

GLOBAL EDUCATION 全球教育展望 2023-08-28


Interpretation of New “Curriculum Program of Compulsory Education”

Having Aspiration, Having Ability, Having Commitment—Interpretation on Cultivation Goal of Compulsory Education

WU Gangping

(Institute of Curriculum and Instruction, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China)

Abstract: The cultivation goal severs as the general principle and blueprint of compulsory education. It governs the direction of compulsory education curriculum development. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the contemporary significance and basic connotation of the new revision of the “Three Havings” goal, clarify the relationship between the cultivation goal and its associated concepts such as educational aim, educational policy, core competencies and curriculum objectives, promote the construction of the cultivation goal system in terms of graduates’ image, studying-phase goal, teaching and learning objectives at the school level.

Keywords:compulsory education; cultivation goal; curriculum development

On the Comprehensiveness and Practicality of Compulsory Education Curriculum

AN Guiqing

(Institute of Curriculum and Instruction, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China)

Abstract: In order to respond to the contemporary call for the cultivation of students' competencies, a new round of curriculum reform of compulsory education overall strengthens the comprehensive and practical orientation of the curriculum. Curriculum comprehensiveness goes beyond its original value and traditional connotation, and moves from knowledge integration to trinity of knowledge integration, problem solving and value concern. In terms of form, it changes from horizontal integration to vertical and horizontal integration, from content organization to learning mode, and extends from subject integration to the school curriculum scheme and classroom teaching integration, in order to aid the reform goal of reducing burden and increasing efficiency, supplement the short board of interdisciplinary curriculum integration, and strengthen the school-based overall design of curriculum integration. As the intermediary intended to transforming knowledge to competency, curriculum practicality also goes beyond its traditional value and connotation and moves towards authentic professional practice. It is consistent with the contemporary embodied cognitive theory and the traditional epistemology of the unity of knowledge and practice in China. By strengthening the practical activities of engineering and technology in Integrated Curriculum of Practical Activities (ICPA), setting up independent labor courses and strengthening disciplinary practice, it aims to change the curriculum tendency of inspiring the mind while ignoring the body, improve the quality of students' direct experience and strengthen the disciplinary characteristics of learning methods. The integration and mutual infiltration of curriculum comprehensiveness and practicality is opening up a new trend of curriculum development such as embodied integration and interdisciplinary practice.

Keywords: comprehensiveness; practicality; disciplinary practice; embodied integration; interdisciplinary practice

The Realistic New Labor Curriculum


(Institute of Curriculum and Instruction, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China)

Abstract: The labor curriculum used to be developed in the idealist way, but not the realistic way. To develop realistic labor curriculum, one can find classic curricular models in the history, or introduce Marxist labor reality studies into the labor curriculum. Doing so will not only help students understand and sympathize with ordinary laborers, but also study the work reality with the Marxist theoretical tools, with the intention of benefiting laborers at both knowledge and responsibility levels. 

Keywords: new labor curriculum; curriculum development; realism

About Core Competency-oriented Integrative Learning

GUO Hongrui, ZHANG Zihong & CUI Yunhuo 

(Institution of Curriculum and Instruction, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China)

Abstract: Historically, the shift from integrated curriculum to integrative learning reflects the concern of curriculum reform on the transformation of learning style, and advocating integrative learning is a historical choice and regression under the "holistic" thinking. Conceptually, integrative learning is essentially the transformation in learning style under the guidance of "connection". In terms of pathways, the integrative learning constructed by the New Curriculum is embodied in three types: knowledge integration learning within each discipline, interdisciplinary thematic learning and learning through integrated curriculum. In terms of theory, it adheres to the internal logic of "core competencies theory" and connects different knowledge, knowledge and life, and knowledge and self. In terms of practice, integrative learning should emphasize the integration of disciplinary knowledge to address the separation of knowledge, emphasize the unity of knowledge and practice and combination of learning and application to address the separation between knowledge and life, and emphasize the connection between learning and thinking and the construction of reflection scaffolding to address the separation between knowledge and self.

