
Framework of Foreign Direct Investment Management for a New Era

Sophie & Denis LegalTips 2021-10-12

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Related articles:Foreign Investment law and Corporate GovernanceNotice on Preferential IIT Policies for the Great Bay AreaTax boost for Hainan FTPOn 1 January 2020, the <Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China> (hereinafter “FIL”) came into effect officially. Together with the <Implementation Regulations on the Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China>, the <Notice of the State Administration of Market Regulation on Implementation of the Foreign Investment Law for Proper Handling of Foreign Investment Enterprise Registration>, <Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China> and the <Measures on Reporting of Foreign Investment Information> etc., it has formed a new system for the management of foreign direct investment in China.2020年1月1日《中华人民共和国外商投资法》正式实施。它与《 中华人民共和国外商投资法实施条例》、《市场监管总局关于贯彻落实《 外商投资法》做好外商投资企业登记注册工作的通知》、《最高人民法院关于适用<中华人民共和国外商投资法>若干问题的解释》《 外商投资信息报告办法》等相关规定,大致形成了我国外商投资管理的新体系。
Meanwhile, just a couple of months before the official implementation of the FIL, legislation in related fields was quite active. Around the FIL, several governmental departments published a series of regulations related to foreign direct investment, which jointly built an open, upgraded foreign investment management system, such as improving the overall business environment, foreign exchange, intellectual property rights, dispute resolution etc.
而在此之前的几个月内,与外商投资领域相关的立法也相当活跃,多个部门围绕着《 外商投资法》,在整体营商环境、外汇、知识产权、争议解决等领域公布了一系列与外商投资有关的法规,共同进一步构建了一个开放、升级的外商投资管理体系。

The highlights of the new policies are as follows:我们来大致介绍一下这些新的政策:
I. Market accessPresently, China's is implementing a "pre-access national treatment" plus "negative list" management model in foreign investment market access, which means, foreign investors shall enjoy investment treatment no less than that of domestic investors for market access. Foreign investment in fields which are prohibited according to the negative lists is not allowed. Foreign investment in restricted fields are allowed, as long as certain requirements for equity percentages and nationalities of the senior management are met. For fields outside the negative list, foreign direct investment may participate in the same way as domestic investors. 1、市场准入我国目前外资准入实行的是“准入前国民待遇”+“负面清单”管理模式,即,外国投资者在投资准入阶段享有不低于本国投资者的投资待遇;负面清单禁止准入的领域不得投资;负面清单限制准入的领域需满足股权和高级管理人员(国籍)的特殊规定,才能取得许可;负面清单之外的领域,可以同内资企业一样参与投资。
Negative lists are widely used in managing foreign investment access internationally. Starting from 1 December 2015, the Chinese government has piloted a negative list system for market access in some areas, and has officially implemented a nation-wide negative list system for market access from 2018.负面清单是国际上广泛采用的外资准入管理方式。中国政府从2015年12月1日开始,在部分地区试行市场准入负面清单制度,从2018年起正式实行全国统一的市场准入负面清单制度。
II. Simplifying the procedures for company incorporationAccording to the <Notice of the State Administration of Market Regulation on Implementation of the Foreign Investment Law for Proper Handling of Foreign Investment Enterprise Registration>, the registration authority shall only conduct a formal examination of the relevant application materials. When the company is incorporated and/or needs to change any registered information later, the company shall enter the information through the online enterprise registration system and the national enterprise credit information publicity system, and the above-mentioned information shall be forwarded by the registration authority to the commerce authority, which shall hold the foreign investment information through the foreign investment information reporting system. 2、简化公司设立手续
 根据《登场监管总局关于贯彻落实《 外商投资法》做好外商投资企业登记注册工作的通知》,登记机关仅对相关申请材料进行形式审查。外商投资企业在企业设立及/或变更时即通过网上企业登记系统以及国家企业信用信息公示系统录入投资信息,由市场监管部门将上述投资信息推送至商务主管部门,商务部门通过外商投资信息报告制度掌握外商投资信息。  

