
TANK 线性建筑,卡斯塔尼亚里街公寓

国际设计 2023-09-17

卡斯塔尼亚里街公寓 External view of the apartment ©Julien Lanoo

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这是位于卡斯塔尼亚里街(Rue Castagnary)的住宅开发项目,无论在其长度还是宽度上都体现了功能的混合性。该项目由245套公寓和一个体育馆以及一个多功能厅等共享设施组成,面向三类用户:学生、青年工人和流动工人。特殊的地块意味着在公寓狭长的空间内居民对日常生活的反思。

The residential development located on Rue Castagnary brings together a hybrid program within one building, in all its length and narrowness. Composed of 245 apartments and collective facilities, including a sports hall and a multipurpose hall, the program is aimed towards three types of users: students, young workers, and migrant workers. The slender plot implies a reflection on the daily rituals that will take place within its contours. 

卡斯塔尼亚里街公寓 Site location ©Julien Lanoo

公寓外观 Overall view of the apartment ©Julien Lanoo

The proposed architecture exploits the limits and potentials of the site in order to optimize the interior spaces, offering its residents pleasant and comfortable spaces, which is essential to the social dynamics that take place within the building.  Through its formal expression and its materiality, the architecture seeks to forge a strong and intimate relationship with its urban environment, while still preserving the privacy of residents.

沿街立面夜景 Night view of the building along the street ©Julien Lanoo

项目坚持线性造型的选择使建筑达成了一个优化、重复且灵活的平面布局,使其在未来具有可变性。内部所有的公寓都有自然采光。学生和青年工人的公寓围绕着一个自然采光的中央走廊布置,而农民工的公寓所在的位置最窄,由部分玻璃走廊连接,这为居民提供了火车轨道(次级)景观。由于第一层是向城市开放的体育活动空间和多功能室,从而与Castagnary 街道的城市特色形成联系。
The choice to assert the linearity of the project has resulted in an optimized, repetitive layout and a flexible floor plan that allows for future mutability. All apartments benefit from natural light. The residences for students and young workers are organized around a naturally lit central corridor, while the migrant workers’ apartments, where the plot is the narrowest, are articulated by a partially glazed corridor offering (secondary) views of the train tracks. The first level accommodates the sports and multipurpose rooms. They open up to the city, thus forging a connection with the urban character of Rue Castagnary.

公寓室内空间 Interior space of the apartment ©Julien Lanoo

玻璃走廊 The glazed corridor ©Julien Lanoo


The entrance halls and the vertical circulation paths are located towards the street. Where the thickness of the building allows for it, these passages create links to the back garden, thus benefiting from natural light and participating in the urban animation by offering diverse views to the inhabitants. The external emergency stairs free up collective terraces where the different users can meet. Apart from the technical areas, all flat roofs are vegetated (the top-level roof as well the roof of the commercial ground floor); they contribute to the visual pleasure of the higher buildings of the surroundings and the retention of rainwater on the parcel, promoting the inertia of the building in winter.

屋顶花园 The roof garden ©Julien Lanoo

共享露台 The collective terrace ©Julien Lanoo


The site is located in an urban environment benefiting from nearby landscaped areas, such as the Georges-Brassens Park and the green strip that runs along the Boulevards des Maréchaux to the southwest, and the project extends the presence of nature all through the length of its site. To the rear, the garden along the entire length of the building is an additional element of visual well-being between the project and the railways. 

外墙格栅纱幕 The grille veil of the central circulation ©Julien Lanoo

由笼子和链轮支撑的门楣 The lintel braced by the cages and sprockets ©Julien Lanoo


The choice of materials is durable and low-maintenance. The façade, the guardrails of the apartments, and the collective staircases are in metal, unifying the building’s complex. The system of louvers reflects and retracts the natural light towards the interior of the housing. The building, with its concrete structure with high thermal inertia, and the façade, with its veil of the central circulation, are designed to achieve flexibility. The façade, anchored in the concrete edifice, forms a lintel braced by the cages and sprockets. Intermediate cross walls with an optimized seven-meterlong span free up the floor plan for a future mutability: the building will thus be able to evolve and accommodate new uses, thus contributing to the mutability of the concept.

金属外立面 The metal facade of the apartment ©Julien Lanoo

百叶窗外立面 The facade of the louvers system ©Julien Lanoo

铁轨花园 The back garden along the railway ©Julien Lanoo


Echoing this slender plot and the narrowness of Rue Castagnary, the linear building forms a subtle shift between the adjoining vegetated slope, the project’s mineral forecourt, and the garden to the rear along the railroad tracks. This architectural gesture evokes the fuselage of a train, it delicately marks the angle of the site and affirms the uniqueness of the building and the narrowness of the plot, thereby enhancing its relationship to the site. The finesse and lightness of the façade, as well as its materiality, contribute to the simple yet dense programme on the site. The architecture responds subtly to its urban context, the city lights, the different seasons and their colours, and the interiorlife of the residence. The alternating filter device forges a permanent variation of our visual sensation of the façade: its reflections and its abstract patterns dematerialize our perception of the project.


一层平面图 First floor plan ©TANK

二层平面图 Second floor plan ©TANK

剖面图 Section ©TANK

Project Information

Architect: TANK
Area: 7553 m² 
Year: 2021 
Location: Rue Castagnary, Paris, France

Type: Mixed use architexture, Apartments

Capacity: 245 apartments, a sports hall, a multipurpose hall

Photographs: Julien Lanoo



预告 | 藤本壮介:徜徉在自然与建筑之间,把公寓设计成树
Iterare arquitectos | 岩石公寓



