
黑白之盒 重构与衍生:沈阳 仁恒源· 59 | TROP

TROP景观事务所 看见景观 2023-10-11

The Yanlord Opus One stands as an urban renewal projects situated on Qingnian Street in the heart of Shenyang City. This mixed use property consist of an office tower with a retail on the second floor and an apartment tower. The apartment landscape renovation contains two fundamental goals. One is to separate the residence circulation from the lively public and office route. And the other is to convert the equipment storage roof to two individual gardens for the mock-up rooms.
The inspiration for the ground floor renovation was drawn from this iconic building facade designed by Kenzō Tange. Here, a harmonious interplay of sculptural and spatial elements took shape. The original concept envisioned The Mystery Box, The Journey Box, The Greeting Box, and TheAlfresco Box. While, owing to the evolving business formats,the construction of The Mystery Box has been temporarily postponed.
The Journey Box is the gateway to the site, where its height serves as an entrance signage, its layout separates the vehicular and pedestrian circulations. A floating black metal mesh, suspended above a verdant canopy, offers a slightly surreal experience that one would feel like traveling pass time and space.
The "Greeting Box" welcomes residents to walk into the newly established Yanlord 59 apartment entrance. Adding a semi-transparent box as the entrance, the design creates a transitional space to separate the office visitors’ route from the returning home pathway. In stark contrast to the lively office entrance, the "Greeting Box" exudes serenity and opulence, calm residents down with a garden-like sanctuary amidst the urban frenzy.

By utilizing the existing columns and introducing sculptural beams with diagonal braces, the special elegance appears when the supporting structure was disappears in the metal mesh façade. Only exquisite remains.

To infuse identity and focus into the central office square, a captivating waterscape sculpture was conceived. Staying true to the original strip paving concept, it rises from the ground, manifesting as a sculptural masterpiece that unifies the entire design, thus elevating the site's integrity.

▼改造前实景图Photo© Fusang Ren


The rooftop renovation presented a series of challenges. During our initial site visit, the prevalence of ventilation ducts dominated the scene, creating a palpable disruption in the harmonious blend between the interior and the exterior. The aging beams and columns imposed spatial constraints, left no room for planting. However, it was within these challenges that we discovered the true essence of our journey—a fusion of challenges and creative possibilities. The presence of pre-existing three-level beams sparked our imagination, transcending the confines of a flat panel and allowing us to envision the rooftop not as a surface but as a vibrant, three-dimensional garden of endless potential.

▼43层改造前实景图Photo© Huamei Yin

Photo© Huamei Yin
首先进行规整管道,我们将花园分为大小两个,利用花园之间的隔墙空间和核心筒顶部,隐藏和转换所有设备;在柱间增加和地面一致的金属网作为干净统一的新立面;同时将整个场地抬升0.45m, 加固底层结构,形成灌木种植条件。
The idea is to standardize pipelines, and creates two distinct gardens - one large and one small. By utilizing the space between the columns and the space above the core tube, the design finds a way to hide and transfer all the equipment. A metal mesh mirroring the ground was introduced between columns, unifying the new facade. The entire site was raised by 0.45m, reinforcing the foundation while providing the minimal soil depth for shrubs to grow.
As a result, the design applies two opposite strategies to create unique gardens that echo to each mock-up rooms’ interior design style. So we name it The Black Garden and The White Garden.
Black Garden By bypassing the original column network, each rooms between the columns are interconnected by diagonal forms, conjuring a sculptural and artistic garden where black exudes mystery and opulence.
▼改造前实景图Photo© Huamei Yin
The design maximized the dual-level space, constructing a floating corridor above the beams for visual interaction and functional division.

The outdoor sunken reception area connects seamlessly to the indoor living room, establishing an enchanting ambiance. A triangular staircase space intertwines with hanging plants, adding depth and artistry to the design.
The entrance seamlessly connects to the indoor living room, embraced by lush greenery. The facade details echo diagonal elements, dividing the space into an outdoor dining area and a relaxation zone. The optimal viewing spot eliminates metal mesh for the best view.

Enhancing the column grid created suspended planting boxes. The cascading greenery drapes gracefully, resembling nature's own curtain, as if the outdoors itself were revealing glimpses of its inner beauty. It also adds a touch of rare greenery to the place in northern east region. 
As one walked to the end, that triangular staircases serves as an closing of the artistic spatial exhibition.

The unique, sculptural staircase connects upper and lower levels. The second-floor floating corridor provides panoramic views and ample light to the lower space.

Following the corridor is a spa & party area. To facilitate the use for private bath and party, the design proposed dressing rooms, restrooms, and a sauna. Applying the origami idea on the vertical dimension, the façade with greenery creates a private visual garden delighting both views from indoor and outdoor. 
▼改造前实景图Photo© Huamei Yin

The origami continues to become a kitchen island. It then dissolves like a fading fantasy, gently merging with the rim of the hot tub, sparking the romantic imaginations for people bathing especially on a snowy day.
The White Garden In stark contrast to Heiyuan's spatial series, Baiting Courtyard breathes new life into original beams and columns through deconstruction, crafting a layered, artful narrative. 


