
Measures for International Students to Take Part Time Jobs

LegalTips LegalTips 2022-05-17

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On Jan 12th, 2022, the Ministry of Education of the PRC, together with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the National Immigration Administration jointly released the "Administrative Measures for International Students in Institution of Higher Learning to Take Part Time Jobs". According to this Measures, international students in China can work part-time if certain requirements are met. The highlights are as follows:

* These Measures shall apply to institutions of higher learning (hereinafter referred to as schools) that implement academic higher education.
* The school shall formulate relevant implementation rules to clarify related specific measures and the rights and responsibilities of the corresponding internal functional departments.
* In principle, international students could work part-time for no more than 8 hours per week and no more than 40 hours per month. 
During winter and summer holidays, no more than 16 hours per week and no more than 80 hours per month.
* The school shall not arrange or authorize students to participate in toxic, harmful and dangerous job, and shall ensure that international students engaged in part-time job have purchased insurance covering the job.
* For international students to work-study on campus, the job position  shall be mainly based on on-campus teaching assistants, scientific research assistants, administrative management assistants and school public services.
* The remuneration standard of off-campus job shall not be lower than the minimum salary stipulated by local government and the amount of remuneration shall be specified in the employment agreement.
* The conditions for applying for a part-time job are as follows:
(1) At least 18 years old and meet the physical requirements for work-study positions;
(2) Holding a valid study residence permit within the territory of China, and the remaining valid period of residence is more than six months;
(3) Abide by Chinese laws and regulations and school discipline, have good conduct and good performance, and have no criminal record or violation of discipline;
(4) Undergraduate students, graduate students, trainees and research scholars who have been studying continuously at the current school for more than one year;
(5) Academic progress and attendance rate meet the requirements of the school;
(6) Other conditions stipulated by the school.
* International students undertake off-campus job or internshiphe/she shall, upon obtaining consent of his/her school, 
must apply to the Entry and Exit Administration Agency of the Public Security Authorities for the inclusion of remarks on the employer, period and other related information on their residence permits, by providingthe employment agreement, written consent from the school and relevant materials as required.
Residence permits that are not affixed with related information shall not be allowed to carry out off-campus part-time job.
* Where an international student changes his/her off-campus employer or time limit, he or she should approach the Entry and Exit Administration Agency of the local Public Security Authority within 10 days with the new employment agreement and written consent from the school to apply for a change of the remarks.
* Where an international student terminates the off-campus job due to the termination of the employment agreement or any other reasons, he/she shall submit a written report to the school within 10 days and apply for a change of the remarks with the Entry and Exit Administration Agency of the local Public Security Authority.
* The venue for the part-time job should be in the same administrative region where the school is located. The period of each application for part-time job shall not exceed the validity period of the study residence permit, and shall not exceed one year.
You may check another article we publish today for the full text in Chinese language.

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