
[09-29] 广州大学郑波教授学术报告

数学往事 数学往事 2023-09-03
  • 报告题目:How to release Wolbachia in multi-environment conditions?

  • 主讲人:广州大学郑波教授

  • 时间:2022年9月29日(周四)上午9:45-10:45

  • 地点:腾讯会议, 会议ID:475  431  526

  • 摘要:There is currently great interest in releasing Wolbachia-infected Aedes mosquitoes to mitigate arbovirus transmission around the world. Wolbachia infection in Aedes mosquitoes may block the replication of RNA viruses, under both laboratory and field conditions. For Wolbachia establishment in natural field populations, the key information is the minimum number of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes released which determines whether the release will be logistically and economically feasible. In existing literature, mathematical models characterized the minimum introduction threshold in terms of the maternal leakage rate  , the CI intensity  and the fitness cost  . These results are good enough for cage experiments. However, regarding the Wolbachia dynamics in field settings and across seasons, these parameters are not constants anymore, which depend on environmental conditions instead. I’d like to introduce a generalized model in this talk. The model covers the existing discrete models as a special case, and it generates a unique periodic solution in periodic environmental conditions.

报告人简介:郑波,博士,教授,博士生导师。主要从事常微分方程、泛函微分方程及生物数学模型的理论与应用研究,在《Nature》、《SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics》、《Journal of Mathematical Biology》、《中国科学》、《Journal of Differential Equations》、《Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations》、《Journal of Theoretical Biology》、《Theoretical Population Biology》等国际国内重要刊物上发表论文30余篇。先后主持国家自然科学基金4项、广州市教育局3项,2014年入选广东省高校优秀青年教师培育对象,是教育部创新团队“泛函微分方程及相关问题”的骨干成员。获得首届秦元勋青年数学奖。

  • 联系人:李先义





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