强合作,促进地区各国联动融合发展。Yesterday, ASEAN leaders and I issued the Joint Statement on Synergizing MPAC 2025 and the BRI. China is ready to work with all parties to enhance the synergy between the BRI and other regional connectivity initiatives, follow a high-standard, people-centered and sustainable approach and promote open, clean and green development. We need to strengthen cooperation on economic corridors and industrial parks, and improve institutional connectivity including that of market rules and standards, so as to promote interconnected and integrated development of regional countries.第三,夯实地区金融合作。财金合作是10+3合作的重点。各方应根据《10+3财金合作战略方向》愿景文件共识,探索通过财金合作完善区域经济治理架构,服务区域经济一体化需要。Third, enhancing regional financial cooperation. Financial cooperation is a priority for the APT framework. Parties need to act on the vision set out in the Strategic Directions of ASEAN+3 Finance Process, and work to improve the regional economic governance architecture through financial cooperation and serve the need for regional economic integration.应充分发挥清迈倡议多边化和10+3宏观经济研究办公室作用,不断完善地区金融安全网,提升东亚抵御金融风险、维护经济稳定的能力。我们欢迎完成《清迈倡议多边化协议》首次定期审议,支持进一步探讨本币出资,提高其可用性、有效性和安全性,强化本币在区域贸易投资中的使用。The role of the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization (CMIM) and AMRO needs to be fully leveraged to upgrade the regional financial safety net and build up East Asia’s capacity to defuse financial risks and maintain steady economic growth. We welcome the completion of the first periodic review of the CMIM Agreement and support further efforts to explore using local currencies to make the CMIM safer, more effective and readily available. 支持10+3宏观经济研究办公室提高经济监测能力。建议深化本币债券市场发展,落实好亚洲债券市场新中期路线图,动员本地区私营部门资金参与基础设施投资。Meanwhile, the use of local currencies in regional trade and investment should also be increased. We support AMRO in strengthening its economic surveillance capacity. We suggest efforts be made to develop local currency bond markets, implement the new ABMI Mid-Term Road Map and mobilize more private capital in the region to invest in the infrastructure sector.加强金融科技合作,开展联合研究、信息分享、监管等合作。10+3银联体成立大会日前在泰国成功举行,相信将进一步丰富地区融资渠道。We also need to strengthen FinTech cooperation in joint research, information sharing and regulation. Last month, the inaugural meeting of the APT Inter-Bank Association was successfully held in Thailand, which will help further diversify financing channels in the region.第四,促进可持续发展。长期以来,10+3国家在减贫、老龄化、粮食安全等领域开展了广泛合作。中方愿与各方落实联合国2030年可持续发展目标,通过“东亚减贫合作倡议”同各方分享发展经验,继续加强10+3大米紧急储备机制建设。Fourth, promoting sustainable development. Over the years, APT countries have engaged in extensive cooperation on poverty reduction, aging and food security. China will work with other APT countries to implement the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and share experience through the East Asia Cooperation Initiative on Poverty Reduction and further enhance APTERR.中方也愿通过澜沧江-湄公河合作、中国-东盟东部增长区合作等次区域合作机制,协助地区缩小发展差距,促进地区共同繁荣。中方支持建立10+3灾害管理部长会机制,愿在明年承办首次部长级会议。中方愿同日韩两国一道,同感兴趣的东盟国家开展“中日韩+X”合作,推动地区共同发展。China will do what it can to narrow the development gap and achieve common prosperity in the region through sub-regional cooperation frameworks, including the Lancang-Mekong and the China- BIMP-EAGA cooperation. We support the establishment of the APT Ministerial Meeting on Disaster Management and will be happy to host its first meeting next year. We will work with Japan and the ROK for cooperation with interested ASEAN countries under the “China-Japan-ROK+X” arrangement in a joint effort to pursue common progress in the region.中方支持在数字经济、智慧城市、人工智能、电子商务等领域开展合作,让创新和科技成果更多惠及广大民众。China supports cooperation on the digital economy, smart cities, artificial intelligence and e-commerce to deliver greater benefits of innovation and scientific and technological advances to the general public.第五,深入开展人文交流。民心相通,合作才顺畅。近年来,10+3人文交流有声有色,受到各国民众欢迎。要充分发挥旅游、教育、文化、新闻等合作机制作用,用好10+3合作基金,开展更多民众喜闻乐见的合作项目。10+3文化城市网络已于10月启动,相信这将推动地区城市间文化交流合作。