

慢慢树 慢慢树的年轮 2017-06-20

Everything I Never Told You


2017/ 06 / 01—18

                                                               A deep , heartfel portrait of a famiy 




故事围绕Lydia is dead展开。How had it begun? Like everything: with mothers and fathers…. Because long ago, her mother had gone missing, and her father had brought her home. Because more than anything, her mother had wanted to stand out; because more than anything, her father had wanted to blend in. Because those things had been impossible. 追踪溯源,母亲总是要“与众不同”争强好胜的个性,父亲小心翼翼要与周边环境“融入”的敏感和脆弱,已经为故事埋下伏笔。

母亲离家出走后的回归,成为Lydia 和母亲Marilyn 的某种契合—五岁的Lydia突然失去母亲的恐惧到翻到母亲烹饪书时暗下决心“she would do everything her mother told her, Everything her mother wanted ”,只希望不要让母亲失望伤心,只希望母亲不要再丢下自己;而不得已放弃梦想回家的Marilyn在得知女儿扔掉了烹饪书时,仿佛冥冥之中看到希望It was a sign , Marilyn decided . for her it was too late .But It wasn’t too late for Lydia …She would help Lydia do everything she was capable of . She would spend rest of her years guiding Lydia , sheltering her …. ”但是这种契合注定是一种痛苦的背负。压力一天天积累发酵,在作者细腻的笔触中,甚至每一个细小的情节,都一点点吞噬着Lydia,挑战她的极限。当生活中唯一可以信赖,吐露心声的哥哥上大学离开后,Lydia仿佛失去了精神支柱。”Ever since that summer, she had been so afraidof losing her mother, of losing her father. And, after a while, the biggest fear of all: of losing Nath, the only one who understood the strange and brittle balance in their family “

在读到第11章结尾的时候,我内心是充满希望的。“it was not too late , Lydia made a new set of promises ,she will begin again . She will tell her mother: enough. She will…..”经历痛苦压抑之后,Lydia内心重新点燃了新的希望,涅槃重生,她要过自己的生活,再也不要背负别人的梦想痛苦前行。只不过..只不过生活中遭受了太多的沮丧和失意,她太渴望用一种形式证明自己“可以”,仿佛越过这个“仪式”,就与过去做了一个了断,开启了全新的人生。只不过她以为可以的“仪式”在踏入湖中时成了意外。所以我不认为Lydia的死是自杀,这只是一个意外!如果没有出现溺死的意外,我相信游到岸边的Lydia会宛如重生,重新开始属于自己的生活! 


最喜欢第12章,感谢这样一个温暖的结局。JamesMarilyn经历了怀疑、背叛和伤害,说出“I thought you’d gone ….I thought you had , and for the moment ,this is everything they need to say ”只消这一句—我以为你走了,在这一刻,只需要这一句就够了。忧伤、愤怒、悔恨的浪涛在这一刻像突然遇到彼此心中最柔软的部分,瞬间温柔退去。“They are careful of each other ,as if they know they are fragile ,as f they know they can break ”让我们温柔相待,善待彼此的脆弱和不堪一击。

书中最感动的部分,恕我泪点低,“…..part of her longs to go back for one instant not to change anything ,not even to speak to Lydia ,no tot tell her anything at all,just to open the door and see her daughter there ,asleep , one more time ,and know all was well….for now she watches the figure in the bed ,and her eyes fill with tears . It’s enough ”只是打开门,再看一眼睡梦中的女儿,知道一切都好, 纵然眼含热泪,这就够了。每次读到这里,仿佛都体会一遍Marilyn痛失挚爱的痛彻心扉,如果时光可以倒流,我不要你什么出人头地,我只要再看一眼睡梦中的你,足矣……

想到一首歌Take A Bow 很契合这本书,沉浸在这歌声中.....

Say Ur lines,but do U feel them ? 

Do U mean what U say ? 

When there's no one around.

Watching U,watching me,one lonely star.







1、James tries to swallow ,but something hard and sharp lodges in his throat ,like a fishbone如鲠在喉 /  The word rifles from his wife’s mouth and lodges deep in his chest .

2、 How long it will be before he speaks to his son without flint in his voice; how long It will be before Nath no longer flinches when his father speaks. 他不记得从什么时候开始……

3、 He cannot blame her if she has gone away again , this time for good (=forever )


用以上三个词仿写个句子:How long it will be before Marilyn lives vicariously through Lydia. When it ends up with Lydia’ death, she loses Lydia for good and sadness lodges deep in her chest.