Keywords: integrative learning; core competencies; integration logic; New Curriculum

Design and Implementation of Core Competency-based Large Unit Teaching

LEI Hao & LI Xue

(Institution of Curriculum and Instruction, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China)

Abstract: The promulgation of the "Curriculum Program and Curriculum Standards of Compulsory Education (2022 Edition)" indicates that the core competencies in the stage of basic education has become the engine driving the teaching reform, forcing classroom teaching to move towards competency-based large unit teaching. The competency-based large unit teaching helps to improve the position of teaching, close the gap between formal courses and experience courses, and put in practice the concept of learning-centered teaching from the curricular stance. The large unit teaching design needs to focus on six elements including thematic units and class hours, learning objectives, assessment tasks, learning process, homework and tests, reflection after learning, etc. In the implementation of competency-based large unit teaching, we need to adhere to the original intention of "teaching for learning", focus on disciplinary practice , and align teaching, learning, and assessment through the whole teaching process.

Keyword: core competencies; large unit teaching; design and implementation

Changes in the Learning Environment and Methods of Compulsory Education under the Support of New Technologies

YANG Xiaozhe & YE Lu

(Institute of Curriculum and Instruction, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China)

Abstract: New technologies have brought new challenges and opportunities to primary and secondary education. Facing the new era, the promulgation of “Curriculum Program and Curriculum Standards of Compulsory Education (2022 Edition)” further sheds light on the changes in learning environments and methods in the context of active exploration of new technologies. With the support of new technologies, the learning environment has undergone three types of changes, namely: from "teaching-centered" to "learning-centered" digital resources; from classroom technology application to online-merge-offline; from standardization to personalization of learning services. Furthermore, new technologies should be integrated in deepening the teaching reform of compulsory education by: (1) constructing multi-dimensional situations to promote deep learning in real situations; (2) constructing a competency-based unit design in an interactive way of inquiry; and (3) realizing the advanced test of problem solving through personalized test tracking.

Keywords: educational technology; compulsory education; learning environment; teaching style

Argumentative Issue-driven Pedagogy and Its Application

SHI Yuchen

(Institute of Curriculum and Instruction, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 20062, China)

Abstract: Argumentative issue-driven pedagogy aims to develop students’ skills and inclinations to deliberate on and solve complex problems in authentic life situations, thus emphasizing the relationship among subject content knowledge, contemporary life and student experiences. In this pedagogy, teachers design issues based on authentic social or scientific problems, organize their teaching around big problem or concepts, and design classroom activities using high-quality teacher-student and student-student argumentative dialogues. The pedagogy constitutes an effective path toward developing students’ higher-order thinking, core competencies, and life-long learning skills. More specifically, teachers select either persuasive or deliberative argumentative goals based on textbook content and instructional objectives, enact classroom argumentative activities of various formats, provide students with issue-related background reading materials or engage students in self-directed information searching, and conduct formative assessment and performance assessment based on argumentative dialogues and essays. The implementation of argumentative issue-drive pedagogy poses some formidable challenges to elementary and secondary school teachers; therefore, researchers should provide targeted pre-service and sustained in-service professional development for teachers. In addition, teachers are encouraged to engage in school-based teaching research around this pedagogy. 

Keywords: argumentative issue-driven pedagogy; core competencies; higher-order thinking; argumentative dialogue; argumentative writing

On the Conceptualization and Standard Development of Competency-based Academic Achievement

YANG Xiangdong1,2 

(1.Institute of Currirulum and Instruction, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China; 2. Department of Educational Psychology, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China)

Abstract: Competency-based academic achievement refers to the composition, levels of development and the corresponding performance-based characteristics of core competencies that are expected for a student to acquire after fulfilling the curriculum requirements in compulsory education, which is normative in nature under the competency-based educational philosophy and concretizes the essential connotation of all-round development with individualization for the 21st century. It points to learning outcomes with real-world implications that go beyond specific curriculum and calls for an integrated perspective of practice-oriented academic achievement with richer connotation than acquiring subject-specific knowledge and skills that comes along with the embracement of a constructive perspective of learning and teaching. Developing a standard for competency-based academic achievement is built upon three intertwined components, i.e., a competency model afforded by the specific curriculum, structured curriculum content centering around big ideas and disciplinary practices, and learning progressions integrating the previous two. Competency-based academic achievement bears far-reaching implications for reforming school curriculum, learning, instruction, and assessment. 

