
Attention ! These Goods Not Allowed to Bring from Abroad

During the May Day holiday, people around China have started to travel. With the recovery of the outbound tourism market, many people also travel abroad.


After the happy journey, are you packing your bags and planning to "return with a full load" ?

快乐游玩后,现在是不是已经在收拾行囊,打算 " 满载而归 " 了呢?

Here’s the kind reminder from the China Customs:


You must read the following carefully before you come back or share to any friends coming from abroad.

Recently, customs in various parts of China have found manyProhibited Items entering the country during travel inspections.

Since they did not take the initiative to declare and could not provide relevant quarantine approval certificates, the staff detained and followed up the items in accordance with the law.


-- What are the Prohibited Items?  (哪些物品禁止进出境?)

A. Prohibiton of Entry

- Various weapons, simulated weapons, ammunition and explosives;


- Counterfeit currency and counterfeit securities; 


- Printed materials, films, photographs, records, films, audio tapes, video tapes, laser discs, computer storage media and other items that are harmful to China's politics, economy, culture and morals;


- Various potent poisons; 各种烈性毒药

- Opium, morphine, heroin, marijuana and other addictive narcotics and psychotropic substances;


- Animals, plants and their products with dangerous germs, pests and other harmful organisms;


- Food, medicine or other items that are harmful to human and animal health, come from epidemic areas, and can spread diseases.



B. Prohibiton of Exit

- All items included in the scope of prohibited entry;


- Manuscripts, printed matter, films, photographs, records, films, audio tapes, video tapes, laser discs, computer storage media and other items involving state secrets; 内容涉及国家秘密的手稿、印刷品、胶卷、照片、唱片、影片、录音带、录像带、激光视盘、计算机存储介质及其它物品

- Precious cultural relics and other cultural relics prohibited from leaving the country; 珍贵文物及其它禁止出境的文物;

- Endangered and precious animals and plants (including specimens) and their seeds and propagation materials.濒危的和珍贵的动物、植物(均含标本)及其种子和繁殖材料。

-- Why can't they be taken Home since It seems to be very common?


Generally speaking, most of the animals, plants and their products purchased by individuals overseas and brought into the country have NOT been quarantined by the exporting country and region, and they cannot provide quarantine approvaldocuments, and the source is unknown and their whereabouts are uncertain;

there are likely to be various harmful organisms hidden in them. It is difficult to prevent and eradicate it, and it will also cause devastating disasters to the ecological environment and agricultural production.


-- What poenalty it will impose?  (有什么处罚吗?)

It is illegal to carry or mail prohibited items, and will be fined up to 5,000 yuan in cash, and all related items will also be returned or destroyed. If the circumstances are extremely serious, criminal responsibility may be pursued.

私自携带、邮寄规定的禁止进境物的行为均属违法行为,将被处以 5000 元以内的现金处罚,相关物品也一律作退运或销毁处理,情节极为严重的或会追究刑事责任。

For more info., plz contact us ! 

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