Fifth, deepening people-to-people exchanges. Close bonds between our peoples are key to smooth progress in cooperation. Recent years have seen a boom of people-to-people and cultural exchanges among APT countries, which are popular among our people. Cooperation frameworks on tourism, education, culture and press should be fully leveraged and the APT Cooperation Fund well used to sponsor more projects that enjoy the support of the people. The launch of the Network of APT Cultural Cities last month will boost cultural exchanges and cooperation among cities in the region.中方欢迎建立10+3合作网站,这有助于增进民众对10+3合作了解和认同。中方将继续办好10+3媒体合作研讨会、10+3青年科学家论坛等活动,加强文明间交流互鉴,促进民众间相知相亲。China welcomes the establishment of the APT Website, which will help the general public better understand and appreciate APT cooperation. China will remain a good host of the APT Media Cooperation Forum and the APT Young Scientists’ Forum to strengthen exchanges and mutual learning between cultures and deepen the understanding and affinity among our peoples.东亚的繁荣发展离不开和平安定的环境。作为半岛近邻和负责任大国,中方一直都是和平稳定的守护者、对话谈判的推动者、长治久安的贡献者。中方愿同地区各国一道,继续为推进半岛问题政治解决进程、实现半岛无核化和本地区持久和平发挥积极作用。The prosperity and development of East Asia requires an environment of peace and stability. As an immediate neighbor to the Korean Peninsula and a responsible major country, China has been a promoter of peace and stability, facilitator of dialogue and negotiation, and contributor to long-term security. China will continue to work with other regional countries and play a positive role in promoting political resolution of the Peninsula issue, denuclearization of the Peninsula and enduring peace in the region, and this process.各位同事,Colleagues,今年是中华人民共和国成立70周年。70年来,中国发展取得了举世瞩目的成就。这些成就是中国人民用勤劳、智慧和勇气一点一滴干出来的,也是在中国与世界各国互利交流与合作的过程中取得的。今后,中国有能力把自己的事情做得更好,同时为促进各国共同发展作出新的贡献。This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Over the past seven decades, China has made remarkable progress in development owing to the hard work, wisdom and courage of the Chinese people, and in the course of its mutually beneficial exchanges and cooperation with the rest of the world. Going forward, China has the capacity to take good care of its own affairs and make new contributions to the common development of all countries.今年以来,面对极为错综复杂的国际环境,中国经济保持了总体平稳、稳中有进态势,主要指标符合预期。前三季度,国内生产总值增长6.2%,全年有望保持在年初确定的6%-6.5%的目标区间内;全国城镇新增就业接近1100万人,9月份调查失业率为5.2%。国际收支基本平衡,外汇储备保持在3万亿美元以上。This year, in spite of the complex international environment, the Chinese economy has, on the whole, registered steady growth and solid progress with major indicators performing within our expectations. GDP growth stood at 6.2 percent in the first three quarters of this year and is expected to stay in the range of 6 to 6.5 percent set out early this year. Close to 11 million urban jobs have been newly created, and the surveyed urban unemployment rate in September was 5.2 percent. International payments have been balanced overall with foreign exchange reserves remaining above US$3 trillion.结构调整稳步推进,粮食生产再获丰收,高技术制造业、现代服务业保持较快发展势头。平均每天新登记企业近2万户,继续保持较快增长,这反映出社会创业创新有活力、市场主体有信心。城乡居民人均可支配收入与经济增长基本同步,生态环境质量稳步改善,基本民生保障水平继续提高。Structural adjustments are making steady progress. We have seen another bumper harvest of grains. The high-tech manufacturing and modern services industries have maintained fairly fast growth. An average of nearly 20,000 businesses are newly registered every day, maintaining a strong momentum of business growth. This testifies to the dynamism of entrepreneurship and innovation in society and the confidence of market entities. The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents has been rising in sync with economic growth, the ecological environment is improving, and continued progress has been achieved in meeting people’s basic needs.在经济规模超过13万亿美元的高基数基础上、在全球主要经济体增速普遍放缓的背景下,中国经济发展取得这样的成绩,确实是来之不易的。这也表明,中国经济有巨大的韧性、潜力和活力,有能力抵御各种风险挑战,经济长期向好的基本面没有也不会改变。These achievements have not been easy for China, particularly when its economy has surpassed US$13 trillion and major economies around the world are seeing a slow-down in growth. It once again proves the resilience, potential and vitality of the Chinese economy and our ability to fend off risks and challenges. The fundamentals sustaining China’s positive economic outlook for the long term remain unchanged and will not change.受世界经济放缓等因素影响,中国经济增长也面临一些困难和挑战,下行压力仍在持续加大。对今年国内外复杂严峻形势,我们早有预判、作了充分准备,一直在采取措施积极加以应对。