
Legal Liabilities for Price-jacking During the Pandemic

LegalTips LegalTips 2023-07-11

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Q:During the prevention and control period, some merchants take the opportunity to raise prices, does it constitutes an illegal act of jacking up prices?


A:During the pandemic prevention and control period, some merchants took the opportunity to raise prices on grain, oil, meat, eggs, vegetables, milk and other goods necessary for people’s basic livelihood, on masks, antiviral drugs, disinfection and sterilization supplies, medical equipment and other pandemic prevention supplies which are most closely related to the fight against the pandemic and on raw and auxiliary materials required for the production of the above products. Such behaviors not only seriously disrupted the market order and harmed the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, but also created or intensified the panic demand and damaged the social order, which seriously affected the smooth development of pandemic prevention and control management.


An operator constitutes the act of price-jacking under Article 14 of the Price Law of the People's Republic of China if such operator: (i) fabricates, spread information on price increases, or sharply raises the price; (ii) sharply raises the price for the purpose of seeking exorbitant profits while the production cost or purchase cost has not changed obviously; (iii) takes the lead in raising the price to a large extent in some regions or industries; (iv) hoards for profiteering result in the short supply of commodities and thus the price goes up sharply; and (v) jacks up prices by other means and causes the commodity prices to go up too fast or too high.


Q:What are the legal liabilities for the act of price-jacking?


A:1. Administrative liabilities. According to the Price Law of the People's Republic of China, the Provisions on Administrative Sanctions Against Price-related Illegal Activities and other relevant provisions, for any illegal act of jacking up prices, promoting an excessively rapid or high increase in commodity prices, the market regulatory authorities shall order the offender to make correction, confiscate illegal income and impose a fine of no more than five times the amount of illegal income; where there is no illegal income, a fine ranging from RMB 50,000 to RM B500,000 shall be imposed, and where the case is relatively serious, a fine ranging from RMB 500,000 to RMB 3,000,000 shall be imposed; where the case is serious, it shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification or its business license shall be revoked.


2. Criminal liability. According to the Circular of the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice on Issuing the Opinions on Legally Punishing Illegal and Criminal Acts Interfering with Prevention and Control of the New Coronavirus Pneumonia Pandemic (Fa Fa [2020] No. 7), during the prevention and control period, whoever hoards and speculates, jacks up the prices of masks, protective goggles, protective suits, disinfectants and other protective products, drugs and other articles relating to people's livelihood that are urgently needed in the prevention and control in violation of the relevant national provisions on market operation, price management, etc. to seek exorbitant profits, and the amount of illegal gains is relatively large or there are other serious circumstances which seriously disrupt market order, shall be convicted and punished for the crime of illegal business operation, and shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of no more than five years or criminal detention, and shall also, or shall only, be fined no less than one time but no more than five times the illegal gains; where the case is especially serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of no less than five years, and shall also be fined no less than one time but no more than five times the illegal gains or be sentenced to confiscation of property.

