

2017-03-19 法律语言与翻译研究







1. 《法律英语综合教程》---董晓波





PartⅠ Reading and Understanding阅读与理解
    Lesson One Legal Education法律教育
    Lesson Two Constitution宪法
    Lesson Three Civil Procedure民事诉讼程序
    Lesson Four Due Process of Law正当法律程序
    Lesson Five Criminal Law刑法
    Lesson Six Tort Law侵权法
    Lesson Seven Contract Law合同法
    Lesson Eight Property Law财产法
    Lesson Nine Intellectual Property Law知识产权法
    Lesson Ten Commercial Law商法
    Lesson Eleven Securities Law证券法
    Lesson Twelve International Law国际法
PartⅡ Classical Cases for Reading经典案例阅读
        1.Roy Romer v.Richard G.Evans(1996)
        2.Thomas Gibbons v.Aaron Ogden(1820)
        3.Gideon v.Wainwright,Corrections Director(1963)
        4.Mcculloch v.The State of Maryland(1819)
        5.Securities and Exchange Commission v.Texas Gulf Sulphur Co.(1968)
        6.John A.Newman v.Irwin Schiff(1985)
        7.Smith v.Van Gorkom(1985)
        8.Rich Hill and Enza Hil v.Gateway 2000,Inc.(1996)
        9.Hutchinson v.Proxmire(1979)
        10.Roe.v.Wade,District Attorney of Dallas County(1973)
        11.Texas v.Johnson(1989)
        12.David H.Lucas v.South Carolina Coastal Council(1992)
PartⅢ Simulated Legal Writing模拟法律文书写作
        4.授权委托书(Power of Attorney)
        5.风险代理协议(Contingent Fee Retainer)
        6.仲裁协议书(Arbitration Agreement)
        8.公证书(Notarial Certificate)
附录一 The World Trade Organization世界贸易组织
附录二 法律英语学习在线资源
References 参考文献

2. 《法律专业英语教程——美国法律与法律制度》--董晓波




Lesson 1 Law and Legal Systems 法和法律制度
Lesson 2 Constitutional LaW 宪法
Lesson 3 Administrative LaW 行政法
Lesson 4  Criminal LaW 刑法
Lesson 5 Tort Law 侵权法
Lesson 6 Contract LaW 合同法 
Lesson 7 The Law of Property财产法
Lesson 8 Fam¨y LaW家庭法
Lesson 9 The Intellectual Property Law知识产权法
Lesson 10 Commercial LaW 商法 
Lesson 11 Securities Law证券法
Lesson 12 LaW of Succession 继承法 
Lesson 13 The International LaW 国际法
Lesson 14 Cyber Law 网络空间法      

3. 法律知识导读-(英文版)---董晓波


《法律知识导读(英文版)》共分为三大部分:  第一部分是法律基础篇,介绍了法律的定义、法  律渊源、法律  体系、法律教育和法律职业;第二  部分是法律制度篇,介绍了宪法、行政法、刑法、合同法、侵权法、财产法、知识产权法、国际法等部门法;第三部分是法律名著篇,介绍了法学名家罗尔斯、哈特、孟德斯鸠,法学名著  《正义论》、《理想国》、《论法的精神》等。《法律知识导读(英文版)》附录部分摘录了一  些常见的法律术语和法律文书,以供读者学习参考。


Part Ⅰ Introduction to Law
Unit 1 Definition, Classification and Sources of Law
Text Definition, Classification and Sources of Law
Supplementary Reading Law of the United States
Unit 2 Legal Systems
Text Legal Systems of the World
Supplementary Reading Law of the People's Republic of China
Unit 3 Legal Education
Text Legal Education
Supplementary Reading Yale Law School
Unit 4 Legal Profession
Text Lawyer
Supplementary Reading American Bar Association
Part Ⅱ Varieties of Law
Unit 5 Constitutional Law
Text The United States Constitution
Supplementary Reading Analysis of the United States Constitution
Unit 6 Administrative Law
Text Administrative Law
Supplementary Reading Agency Action and Administrative Law
Unit 7 Criminal Law
Text Criminal Law
Supplementary Reading Criminal Law Jurisdictions
Unit 8 Contract Law
Text Contract Law
Supplementary Reading Remedies for Breach of Contract
Unit 9 Tort Law
Text Tort Law
Supplementary Reading Categories of Torts
Unit 10 Property Law
Text Property Law
Supplementary Reading Basic Categories of Property
Unit 11 Intellectual Property Law
Text Intellectual Property Law
Supplementary Reading Copyright
Unit 12 International Law
Text International Law
Supplementary Reading Monism and Dualism in International Law
Part Ⅲ Great Law Scholars and Their Works
Unit 13 John Rawls
Text John Rawls
Supplementary Reading A Theory of Justice
Unit 14 H.L.A. Hart
Text H.L.A. Hart
Supplementary Reading Legal Positivism
Unit 15 The Republic
Text The Republic
Supplementary Reading Reception and Interpretation of the Republic
Unit 16 The Spirit of the Laws
Text The Spirit of the Laws
Supplementary Reading Montesquieu
Key to the Exercises

Appendix Ⅰ Legal Terms
Appendix Ⅱ Legal Documents




