
[09-20] 香港中文大学段仁军教授学术报告

数学往事 数学往事 2023-09-03
  • 报告题目:Compressible fluid limit for smooth solutions to the Landau equation

  • 报告人:段仁军(香港中文大学)

  • 报告时间:9月20日下午15:00

  • 报告地点:腾讯会议APP:8226760016(无密码)

  • 内容摘要: In the talk, we are concerned with the compressible Euler limit of the Landau equation for Coulomb potentials in the whole space. We develop a method of high-order energy estimates involving the small Knudsen number. Applications to other physical situations where the self-consistent electromagnetic field is coupled will also be discussed. In particular, we also establish the convergence of smooth solutions of the Vlasov-Maxwell-Boltzmann/Landau system to the ones of the Euler-Maxwell system in the compressible setting. These are joint works with Dongcheng Yang and Hongjun Yu.

个人简介:Renjun Duan is currently a professor of Department of Mathematics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained the PhD degree in mathematics at City University of Hong Kong in 2008. After graduation, he had the postdoc research for two years in RICAM, Austrian Academy of Sciences and then joined CUHK in 2010. He received the Zhong Jiaqing Mathematics Award in 2007 and the Hong Kong Mathematical Society Outstanding Young Scholars Award in 2020. His research interest has been mainly focused on the mathematical analysis of the Boltzmann equation in kinetic theory as well as related fluid dynamic equations and his research results have been published in journals including CPAM, AdvMath, JEMS, CMP and ARMA. He is an editorial board member of some journals including DCDS-B and KRM.





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