
RPC Civil Code: Chapter 4 Portrait Rights

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Article 1018    A natural person shall enjoy portrait rights and shall be entitled to produce, use, make public, or license others to use his or her own portrait.A portrait is an external image that a specific natural person can be recognized reflected on a certain carrier by means of image, sculpture and painting, etc.第一千零一十八条 自然人享有肖像权,有权依法制作、使用、公开或者许可他人使用自己的肖像。肖像是通过影像、雕塑、绘画等方式在一定载体上所反映的特定自然人可以被识别的外部形象。
Article 1019    No organization or individual may infringe upon the portrait rights of any other person by vilifying, defacing, forging by means of information technology or otherwise. Without the consent of a holder of portrait rights, the portrait of such person shall not be produced, used or made public, unless otherwise provided by law.Without the consent of a holder of portrait rights, the holder of portrait rights shall not use or make public the portrait of such person by means of publication, reproduction, distribution, lease, exhibition, etc.第一千零一十九条 任何组织或者个人不得以丑化、污损,或者利用信息技术手段伪造等方式侵害他人的肖像权。未经肖像权人同意,不得制作、使用、公开肖像权人的肖像,但是法律另有规定的除外。未经肖像权人同意,肖像作品权利人不得以发表、复制、发行、出租、展览等方式使用或者公开肖像权人的肖像。Article 1020    The consent of a holder of portrait rights is not required for reasonable performance of any of the following acts:(I) Using a public portrait of a holder of portrait rights within a necessary scope for the purpose of personal study, artistic appreciation, classroom teaching or scientific research;(II) Producing, using or making public the portrait of a holder of portrait rights inevitably for the purpose of news report;(III) Producing, using or making public the portrait of a holder of portrait rights within a necessary scope for performing duties in accordance with the law by State organs;(IV) Inevitably producing, using or making public the portrait of a holder of portrait rights for the purpose of displaying the specific public environment; and(V) Other acts of making, using or making public the portrait of a holder of portrait rights, for the purpose of safeguarding public interests or the legitimate rights and interests of the person.第一千零二十条 合理实施下列行为的,可以不经肖像权人同意:(一)为个人学习、艺术欣赏、课堂教学或者科学研究,在必要范围内使用肖像权人已经公开的肖像;(二)为实施新闻报道,不可避免地制作、使用、公开肖像权人的肖像;(三)为依法履行职责,国家机关在必要范围内制作、使用、公开肖像权人的肖像;(四)为展示特定公共环境,不可避免地制作、使用、公开肖像权人的肖像;(五)为维护公共利益或者肖像权人合法权益,制作、使用、公开肖像权人的肖像的其他行为。
Article 1021    Where any dispute arises between the parties over the understanding of any term on the use of a portrait under a portrait licensing contract, an interpretation in favor of the holder of portrait rights shall be made.第一千零二十一条 当事人对肖像许可使用合同中关于肖像使用条款的理解有争议的,应当作出有利于肖像权人的解释。
Article 1022    Where there are no stipulations between the parties on the duration of the license for the use of portrait or such stipulations are unclear, any of the parties may rescind the contract for the license for the use of portrait at any time, but shall notify the other party a reasonable time in advance.Where the parties have expressly agreed upon the term of license for use of portrait, and the holder of portrait rights has justified reasons, the contract for license for use of portrait may be rescinded, provided that the other party shall be notified a reasonable time in advance. For the losses to the other party due to the rescission of the contract, compensation shall be made, except for causes not attributable to the holder of portrait rights.第一千零二十二条 当事人对肖像许可使用期限没有约定或者约定不明确的,任何一方当事人可以随时解除肖像许可使用合同,但是应当在合理期限之前通知对方。当事人对肖像许可使用期限有明确约定,肖像权人有正当理由的,可以解除肖像许可使用合同,但是应当在合理期限之前通知对方。因解除合同造成对方损失的,除不可归责于肖像权人的事由外,应当赔偿损失。
Article 1023    The relevant provisions on license for use of portrait shall apply mutatis mutandis to the license for use of names, etc.The relevant provisions on protection of rights to portrait shall apply mutatis mutandis to protection of voices of natural persons.第一千零二十三条 对姓名等的许可使用,参照适用肖像许可使用的有关规定。对自然人声音的保护,参照适用肖像权保护的有关规定。

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