

董晨宇 新传研读社 2022-05-10






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Van Deursen, A. J., & Van Dijk, J. A. (2014). The digital divide shifts to differences in usage. New media & society, 16(3), 507-526.

Hargittai, E., & Walejko, G. (2008). The participation divide: Content creation and sharing in the digital age. Information, Community and Society, 11(2), 239-256.

Hargittai, E., & Shaw, A. (2015). Mind the skills gap: the role of Internet know-how and gender in differentiated contributions to Wikipedia. Information, communication & society, 18(4), 424-442.

Van Deursen, A. J., & Van Dijk, J. A. (2019). The first-level digital divide shifts from inequalities in physical access to inequalities in material access. New media & society, 21(2), 354-375.

Lüders, M., & Brandtzæg, P. B. (2017). ‘My children tell me it’s so simple’: A mixed-methods approach to understand older non-users’ perceptions of Social Networking Sites. New media & society, 19(2), 181-198.

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Bucher, T. (2012). Want to be on the top? Algorithmic power and the threat of invisibility on Facebook. New media & society, 14(7), 1164-1180.

Bucher, T. (2017). The algorithmic imaginary: exploring the ordinary affects of Facebook algorithms. Information, communication & society, 20(1), 30-44.

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Lokot, T., & Diakopoulos, N. (2016). News Bots: Automating news and information dissemination on Twitter. Digital Journalism, 4(6), 682-699.

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Lee, E. J., & Tandoc Jr, E. C. (2017). When news meets the audience: How audience feedback online affects news production and consumption. Human Communication Research, 43(4), 436-449.

Trilling, D., Tolochko, P., & Burscher, B. (2017). From newsworthiness to shareworthiness: How to predict news sharing based on article characteristics. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 94(1), 38-60.



Tandoc Jr, E. C., Lim, Z. W., & Ling, R. (2018). Defining “fake news” A typology of scholarly definitions. Digital journalism, 6(2), 137-153.

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Duffy, A., Tandoc, E., & Ling, R. (2020). Too good to be true, too good not to share: the social utility of fake news. Information, Communication & Society, 23(13), 1965-1979.

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