Keyword: core competencies; academic achievement; nature of discipline; big idea; standard development 

Performance Assessment: Promoting Competency Development

ZHOU Wenye & MAO Weijie

(Institute of Curriculum and Instruction, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China)

Abstract: The newly revised “Curriculum Program of Compulsory Education” emphasizes the importance of core competencies as the goal of education. Against the background of curriculum reform based on core competencies, educational assessment urgently needs to go beyond the traditional paper-pencil test and launch performance assessment. Performance assessment can not only evaluate competencies, but also develop competencies. Furthermore, competencies are developed by creating opportunities to solve problems in authentic contexts, arousing students' active engagement and construction, and supporting students' self-regulated learning. There are three steps when designing performance assessment:: (1) determine a competency goal aligned with curriculum standards and concretize it; (2) design a performance task aimed for developing competencies; and (3) develop a scoring rubric based on learning progression. During the process of implementation, it is necessary to embed performance assessment into curriculum and instruction, ensure that students are deeply involved in the whole process of assessment, and collect and make full use of students' competency performance information to promote teaching and learning.

Keywords: performance assessment; core competencies; Curriculum Program of Compulsory Education 

Study on the Competency-based Assessment at Compulsory Education Levels in China

LIU Junyan

(Institute of Curriculum and Instruction, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China)

Abstract: China issued the new “Curriculum Program of Compulsory Education” and the Curriculum Standards for 16 Subjects in April 2022 to further indicate what kind of people to cultivate, how to cultivate people, and for whom to cultivate people under the new circumstance. There are two key breakthroughs in the new curriculum standards: the core competencies and the academic achievement standard. To implement new curriculum, new assessment, which can reasonably evaluate students' core competencies based on curriculum standards, alongside with new pedagogy are essential. The goals of assessment should be set according to the academic achievement standard. Designing open-ended questions in context of real-world situations is encouraged. And it is meaningful to design interdisciplinary questions and to explore alternatives to pen-and-paper tests. Last not but least, grading criteria should be made in accordance with the academic achievement standard.

Keywords: core competencies; academic achievement standard; testing and assessment; context

Curriculum Reform and Three Directions of School-based Instructional Research

LIU Lianghua

(Institute of Curriculum and Instruction, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China)

Abstract: School-based instructional research is always called for at the very moment of curriculum reform. Taking the perspectives of recent progress of school-based instructional research at home and abroad, and the requirements of new curriculum program for school-based instructional research, effective school-based instructional research presents three main directions: (1) the integration of school-based instructional research and school-based training that enables teachers to turn from bystanders to participants of curriculum reform, and that enables teachers to accept and understand new curriculum program and curriculum standards in participatory learning, realizing the transformation of teachers' notions and forming a consensus of curriculum reform; (2) the integration of lesson study and effective teaching to strengthen teaching design, teaching action and teaching evaluation, and improve the effectiveness of teaching by the way of "multireflection in one lesson" or "heterogeneous in the same lesson"; (3) the integration of lesson study and educational technology makes the traditional school-based instructional research turn to lesson study based on video images. Video image analysis not only provides video evidence for lesson study, but also turns the traditional qualitative class evaluation to narrative class evaluation, and turns teacher-centered lesson study to the lesson study focusing on classroom discourse analysis.

Keywords: school-based instructional research; school-based teacher training; lesson study; video image analysis; narrative evaluation; classroom discourse analysis


