
【群学肄言堂】第十一季第1期 | 中国的高铁技术革命

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Politics in Command: China’s High-Speed Rail Revolution

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This talk explores the factors that propelled the Chinese state to launch its national high-speed railway (HSR) program, namely, to import, digest and absorb foreign advanced technologies, and to research and develop a national brand. The following four questions will be explored. First, why did China’s HSR dream only take-off in the mid-2000s? Second, what were the obstacles to HSR modernization and how were they finally overcome? Third, what political and economic factors, both internal and external, most decisively shaped the revolution of China’s HSR industry? Finally, what do the patterns of railway development tell us about the political economy of industrial development in China? Administrative centralization or concentrating powers to accomplish big things (jizhong liliang bandashi) at the state level facilitated the pursuit of a national Big Leap Forward in railway development (tielu kuayueshi fazhan), and HSR modernization sits at the core of this round of technology leapfrogging. The evolution of China’s railway policy represents in microcosm the origins of a particular type of statecraft aimed at creating national champions capable of solving domestic economic problems and at the same time compete at the international level. 


阎述良 (Karl Yan),加拿大多伦多大学政治学博士,现任浙江大学社会学系特聘副研究员。阎述良长期研究中国崛起和国际秩序的关系,相关研究论文已发表在The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Journal of Chinese Governance等刊物。


李昂然,美国康涅狄格大学社会学博士,现任浙江大学社会学系“百人计划B”研究员。其研究兴趣主要包括家庭学校教育与代际流动的关系以及高等教育公平问题。其研究发表于Social Science Research, Sociology of Education, Chinese Sociological Review等期刊上。



