




When you work for a user experience designcompany , you start to notice the cyclical nature of industry trends. Just likefashion or art, what goes out of style inevitably resurfaces a few years downthe road, only to become adopted by the mainstream, and fade into obsoletiononce again.




Back To The Future是最近重新流行的一种设计潮流的一个恰当例子,或许最引人注目的是2016年Instagram重新设计logo,以及Spotify的双色播放列表图标。渐变在用户界面设计领域越来越流行,因为,它们为界面注入了深度和纹理。它们扮演着独特的、甚至是相互冲突的角色:渐变实际上模仿了我们周围看到的颜色(在现实世界中我们很少遇到单色调),但它们也可以用来创建我们以前从未见过的颜色模式。


‘Back To The Future’ is a fitting example for a design trend that has just recentlyresurfaced today, perhaps most notably in Instagram’s logo redesign in 2016 and Spotify’s dual tone playlist icon. Gradients havebecome increasingly popular in the user interface design world, and for goodreason—they inject depth and texture to the interface. They serve unique,even conflicting roles: gradients realistically mimic the colors we see aroundus(rarely do we encounter single tones in the real world), but they can also beused to create color patterns we’ve never seen before.




The gradient is a powerful designtechnique, and with great power comes great responsibility. When usedimproperly, gradients spell out a design disaster. They can muddle a layout,distract the user, and ruin an interface’s entire aesthetic. In this article, we reveal the secret tocrafting a gradient that elevates your interface to the next echelon.


(Start With a Strong Foundation)

关于如何选择色彩,你无须担心,其实你不需要成为色彩理论的专家,依然可以对渐变进行谨慎的选择。一般的经验法则是选择彼此接近的颜色,这样可以让它们更自然地混合。UX Planet 包括一个伟大的图表-看如何无缝的过渡从黄色到橙色是与绿紫色比较。


Don’t worry, you don’t need to be an expert on color theory to make prudent selectionsfor your gradient. The general rule of thumb is to choose colors that are closeto each other, thus allowing them to blend more naturally. UX Planet includes agreat diagram—look how seamless the transition from yellow to orange is comparedto the green-purple. 





Why are colors in proximity on the wheel sovisually appealing? Perhaps it’s because those are the gradients that naturally occur so often.Which brings us to an excellent trade secret for UI designers: turning tonature as a source for inspiration.




(Gradients In Nature)

在我们的日常生活中会不断地遇到各种各样的渐变:天空、日落、水体。无论我们在世界的哪个角落,天空都是极好的来源。让我们来看看令人惊叹的自然画面设计师安娜·格伦(Anna Grenn)为我们展示的场景,以及它们的配套色彩。


We constantly encounter gradients in ourday-to-day lives: the sky, sunsets, bodies of water. No matter where we are inthe world, the sky especially serves as excellent source material. Just take alook at the breathtaking natural tableaus designer Anna Grenn showcases,complete with their accompanying color makeups.



And while the sky may be the most commonsource material, there’s no end to examples. There’s probably a natural gradient around you right now. The color of thereal life does not neatly fill inside the lines, but rather blends.



(Taking it to the Next Level)



So let’s say your existing brand’s colors aren’t exactly conducive to gradients. Never fear: injecting additionalhues to the gradient is a great way to enhance its visual interest anddistinguish your UI even more.


正如你所想的,当附加的颜色落在色轮的开始和结束之间时,它们会流动得最好。重温来自 UX Planet的相同图表:


As you’d imagine, additional colors are going to flow best when they fallin between the start and end color on the color wheel. Revisiting the samediagram from UX Planet:





Just be warned: the more colors you add,the more complex your gradient, and the more difficult a design balancing-actyou’ll have to perform.You could aim high and shoot for a multi-layered gradient like Instagram’s logo, but go overboard and you couldend up with something closer to this deliberately ugly MTV web design.



(Light Source & Shape)




Even after nailing down the perfect colorcombination, there’s still the matter of actually implementing it into the design.First, some of the basics:


Gradients should align with theircontainers, contouring to the layout and directing where the user’s eyeballs should be pointed. For x-sidedpolygons (squares, triangles, rectangles, pentagons, etc.) this usually means alinear gradient; rounder areas call for a radial direction.





Some UI designers like to assign animaginary ‘light source’ for the page they’re working on, the same way an artist painting a landscape might.This helps them decide how to orient the gradient—the lighter side should obviously be closer to the source, thedarker side farther away.




Note the light source in the upper-lefthand corner for this music app’s interface.When all of these individual elements are chosenproperly, they coalesce into a gorgeous, eye-popping gradient. And that, inturn, serves as a huge boon to the interface as a whole.

最后,回顾一下(Finally,To recap:):



choose colors that are close to each otheras the base color of the gradient



When in doubt, turn to the natural worldfor inspiration



Kick things up by adding more hues, but becareful not to overdo it




Choose the correct shape and placementwithin your interface. Remember: our eyes follow the gradient!

The article source:BY SEAN MCGOWAN

Sean is a technical researcher & writerat Codal, authoring blog posts on topics ranging from UX design to the Internetof Things. Working alongside developers, designers, and marketers, Sean helpssupport the writing team to ensure Codal produces engaging web content of thehighest quality. When not writing about the latest innovations in app design,Sean can be found cooking, watching old movies, or complaining about theshortcomings of his favorite Philadelphia sports teams. More articles by SeanMcGowan





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