
会议信息 | 第三届跨艺术/跨媒介研究国际研讨会暨研修班(预通知)



第三届跨艺术/ 跨媒介研究



(2021.11.12-14  杭州)


作为中国跨艺术/ 跨媒介研究的策源地之一,杭州师范大学外国语学院曾于2018年承办国际跨媒介研究学会(International Society for Intermedial Studies)在亚洲地区的首次年会,又于2020年举办 “跨艺术/跨媒介研究国际研讨会暨研修班”,均获得学界好评。

2021年金秋我们将举办第三届 “跨艺术/ 跨媒介研究国际研讨会暨研修班”,诚邀您拨冗参加,共襄盛会。

习近平总书记在提出文明交流互鉴的 “中国方案” 时指出:“文明因多样而交流,因交流而互鉴,因互鉴而发展。” 随着媒介化社会日益复杂化,我们也越来越需要从比较和互鉴的宏大视角深入拓展跨艺术/跨媒介研究,因此,本届大会以 “ ‘艰难时世’ 中的跨艺术/ 跨媒介研究” 为主题,商讨跨艺术/跨媒介研究在疫情时代的各项重大议题,以期促成人文学科各领域学者之间的对话和交流。




1. 疫情时代跨艺术/跨媒介研究的机遇与挑战

2. 跨艺术/跨媒介研究与中国

3. 跨艺术/跨媒介方法论研究

4. 跨艺术/跨媒介批评实践

5. 跨文化视野中的跨艺术/跨媒介研究

6. 伦理与跨媒介/跨艺术研究

7. 世界文学视阈下的跨艺术诗学

8. 数字人文研究


请以附件形式将会议回执发送至会议组委会邮箱 intermedia@hznu.edu.cn,并在邮件主题行注明 “Inter2021”。回执提交截止日期为2021年9月30日,中国国内参会者烦请双语填写表格(附后)。我们将在收到回执后尽早发出接收通知。





Interart/Intermedial Studies 

in Hard Times

(Hangzhou, China  12-14 November 2021)

The outbreak and fast spreading of Covid-19 pandemic has been an unprecedented and life-altering event, and will remain etched in the memories of all who are fortunate to survive. 

As pandemic is one of many disasters that human beings are facing and have coped with, it is significant to reflect on arts and media in hard times both in the present and historically, and to look at what writers and artists have produced in response to the crisis and extreme difficulties, and what lessons and hopes we can draw from their experiences. 

By reliving those hard times, horrid as they may appear, awareness may grow of what is needed to sustain ourselves as human. Only with empathy, mutual understanding and united efforts can we overcome the current global crisis.

As a fast-growing academic discipline, Interart/ Intermedial Studies is at a critical juncture in its own development in the pandemic mediatised society where people feel “together but isolated”. 

Media are ubiquitously related to each other, but we might not view media in the same way. As British scholar William Baker noted, “Sometimes, the way things are done in another culture can cast interesting light on things one has been accustomed to taking for granted.” 

To rejuvenate itself, Interart/ Intermedial Studies urgently needs to incorporate comparative approaches and embrace cross-cultural perspectives. Therefore, this online and onsite conference aims at fostering an interdisciplinary and intercultural conversation on intermedia between researchers from all domains. 

 The symposium also serves as a workshop and consists of lectures, a colloquium and seminars. We are seeking papers that address the following topics (but not limited to) for the colloquium:

1. Intermedial Studies and the Pandemic

2. Intermedial Studies and China

3. Methodology of Interart/ Intermedial Studies

4. Interart/ Intermedial Case Studies

5. Interart/ Intermedial Studies in Transcultural Perspective

6. Ethics and Intermedial Studies

7. Interartistic Poetics in World Literature

8. Digital Humanities

Proposals for papers or pre-constituted panels can be submitted by emailing the submission form (see below) as an attachment to intermedia@hznu.edu.cn with the subject line “Inter2021”. Deadline for submissions is 30 September 2021, and feedback will be given as soon as possible after the submission. The working language of the conference is English/Chinese.

 The conference registration fee (meals included) is 1,000RMB (600RMB for postgraduate students), which is waived for invited speakers. Payment options are to be announced.

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