
Administrative Measures of International Students by Schools

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You may also feel interested in:Rules on RE Purchase by Overseas Organizationzs & IndividualsAll You Need to Know About Working in ChinaThe Chinese Green Card, Are You Qualified?The Measures have come into effect on 1st of July 2017.  The highlights of the Measures related to international students in higher education institutions are as follows:本办法生效日期为2017年7月1日。其中与高等学校国际学生的管理有关的要点如下:
I. For the purpose of the present Measures, "schools" refer to the schools that provide pre-school education, primary education, secondary education and higher education within the territory of the People's Republic of China."International students" refer to the foreign students who do not have Chinese nationality in accordance with the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China and are educated at school.本办法所称学校,是指中华人民共和国境内实施学前教育、初等教育、中等教育和高等教育的学校。本办法所称国际学生,是指根据《中华人民共和国国籍法》不具有中国国籍且在学校接受教育的外国学生。
II.  For the international students who are enrolled in higher education institutions, the education for academic qualification cover associate degree, undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students, while that for non-academic qualifications include foundation course students, advanced students and research scholars.高等学校招收国际学生,接受学历教育的类别为:专科生、本科生、硕士研究生和博士研究生;接受非学历教育的类别为:预科生、进修生和研究学者。
III. The international students of a higher education institution shall participate in the course study under the curriculum arrangement and teaching plan of the higher education institution and shall take the corresponding graduation examination or assessment as required. The higher education institution shall record the academic performance and daily performance of international students truthfully.Chinese language and China overview shall be the compulsory courses for the higher education for academic qualifications; and political theory shall be the compulsory course for international students majoring in philosophy and political science.国际学生应当按照高等学校的课程安排和教学计划参加课程学习,并应当按照规定参加相应的毕业考试或者考核。学校应当如实记录其学习成绩和日常表现。汉语和中国概况应当作为高等学历教育的必修课;政治理论应当作为学习哲学、政治学专业的国际学生的必修课。
IV. After enrollment, the international students in a higher education institution may change their majors upon their applications and the consent of the higher education institution. The conditions and procedures for change of majors shall be developed by the higher education institution.国际学生入学后,经学生申请、高等学校同意,国际学生可以转专业。转专业条件和程序由学校规定。
V. The common language of the People's Republic of China shall be the basic teaching language for the cultivation of international students in higher education institutions. For the international students whose level of the common language do not meet the requirements for learning, higher education institutions may provide them with necessary extra tutoring conditions.中华人民共和国通用语言文字是高等学校培养国际学生的基本教学语言。对国家通用语言文字水平达不到学习要求的国际学生,学校可以提供必要的补习条件。
VI.  A qualified higher education institution may provide specialized courses for international students by using foreign languages in teaching. The international students who receive higher education for academic qualifications in foreign languages may use the appropriate foreign languages to write their dissertations, but the abstract shall be made in Chinese. Whether the international students may orally defense in foreign languages or not shall be determined by the higher education institution.具备条件的高等学校,可以为国际学生开设使用外国语言进行教学的专业课程。使用外国语言接受高等学历教育的国际学生,学位论文可以使用相应的外国文字撰写,论文摘要应为中文;学位论文答辩是否使用外国语言,由学校确定。
VII. The international students in a higher education institution may, with the consent of the higher education institution, hold activities to celebrate the important traditional festivals of their own countries at the place and scope designated by the higher education institution, but shall not have any speeches or behaviors that oppose or attack other countries or ethnic groups or go against public morality.国际学生经高等学校同意,可以在校内指定的地点和范围举行庆祝本国重要传统节日的活动,但不得有反对、攻击其他国家、民族的内容或者违反公共道德的言行。
IX.  International students in a higher education institution may, upon approval by the higher education institution, establish associations in the higher education institution. Such associations may carry out activities within the scopes prescribed by Chinese laws and regulations and are subject to the guidance and management by the higher education institution.国际学生经高等学校批准,可以在学校内成立联谊团体,在中国法律、法规规定的范围内活动,并接受学校的指导和管理。
X. International students may participate in work-study program during the period of study in higher education institutions, but shall not be employed, engage in business or other for-profit activities.国际学生在高等学校学习期间可以参加勤工助学活动,但不得就业、经商或从事其他经营性活动。
XI.  To study in the schools mentioned in Article 2 hereof, foreigners shall, before entering China, go to the Chinese embassies or consulates of the countries of their nationality or their residence or other agencies stationed abroad as entrusted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China to apply for Type X1 or X2 student visa, and they shall submit as required related materials such as the certificates filed with the competent education authorities and the admission notices issued by the schools concerned, etc.外国人申请到本办法第二条所指的学校学习的,应当在入境前根据其学习期限向中国驻其国籍国或居住地国使领馆或外交部委托的其他驻外机构申请办理X1字或X2字签证,按照规定提交经教育主管部门备案的证明和学校出具的录取通知书等相关材料。
XII. Where it is indicated in the student visas that the international students shall apply for residence permits after entry into China, they shall, within 30 days from the date of entry, apply with the entry-exit administration of the public security organs at the places where they are to be resident for residence permits for foreign students.国际学生所持学习类签证注明入境后需要办理居留证件的,应当自入境之日起三十日内,向拟居留地公安机关出入境管理部门申请办理学习类外国人居留证件。
XIII. At the time of enrollment, international students shall, as required by the Chinese health authorities, go to the Chinese health and quarantine agencies to go through the formalities for the confirmation of the Foreign People's Physical Examination Record or take physical examination. Those that are diagnosed with serious mental disorders, infectious pulmonary tuberculosis or other infectious diseases that may cause significant harm to public health as prescribed in the Exit-Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China shall be dealt with by the public security authorities in accordance with the law.国际学生入学时应当按照中国卫生行政部门的规定到中国卫生检疫部门办理《外国人体格检查记录》确认手续或者进行体检。经体检确认患有《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》规定的严重精神障碍、传染性肺结核病或者有可能对公共卫生造成重大危害的其他传染病的,由公安部门依法处理。
XIV. Schools shall adopt insurance system for all international students. International students must be insured in accordance with relevant national regulations and school requirements. Those who fail to purchase insurance in accordance with the regulations shall be required to be insured within a time limit. If they still fail to do so within the prescribed time limit, the schools shall not accept their enrollment, or shall dismiss or refuse to have them registered if they have already studied in schools.学校实行国际学生全员保险制度。国际学生必须按照国家有关规定和学校要求投保。对未按照规定购买保险的,应限期投保,逾期不投保的,学校不予录取;对于已在学校学习的,应予退学或不予注册。
XV. For the purpose of the present Measures, "short-term study" shall refer to the study in school in China for no more than 180 (inclusive) days; and "long-term study" shall refer to the study in school in China for more than 180 days.本办法中的短期学习是指在中国学校学习时间不超过180日(含),长期学习是指在中国学校学习时间超过180日。

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