
Hot off the press! Provisions on the Unreliable Entity List

Sophie & Denis LegalTips 2021-10-12

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On 9 September 2020, China's Ministry of Commerce released Provisions on the Unreliable Entity List, which take immediate effect upon their release.2020年9月19日,商务部公布了《不可靠实体清单规定》,自公布之日起施行。
According to the regulation, the work mechanism can decide to take one or multiple measures against foreign entities on the unreliable entity list, and make a public announcement:规定明确,对列入不可靠实体清单的外国实体,工作机制根据实际情况,可以决定采取下列一项或者多项措施,并予以公告:
1. Restrict or ban its China-related import & export activities;1、限制或者禁止其从事与中国有关的进出口活动;2. Restrict or ban its investment in China;2、限制或者禁止其在中国境内投资;3. Restrict or ban the entry into China of its staff or transport facilities;3、限制或者禁止其相关人员、交通运输工具等入境;4. Restrict or revoke its staff's work permits, stay or residential qualifications in China;4、限制或者取消其相关人员在中国境内工作许可、停留或者居留资格;5. Impose penalties according to the severity of its unlawful activities;5、根据情节轻重给予相应数额的罚款;6. Other necessary measures.6、其他必要的措施。
Since 31 May 2019, when the Ministry of Commerce first announced the establishment of an "unreliable entity inventory system", the so-called Chinese version of the "entity list system" has attracted widespread attention from Chinese and foreign companies.自2019年5月31日商务部首次对外宣布将建立“不可靠实体清单制度”以来,这个被称为中国版的“实体清单制度”即吸引了中外企业的广泛关注。In an interview with journalists on 1 June 2019, an official from the Ministry of Commerce said that the Chinese government will take into account four factors, when it decides whether to include an entity on the "list of unreliable entities":
First, whether the entity has imposed a blockade, cut off supply or other discriminatory measures against the Chinese entity;Second, whether the entity's behavior is based on non-commercial purposes, contrary to market rules and the spirit of contract;Third, whether the entity's behavior has caused substantial damage to Chinese enterprises or related industries;Fourth, whether the entity's conduct poses a threat to national security or a potential threat.
It looks like the final provisions have made changes in two aspects: one is to highlight the "national sovereignty, security and development interests". The other one is, adding to consider whether it is in accordance with international business and trade rules.2019年6月1日,商务部官员在接受记者采访时表示,中国政府在决定是否将某个实体列入“不可靠实体清单”时,会综合考虑四方面因素:
For more information please visit MOFCOM欲知详情,请访问商务部官方网站。

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