
CPC and FSLN Hold Webinar to Advance China-Nicaragua Relations

IDCPC CPC WORKS 2023-01-02

The Communist Party of China (CPC) and Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) of Nicaragua held on May 24 the first webinar for officials of the two Parties themed on "giving play to the role of exchange between political parties and advancing China-Nicaragua relations". 

Song Tao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee (IDCPC), and Gustavo Porras Cortés, a member of the national council of the FSLN and Speaker of the National Assembly of Nicaragua, addressed the opening ceremony.

Song said, since China and Nicaragua resumed diplomatic relations late last year, the two countries have enjoyed robust development in bilateral relations, constantly enhanced political mutual trust and advanced practical cooperation, which fully demonstrated that the resumption of diplomatic relations is a correct decision in line with the trend of history and the world, and benefits the two countries and peoples. Sharing a profound traditional friendship, the CPC and the FSLN are the pioneers in promoting the relations between our two countries, and have made active efforts in bringing China-Nicaragua relations back to the right track. Standing at a new starting point in history, the CPC is willing to work with the FSLN to deepen experience exchange in state governance and administration and on such issues as party building, economic and social development and poverty alleviation, promote cooperation in economy, trade, agriculture and the joint building of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and cooperation at local levels. The Chinese side appreciates the Nicaraguan side's commitment to the one-China principle, and its firm support for the Chinese side in issues concerning China's core interests. The Chinese side is willing to, together with the Nicaraguan side, strengthen coordination in the international community, well implement the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative, jointly safeguard the international system with the United Nations at its core and the international order underpinned by international law, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Song highlighted the major achievements and historical experience of the Party over the past century. He said, since the founding of the CPC one hundred years ago, particularly the 18th CPC National Congress, China has made historic achievements and seen historic changes in its economic and social development under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. China has always adhered to CPC's leadership, a people-centered development philosophy, and followed a path suitable to its national conditions. While seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, the CPC is also seeking progress for mankind and the common good for the world. The CPC always stands ready to work with political parties of all countries to stand on the right side of history and the progressive side of mankind, and build a better world.

Porras said, since the resumption of diplomatic relations between Nicaragua and China, the two countries have, on the basis of mutual respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity, peaceful coexistence, solidarity and mutual assistance, comprehensively reinforced cooperation in such areas as economy, trade, culture, sport, and the joint building of the BRI. Bilateral relations have enjoyed rapid development. The FSLN values the friendly relations with the CPC, and hopes to strengthen exchange with the CPC, learn experience and practice of economic development and poverty alleviation from the CPC, and take a development path suitable to Nicaragua's national conditions. The Nicaraguan side firmly follows the one-China principle, welcomes and hopes to actively participate in the BRI, the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, believing these important proposals provide important solutions for boosting world economy, safeguarding regional peace and coping with global challenges. The Nicaraguan side is ready to work with the Chinese side to uphold multilateralism, oppose hegemony and external interference, and push for world peace and development together.

Shen Beili, Vice-minister of the IDCPC, presided over the opening ceremony.

