
苏州 大家银城·东望雅苑 | 四 方 记 忆

传承与突破的 看见景观 2023-09-06



Why is it a new adventure? At least now, it seems that we are still scared. It is an innovative attempt, and in the face of a group of people's doubts, fortunately, we still have a self-game persistence.

△ 施工前
△ 施工后


At first I saw that this piece of land was just a very ordinary piece of land. Some of the bright spots were just looking around. There were distant mountains visible to the naked eye, and it was very close to Taihu Lake. The sky was vast and pure blue. Together, it constitutes a space that will be fought for a few months in front of us. To be honest, this also made the team who knew the venue for the first time to ponder. Should we create a hotel-style sunken space according to the requirements of Party A, or should we start from the geographical location of Suzhou and make the venue unique? Fusion of architectural styles and unified design language?


With many problems, we choose to return to the site itself, start from the origin of the problem, and seek its solution. We visited and inspected a large number of Suzhou-style landscape gardens in order to gain design inspiration. We went around the famous museums and cultural relics halls and learned design ingenuity. Finally, in front of the sculpture with a small ancient pavilion on the glass wall of ancient cultural relics, long stay. Being in the space enclosed by the surrounding glass walls is like passing through the atrium water courtyard enclosed by the surrounding white walls. The moment of empathy is a bold proposal and practice. Can we also move this square ancient pavilion to the site space? The pure space on this side creates the ultimate ancient pavilion on the other side.

△ 现场调整尺寸


After the bold proposal, there are still bigger games waiting for the team that was delighted with the design inspiration at that time, and the problems come one after another: we have done ancient architecture projects before, including the new construction and renovation of mochou Lake Park in Nanjing; However, each ancient building cultural relic has its own unique soul and temperament, in this pavilion, how we should do, how to do, is a new thinking and challenge.

△ 现场改图


The idea is how beautiful, really know how difficult construction, the ancient pavilion wood structure needs certain cultural relics value, we went through countless ancient pavilion site to dig the suitable old material, ancient wood, tile material fragile need to transport workers to prevent bumpy damage; the overall tunality of the four corner eaves with the site architectural style, the design scheme after several drafts.

△ 现场瓦片搭建
△ 现场拼砖


Fortunately, in the process design, we borrowed the artistic conception layout of mountains and rivers in "Linquan Gaozhi", regarded the entire site as an ink painting scroll, placed the pavilion in the middle of the painting, and used the techniques of "opposing the scene" and "borrowing the scene". The pavilion is combined with buildings, mirrors, sky, pedestrians, etc. It is like a natural, very beautiful.



In the construction of the pavilion, we took the "Construction French Style" written by the architect Li Jie, and imitated and learned from the perspectives of construction materials, pavilion roof shape, tile texture, mortise and tenon relationship, and column structure. . Together with experienced workers, we will build tiles on site to sell modules, and track the construction process around the clock throughout the whole process. One of the old materials and natural fir from a local ancient pavilion in Suzhou was deconstructed and reborn to reshape the pure atrium space on one side, the "Qin Pavilion" space where only time left traces on the other, and the fusion of old and new, simple on the other. With Seiko's "viewing heart" world.

△ 现场柱体结构调整


Days alternate with the changing seasons. The sunlight hits the soft off-white walls and the old wood of the ancient pavilion, and the light and shadow are reflected on the water surface. We use the naturalistic design method, "let the light do the design", soften the boundary between the ancient pavilion and the building with light, integrate into the atrium space, and become natural. In fact, the simpler the space is, the more it can reflect the multiple gestures of the ancient pavilion, and the unique spirit of landscape aesthetics.


Is a fearless adventure, is a attempt to face the challenge, gratifying is in front of countless questions and overthrow, we chose to insist and again, fortunately whether party a, design, construction we always adhere to a belief, to do the extreme atrium, to do a pure ancient qin pavilion.


This is not only a place for viewing, but also a medium for socializing, entertaining, meeting friends, and cultivating the body and mind. Standing here, you will often think of Su Shi's "There is only one pavilion in this pavilion." Things "sit and watch all the scenery in the sky". Here, you can have a dialogue and exchange with the building and the mirror water, and then pass by the wind, forget yourself, look for "smoothing spirit" and "pleasant body", detached from the outside world.

江山无限景 ,都取一亭中,你会慢慢的陶醉于这有限的天地,无限的精神世界,从忘”到“游”,继而从“游” 到“会心”,于方寸建筑间,尽享“移天缩地入君怀”,然后流连忘返,体味岁月静好。

The infinite scenery of the river and mountains is all taken in one pavilion. You will slowly indulge in this limited world, the infinite spiritual world, from forgetting” to “touring”, and then from “touring” to “knowing”, in the square-inch building. , enjoy "moving the sky and shrinking the earth into the arms of the king", and then linger, savoring the tranquility of the years.




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感谢 魏玛设计


连云港 尚都·玺樾 | 深山寻馆

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