
Wallmakers | 印度旋转屋PIROUETTE HOUSE

不断前行的 国际设计 2023-09-17


正立面实景图 ©Jino Sam


Located right in the middle of an urban and crowded locale of Trivandrum, the site was a small plot that was being suffocated by other residential projects from all four sides. The idea of this residence was to have an inward facing house with all its spaces opening into a funneling central courtyard. The house is aligned in the East-West direction with openings facilitating for maximum cross-ventilation.

庭院空间,全部空间都通向庭院的内向形空间 ©Jino Sam


In the context of the city of Trivandrum that stands as a testimonial to many of Ar.Laurie Baker’s masterpieces, it seemed fit to modify one of his own introductions, the Rat trap bond masonry technique in this site which didn’t offer the opportunity for soil excavation or for making mud blocks. Keeping in mind that Brick kilns in Trivandrum is a dying industry with people opting out for wire-cut machine made bricks, this was also an attempt to promote this local agriculture based industry that is on the brink of extinction.

空斗墙砌石技术 ©Jino Sam


Translator's note: Ar.Laurie Baker is known as "an architect for the poor".Born in England in 1917, Baker came to India in 1945. He worked for 20 years among farmers and tribesmen in the Himalayas and the Western Ghats before being recognized as an Indian citizen in 1989.During his architectural career in India, Baker became renowned for building beautiful houses with local materials. These low-cost houses were aimed at clients from the lower class and the lower-middle class. 

The Rat trap bond is a brick masonry method of wall construction in which bricks are placed in vertical position instead of conventional horizontal position and thus creating a cavity within the wall that increases thermal efficiency, cuts down on the total volume of bricks used and is ideal for concealing structural members and service ducts.

工人在砌墙 ©Jino Sam

阳台空间,可见砖墙的排布 ©Jino Sam

The idea was further developed to form a series of slanting walls that danced left and right, converging only to support the ferrocement shell roof. Each staggered wall has been tailor-made to suit the issue of deficiency in space that this residence posed, aiming to create larger volumes and a feeling of privacy.

一层卧室,交错的墙壁扩大了使用空间 ©Jino Sam

儿童卧室,交错的墙壁扩大了使用空间 ©Jino Sam


Scaffolding pipes left behind from the construction stage soon were reused to form the central staircase and the grillwork. Keeping in mind the principle of discarding nothing as ‘waste’ the wooden planks were also pieced together to form part of the flooring in the living areas.

一楼主卧秋千,脚手架做成格栅 ©Jino Sam


Cane has been acquired from the neighbourhood, treated and wound around the grillwork to create subtle screens for privacy and for various furniture.

建筑门口,脚手架上缠绕藤条 ©Jino Sam

楼梯,脚手架上缠绕藤条 ©Jino Sam


Floor and selected walls have been finished with grey and yellow oxides.

盥洗室,墙面刷成黄色和灰色 ©Jino Sam

The Pirouette House features the “Last of the Mohicans” fired bricks as an ode to the stellar practice of Laurie Baker with spaces that are made beautiful by the pure geometry and patterns created by the walls that seem to be coming alive and pirouetting around.

庭院仰视图,墙面构成图案 ©Jino Sam

入口庭院 ©Jino Sam

客厅 ©Jino Sam

餐厅 ©Jino Sam

厨房 ©Jino Sam

夜景 ©Jino Sam


一层平面图 ©Wallmakers

二层平面图 ©Wallmakers

剖面图 ©Wallmakers

项目位置 印度,特里凡得琅
项目面积 196 m²
项目业主 Mr.Kiran
设计公司 Wallmakers
设计团队 Ar. Vinu Daniel, Ar. Oshin Mariam Varughese, Ar. J.M.Srivarshini
建成时间 2020年
建筑摄影 Jino Sam

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