According to the <Regulation on the Optimization of Business Environment> promulgated by the State Council on 22. October 2019, China is implementing the reform called a "separation of permission from license" which means that permission for engaging in certain businesses shall not be used as a precondition for the registration of a company, except in specific fields prescribed by laws and regulations.
根据国务院于10月22日颁布的《 优化营商环境条例》,国家推进“证照分离”改革,除法律、法规规定的特定领域外,涉企经营许可事项不得作为企业登记的前置条件。

III. Foreign exchange management
According to <The opinions of the State Council on further making good use of foreign capital>, foreign-invested enterprises are encouraged to use their capital for domestic equity investment in accordance with the law.
《  国务院关于进一步做好利用外资工作的意见》鼓励外商投资企业资本金可依法用于境内股权投资。

<The Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on further promoting the facilitation of cross-border trade and investment> promulgated on 25 October 2019, also stipulates that "non-investment type of foreign-invested enterprises are allowed to invest in domestic equity with capital in accordance with the law, as long as the projects are credible,legal and do not violate the existing negative list.2019年10月25日颁布的《 国家外汇管理局关于进一步促进跨境贸易投资便利化的通知》也规定,“允许非投资性外商投资企业在不违反现行外商投资准入特别管理措施(负面清单)且境内所投项目真实、合规的前提下,依法以资本金进行境内股权投资。”

IV. Intellectual property protection
<Opinions on Strengthening the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights> promulgated on 24 November 2019, provides for "accelerating the introduction of a punitive compensation system of infringement in the fields of patents and copyrights." "The maximum statutory compensation for infringement shall be substantially increased, thus the intensity of damages increased. "
4、知识产权保护 2019年11月24日颁《 关于强化知识产权保护的意见》规定了“加快在专利、著作权等领域引入侵权惩罚性赔偿制度。大幅提高侵权法定赔偿额上限,加大损害赔偿力度。”
The <Trademark Law> amended on 23 April 2019 introduced a punitive compensation system. For example, if the malicious infringement of the right to exclusive use of trademarks is serious, the amount of compensation shall be increased to 1 to 5 times of the actual loss as opposed to just 1 to 3 times of the actual loss under the old law. In case the loss of the right holder, the income obtained by the infringer or the trademark license fee is difficult to calculate, the ceiling for the amount of compensation could be increased from the original 3 million yuan to 5 million yuan.2019年4月23日颁布的《 商标法》中引入了惩罚性赔偿制度,具体体现为:恶意侵犯商标专用权,情节严重的,赔偿数额由此前权利人实际损失的1至3倍上调至实际损失的1至5倍。权利人因侵权所受到的实际损失、侵权人因侵权所获得的利益、注册商标许可使用费难以确定的,赔偿金额上限由原来的人民币三百万元提升至五百万元。

In December 2018, the《Patent Law Amendment (Draft)》 also provides a punitive compensation system similar to the《Trademark Law》, for example, if the intentional infringement of patent rights is serious, the amount of compensation could be 1 to 5 times of the actual loss. In case the loss of the right holder, the income obtained by the infringer or the patent license fee is difficult to calculate, the court shall determine the amount of compensation according to the specific circumstances of the case. The ceiling for the amount of compensation could be increased from the original 1 million yuan to 5 million yuan.
2018年12月,《专利法修正案(草案)》亦体现了和《 商标法》相似的惩罚性赔偿制度,如约定故意侵犯专利权且情节严重的,按照实际损失的1至5倍确定赔偿数额,权利人的损失、侵权人获得的利益和专利许可费难以确定的,由人民法院根据案件具体情况,确定赔偿额,赔偿金额上限由原来的人民币一百万元提高至五百万元。

Obviously, the above-mentioned provisions are not only applicable to foreign direct investment, but the increase in penalties for intellectual property infringements will undoubtedly help to further improve the foreign investment environment.

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