
Webinar: Citizen Participation and Government Accountability

HKUST IEMS 环境与发展经济学 2021-04-02

Title: Citizen Participation and Government Accountability: National-Scale Experimental Evidence from Pollution Appeals in China

Speaker: Guojun He
Time: Thursday 8 April 2021 at 4:00 - 5:00 pm (Hong Kong time)


Abstract: This paper reports a national-scale field experiment about how citizen participation affects the enforcement of pollution standards in China. Using data publicized by the country’s ContinuousEmissions Monitoring System (CEMS), we identify in real-time firms that violate national emission standards and randomly intervene by making different appeals against those violations. Privately informing or appealing to local governments about violations has limited impact, while publicly appealing to local governments on social media significantly increases firms’ achievement of environmental standards. Firms that are subject to public appeals about violations are 40% less likely to violate emission standards on average and reduce their average air and water emission concentrations by 12% and 5% respectively. Exploiting additional features of our experimental design, we demonstrate that the public visibility of appeals not only creates incentives for local governments to enforce emissions standards but also provides local governments leverage to ensure firms comply with regulations. A back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that encouraging citizen participation could lead to significant improvements in China’s aggregate environmental quality.

About the speaker

Guojun He is an economist working on environmental, development, and governance issues. Currently, he is an assistant professor appointed jointly at the Division of Social Science, Division of Environment and Sustainability, and Department of Economics at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He is also a faculty associate of HKUST Institute for Emerging Market Studies and a faculty affiliate of HKUST Institute for Public Policy. In addition, Prof He holds a concurrent appointment at the University of Chicago's interdisciplinary Energy Policy Institute (EPIC) and serves as the research director of its China center (EPIC-China).

Prof. He's research tries to address some of the most challenging problems faced by developing countries and seeks to produce empirically-grounded estimates for optimal policy design. The majority of his work focuses on understanding the benefits and costs of environmental policies, while he also has a broader research interest in development and governance issues.

To attend the event

The event will be held online via Zoom. After registration, Zoom will send you a confirmation email right away upon registration with a unique link to join the webinar.  Reminder emails will also be sent 1 day and again 1 hour in advance of the event.  Please check your spam box if you cannot find them in the inbox.   

The events will be recorded for internal use such as archiving and promotion.  

