
Words of Wisdom - False Thoughts 妄想


Chan meditation requires great endurance

● 各从其类,各打妄想

False thoughts arise according to their kind


Because of the current inactivity [in the meditation hall], the monkey mind cannot stay still and so indulge in fantasy. Those who come from Naivasaṃjñānāsaṃjñāyatana[1] heaven will have false thoughts about that place; this is similarly true for those who come from the Trāyastriṃśa[2] heaven. Those from the realm of naraka (hell), preta (hungry ghosts), tiryagyoni (animals), or Arhat also have false thoughts about their respective realm. Arhats are supposed to not engage in false thinking and when false thoughts no longer arise, one will transcend and be free from the cycle of rebirth. Bodhisattvas would have Bodhisattva’s false thoughts of, “Goodness! When will I realize the Fruition of Wonderful Enlightenment (Buddhahood)?”


Only by realizing Buddhahood would one be free of false thoughts. Ah, but there is still one false thought that even the Buddhas cannot avoid having: "Sigh! How do I liberate all sentient beings?”  One may consider this is also a false thought. Hence in this world, each sentient being gives rise to false thoughts according to its kind and the realm it comes from. 

(revised by Bo Han Zhu and reviewed by James Lin)

Editor's Note:

Copy from the Official Website (Chinese) of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association - www.drbachinese.org

