








Forefront of Revolution

Early in January 1979, the first steps of the opening up and reform were taken in Shekou District, with bids made on construction. In March 1980, workers were able to seek their own jobs, and hiring as made open. Elections were held. The system of employment changed, and one-track employment started to erode. Shenzhen became the forefront of this revolution. The trends in Shenzhen were emulated elsewhere, but rarely exceeded.


改革开放之初的中国,除了国有的中农工建四大银行,并无其他银行,但深圳例外。有人说深圳银行多过米铺,毫不夸张,这里除了国有四大银行,还有本土的发展、招商、中信等银行 ;更有种类繁多的外来银行渣打、汇丰、南洋、东亚等。商海逐利,特区遍地开花的银行最早闻到了财富的气息。

The Banks

When China began its process of opening up and reform, aside from the four major state-owned banks (BOC, ABC, ICBC, and CCB), there were no other banks, but Shenzhen was an exception. It's no exaggeration to say there were more banks in Shenzhen than rice shops. Aside from the local Shenzhen Development Bank, China Merchants Bank, and China CITIC Bank, there were also foreign banks: Standard Chartered, HSBC, NCB, BEA, and so on. As a SEZ, all kinds of banks got their first whiff of the scent of Chinese money here.



Big Hall

There's a place that most of the locals in Shenzhen are familiar with and it's been called the "Big Hall" of Shenzhen. On the platform upon the Lianhua Hill on top of the Civic Centre Building, couple meet here after visiting the book city, and parents with children come here to rest. There are also people who come to do nothing at all, simply looking down over Hongli Road. It's a nice vista, taking in the sights of the city, the beautiful and mighty CBD; one really feels at home here.



East Lake Feelings

Donghu Liyuan is China's first commercial housing estate, infamously built in 1984, critics noting "Shenzhen contributes land and Hong Kong contributes money". It was directly opened for sale, and all units were gone in a single day. Afterwards, the sell-off of land in Shenzhen was triggered, and the rest of the country gradually followed suit. The residents of the complex are used to being viewed as an attraction.


劳伦斯魔咒说,“摩天大楼立项之时,是经济过热时期 ;而摩天大楼建成之日,即是经济衰退之时”。深圳摩天大楼闻名世界,城市天际线越来越高,第一是平安金融中心、“春笋”还是深港国际中心?第一之后又是谁?哪些将成为过去,哪些又将代表未来?勇立潮头,自强不息,魔咒就是个传说。

Curses to Legends

Andrew Lawrence, a property analyst at Kleinwort Hambros, has noted that skyscrapers are built as an economy is booming, and completed as it busts. Shenzhen's skyscrapers are world-famous, with the city's skyline ever rising. Will the foremost be the Ping An International Finance Centre, Huarun Group Headquarters Building or Shenzhen Hong Kong International Centre? Then who's second? Who's next? All that can be done is to continually raise the bar.



World on the Seas

On the coast in Shekou there is a huge passenger liner which used to belong to Charles de Gaulle, which was later purchased by China and renamed "Minghua". It has previously been dispatched to Vietnam and Cambodia to transport Chinse returnees, and has also visited Japan as part of Sino-Japanese friendship exercises. In 1983, it was decommissioned, and transformed into a hotel. On January 26, 1984, Deng Xiaoping boarded the boat, and calligraphed a scroll reading "World on the Seas". After 30 years, "Minghua" still stands there, serving as a landmark on the coast of Shenzhen.



Huanggang Doesn't Close

Huanggang Checkpoint is China's largest combine passenger and freight port, and the only one that operates 24 hours a day. To the south of the port is the Huanggang-Lok Ma Chau Bridge which connects Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The port has many cross-border routes, and travellers can take a bus that arrives directly at the Lok Ma Chau Control Point, and then take a bus or train directly into the Hong Kong urban area. Residents of the two cities don't have to worry about partying too late.


深圳有多小?首先是地方小,客家话里它是“深深的小水沟”;其次是年龄小,相对历史悠久的古城它还是个少年。但深圳又很大 :它的人口密度很大,它的“心”也很大,包容着来自四面八方的不同语言、民族、文化的人。正如歌中所唱 :“小城故事多,充满喜和乐。若是你到小城来,收获特别多。”

The Smallest Supercity

How small is Shenzhen? The geographic area is small, the scope of history is small as it's a young city. How large is Shenzhen? The population density is a large figure, its "heart" is large. It is home to dialects, ethnicities and cultures from all over China. Just like stated in a Chinese song: "This small city has many stories and is full of joy; when you visit it you'll gain a lot."



胡野秋 主编





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