The thoughtful use of white amplifies light and shadow interplay, enhancing space's luminosity and dreamy ambiance.

▼改造前实景图Photo© Huamei Yin


Deconstructed beams and columns serves diverse functions. The entrance unveils a traffic transformation zone, where a light white metal staircase hovers above plants, guiding residents upward.                      
Adjacent, a Feng Shui-inspired dry landscape viewing area emulates abstract landscapes. It creates various feature walls and frames, so the one feels like standing in a Chinese stroll painting. The delightful and artistic vibe nurtures inner tranquillity in return.

At the corner, a sunken reception area mirrors Heiyuan's charm, offering privacy and glimpses of the natural garden. 

On the upper floor, an open-air dining and barbecue space, enveloped by natural gardens, accommodates 20 guests. The marble cooking table harmoniously aligns with the original structure, providing scenic views of the Hun River and the bustling city. Its uniqueness lies in the gardens, each one a portal to the boundless expanse of the open sky, inviting nature's canvas to paint its masterpiece overhead.

Collaborating with Weimar, we defied constraints of fixed plant design and single species selection in the north. Boldly, we embraced mixed planting, combining real and artificial flora to achieve a lush, natural aesthetic while accommodating cold climate growth requirements. Each area and block exhibits unique plant atmospheres, with arbor planting meticulously tailored to frame the space and reduce overcrowding.Plant selection was a breakthrough, employing a mix of real and faux plants to adhere to northern growth requirements. Each function and block adopted unique flora, adding character and vibrancy.
Construction posed dual challenges: floor height restrictions and roof drainage. To address the latter, we elevated the hard pavement and gravel areas, ensuring efficient rainwater circulation, except for the green zone. 

▼白庭基础施工过程Photo© Meng Du


The foundation for the first-floor Greeting box, constrained by thin ground and a lofty building, required innovative solutions. Strip foundations formed a closed-loop frame, supplemented by roof reinforcements for stability. Waterscape sculpture thickness adjustments optimized water pump placement.Construction brought forth challenges such as floor height restrictions and roof drainage. The innovative use of modular segmentation facilitated transportation, while structural reinforcements ensured stability.


Photo© Li Qi


Photo© Huamei Yin


­­­Photo© Li Qi

Photo© Li Qi


During the transportation process, the challenges of the renovation project are also evident. Unlike using tower cranes on the brand new sites, delivering materials for this renewed rooftop can only use the freight elevator. In this case, we created a modular segmentation approach to accommodate the limited dimensions of the elevator. Due to the ceiling height and topsoil constrains, the compact and naturally elegant little Maple trees were carefully selected to showcasing the beauty of the trunks and branches.
▼黑苑温泉派对区结构施工过程                                              ▼黑苑连廊结构施工过程     Photo© Huamei Yin
Yanlord Opus One is a project of exceptional complexity and creativity. Despite its modest footprint, which is less than 300 ㎡, it marries classic elegance with contemporary flair, creating a harmonious and enduring masterpiece. In this urban oasis, the past and the future converge seamlessly, promising an ever-evolving experience for all who encounter it.Yanlord Opus One's transformation, though compact, presented multifaceted challenges. Uniform materials and detail precision bestowed diverse areas with unique character, harmonizing old and new elements into an enduring masterpiece.
▼首层平面 Ground Floor Plan
▼屋顶平面 Roof Garden Plan

项目名| Project Name:仁恒源·59 | Yanlord Opus One
地点|Site:中国沈阳Shenyang, China
设计面积| Area: 2,950㎡
竣工时间| Completed Time:2023.05
景观设计| Landscape Architect:TROP: terrains + open space

设计总监| Design Director:Pok Kobkongsanti

景观设计团队| Design Team:任扶桑Fusang Ren,银华梅Huamei Yin,陆思怡Siyi Lu,桑鹏涛Pengtao Sang

撰文| Copywriting:任扶桑Fusang Ren,银华梅Huamei Yin,陆思怡Siyi Lu

甲方团队| Client:仁恒置地沈阳公司 Shenyang Yanlord Land

摄影| Photographer:河狸景观Holi

景观施工图|  Landscape Construction Drawings:魏玛景观WEIMAR Landscape

景观施工| Contractor:安徽康乐园林建设工程有限公司Anhui Kangle Garden Construction

建筑设计| Architect:日本丹下都市建筑设计事务所(前身为丹下健三设计研究所)Tange Associates

室内设计| Interior:意大利Pulina Exclusive室内设计事务所,邱德光设计事务所T.K.Chu Design LTD, CCD香港郑中设计事务所CCD

感谢  TROP景观事务所

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