
Minimum Month Salary Standard for 2023

LegalTips LegalTips 2023-07-11

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On Jan 2, 2023, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the PRC released the national minimum salary standard till Jan 1st, 2023.

The minimum monthly salary standard is as follows: (Unit: Yuan)

Related regulations in Provisions on Minimum Wages
Article 3  The term "the standards on minimum wages" as mentioned in the present Provisions refers to the minimum labor remuneration that shall be paid by the employing entities in accordance with the law under the precondition that the laborers have provided normal labor within the statutory working hours or within the working hours as stipulated in the labor contracts concluded in accordance with the law.          
The term "normal labor" as mentioned in the present Provisions refers to the labor undertaken by a laborer, according to the contract concluded in accordance with the law, within the statutory working hours or within the working hours stipulated in the contract. A laborer's enjoying paid annual vocation, home leave, marriage or funeral leave, maternity leave and contraceptive operation leave and his (her) participating in any social activities in the statutory working hours shall be deemed as offering normal labor.
Article 5 As a general rule, the standards of minimum wages appear in two forms – the standard of monthly minimum wage and the standard of hourly minimum wage. The standard of monthly minimum wage applies to full-time employees while the standard of hourly minimum wage applies to non-fulltime employees.
Article 6 When determining and adjusting the monthly minimum wage standard, one should take into consideration the factors such as the minimum costs of living necessities of the local employees and the people supported by them, the urban residents' consumption price index, the social insurance premiums and the public accumulation fund for housing construction paid by the employees themselves, the average wage of the employees, the level of economic development and the status quo of employment.