That said, due to the slowing global growth, the Chinese economy is also facing difficulties and challenges amid mounting downward pressure. Fully anticipating the complex and challenging situation at home and abroad, we have made comprehensive preparations and responded with proactive measures.中国仍是世界上最大的发展中国家,新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化深入推进,改革开放力度加大,内生发展动力不断增强,发展潜力不可限量。As the largest developing country in the world, China has intensified its efforts to promote a new type of industrialization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization through deepening reform and opening-up. This process has generated stronger driving forces from within and promises unlimited potential for future development.我们拥有9亿劳动力、1.7亿多受过高等教育或有专业技能的丰富人才资源,有超过1亿户且在不断增加的众多市场主体,有近14亿人口、消费加速升级的庞大市场,有门类齐全、创新能力不断增强的产业体系,有比较完善的基础设施。这些是中国经济发展的基本支撑。China has a 900 million-strong work force, a talent pool of over 170 million with higher education or professional skills, and more than 100 million and still growing market entities. We have a huge market of nearly 1.4 billion people with fast upgrading consumption demand, a full-fledged industrial system with a growing innovative capacity, and well-established infrastructure. All these constitute a strong underpinning for China’s growth.同时,我们采取的一系列重大政策举措效应不断显现。比如,今年实施的更大规模减税降费政策得到较好落实,前8个月减税降费1.53万亿元,预计全年超过2万亿元,这有利于减轻企业负担、激发市场活力、顶住经济下行压力。In the meantime, the host of major policies and measures we have taken are paying off. For example, the larger-scale tax and fee cuts adopted early this year have effectively slashed 1.53 trillion-yuan worth of taxes and fees in the first eight months of this year. And the amount for the whole year is expected to surpass 2 trillion yuan. Such cuts will help relieve burdens on businesses, invigorate market entities and counteract the downward pressure.比如,我们加快建设市场化、法治化、国际化营商环境,对各类所有制企业、内外资企业一视同仁。今年以来,在国际直接投资低迷的情况下,中国利用外资前三季度增长6.5%,表明外资企业依然看好中国、投资中国。Furthermore, we have stepped up efforts to nurture a world-class, market-oriented business environment governed by a sound legal framework and provide a level playing field for businesses of all types of ownership, domestic and foreign-invested alike. In the first three quarters of this year, despite the sluggish flows of FDI globally, foreign investment in China grew by 6.5 percent year on year. It shows that foreign companies remain optimistic about China and about making investment in China.此外,中国宏观调控手段和政策储备充足。我们有信心实现今年经济社会发展主要预期目标任务,并为明年发展奠定坚实基础。Besides, with a large toolkit and sufficient policy reserves for macro-regulation at our disposal, we are confident about meeting the main targets and goals for this year’s economic and social development, laying a solid groundwork for the coming year.中国同包括东盟和日韩在内的东亚国家是友好近邻,中国的发展成果必将优先惠及周边。去年,东盟和日韩都参加了首届中国国际进口博览会,设展产品和成交额位居前列。第二届进博会即将在上海开幕,比去年规模更大,欢迎各国积极参加。China is a friendly neighbor to all countries around the table, ASEAN, Japan and the ROK. China’s development will first and foremost benefit its neighborhood. Last year, all ASEAN countries, Japan and the ROK participated in the first China International Import Expo (CIIE), ranking among the top in terms of products exhibited and transaction value. The second CIIE, which will be even larger in scale, is to open in Shanghai shortly. China looks forward to the active participation of your countries.无论外部环境如何变化,中国将坚定不移走和平发展道路,坚持推动全方位对外开放,与世界各国人民共享发展机遇,共同推动建设开放型世界经济,共建人类命运共同体。Looking ahead, no matter how the external environment may change, China will stay committed to the path of peaceful development and all-round opening-up. We will share development opportunities with the people around the world, jointly foster an open world economy, and build a community with a shared future for mankind.各位同事,Colleagues,10+3合作日益深入人心,有着更加坚实的发展基础和机遇。中方愿与各方携手努力,把10+3合作打造成地区经济一体化的“主引擎”,为东亚持久繁荣稳定作出更大贡献。As APT cooperation now enjoys stronger popular support, a more solid basis and greater opportunities for further development, China will, together with all parties, make APT cooperation a major engine for regional economic integration and contribute more to the long-term prosperity and stability of East Asia.谢谢大家。Thank you.



