
PingPong:1st Chinese Fintech to receive a license in Luxembourg

2017-09-02 卢森堡大公国Luxembourg

PingPong: first Chinese Fintech group to receive a payment institution licence in Luxembourg.

FinTech PingPong, specialised in cross-border e-commerce payments have established their European offices in Luxembourg.



On Friday September 1st, Luxembourg Minister of Finance, Pierre Gramegna, in presence of representatives of PingPong Financial Group, has officially announced that the group, through its Luxembourg entity, PingPong Europe S.A. has been granted a payment institution license by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Finacier (CSSF).


PingPong Financial Group, specialized in payment services for Chinese e-commerce sellers, is the first Chinese FinTech having established its European offices in Luxembourg.

The Chinese e-commerce service payment provider PingPong aims at connecting Luxembourg and China and will facilitate e-commerce activities between China and Europe. PingPong in particular offers China based cross-border sellers e-commerce payment services.

PingPong Financial, as a group, established its headquarters in Hangzhou, China in 2015, with offices today in 5 countries and regions including: China (Shenzhen, Hangzhou), Hong Kong, US (New York and San Francisco), Japan (Tokyo) and - since recently – Luxembourg, where they have established their European headquarters.

“The operational headquarters of PingPong in Europe will be in Luxembourg. We are happy we have been granted a payment institution license here. PingPong also has the intention to establish a Research and Development Center for Europe. Luxembourg offers substantial benefits in terms of financial services, blockchain technology and information security, a solid foundation for our expansion”, comments Yu Chen, CEO of PingPong.

9月1日,卢森堡财政大臣皮埃尔·格拉美亚(Pierre Gramegna)在PingPong高层管理人员的见证下,授予PingPong由卢森堡监督管理委员会(CSSF)签发的欧洲支付牌照。




财政大臣皮埃尔·格拉美亚(Pierre Gramegna)在牌照签发仪式上表示:“PingPong成为在卢森堡设立欧洲总部的创新金融科技公司的一员,完善了卢森堡的金融生态链,并促进了卢森堡与中国之间的贸易关系。”


PingPong于2015年成立之后,分别在杭州(总部)、深圳、香港、东京、纽约、旧金山以及卢森堡(欧洲总部)7个地区设立了办事处,Danielle Kuhn为PingPong欧洲总负责人。


PingPong一直秉持 “让跨境收款更简洁” 的使命,以其高效、合规、低成本的核心平台跨境支付产品在业界获得良好口碑。作为一家创新金融科技公司,PingPong现已成功步入世界舞台并飞速发展。


PingPong CEO陈宇表示:“PingPong将充分利用卢森堡在金融产业、区块链、信息安全等方面的国际优势,以卢森堡作为研发和市场活动的枢纽,大力开拓欧洲市场。很快,PingPong金融的产品便会登陆欧洲,届时数十万欧洲跨境电商卖家可以享受到PingPong金融提供的产品和服务。”


PingPong Europe S.A.于2016年12月在卢森堡注册成立。

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